As President Trump vows "we are not closing our country" again if a second wave of COVID-19 hits the states, even before many states are even fully open, a cornucopia of conflicting news articles make one point abundantly clear..... the so-called "experts" do not have a freakin' clue what they are doing.
From contrary rules and regulations via "executive order" by governors, to arbitrary dates chosen to "allow" businesses to reopen in an attempt to kick states' economies back into gear, we have come to the conclusion that elected state leaders also do not have a freakin' clue what they are doing.
I am the first to admit that I am not an expert, but given the ramifications from actions on the part of state leaders who somehow thought violating Americans constitutional rights was justified in the name of their "we know what is best for you" mentality, it is safe to say that looking at the big picture, they have a made a mess of everything.
Tens of millions have lost their jobs and their ability to feed themselves and their families or to keep a roof over their heads.
Businesses have been forced to close their doors, some of which will never recover and will stay shuttered.
The forced lockdowns to date have done nothing but postpone the inevitable according to the "experts," which is why we are now being warned of an expected "second wave" in states that are "reopening," meaning allowing people to finally move on with their lives.
In the midst of all of this pain and suffering caused by overreaching and tyrannical Governors, as well as dire warnings by "experts," a new study by JP Morgan shows that "Many US states have seen LOWER infection rates after ending lockdowns," as reported by The Daily Mail.
Here are the key points from that story:
A JP Morgan study suggests lockdown measures have not only resulted in economic devastation but could have also resulted in more COVID-19 deaths.
Strict stay-at-home orders put in place in most states to stop the spread two months ago has so far seen nearly 39 million American lose their jobs.
The JP Morgan report says that restarting the US economy may not lead to a second surge in infections that health experts have feared
Report says infection rates have been falling seen since lockdown measures were lifted in parts of the country.
Alabama, Wisconsin and Colorado are among those that saw lower infection rates (R rates) after lockdown measures were lifted, according to the report The R rate is the average number of people who will become infected by one person with the virus.
Wait, what?
The story linked right above the Daily Mail article I cited said "Dallas, Houston, Southeast Floridas Gold Coast, the entire state of Alabama and several other places in the South that have been rapidly reopening their economies are in danger of a second wave of coronavirus infections over the next four weeks."
So, are infections going to get worse again before the curve flattens or are rates dropping in states that are reopening?
Stay tuned, I am sure there will be another study, another expert, and another storyline, soon.
The media, who has basically declared themselves "essential," so therefore are still working and getting a paycheck, seemingly have no problem with 39 million Americans being out of work and are actively pushing longer lockdowns, which will cause even more job loss, and if the JP Morgan study is correct, will kill even more people.
A position that many liberals collectively seem to support, as some simply want government pandemic checks for doing nothing, to continue.
Note: We at ANP, along with other Independent Media websites, encouraged voluntary self-isolation if possible as well as protective and preventative measures taken by the healthy to stay that way. In no way, shape or form should the government, local, state, or federal, be allowed to violate Americans' constitutional rights by forcing people to wear masks, gloves, social distance or close their businesses by deeming them "non-essential," or any other "Arbitrary, Unreasonable, and Oppressive," overreach by Governors, as quoted by the court.
In my second paragraph from the top I put quotation marks on the word "allow," because we are seeing that word thrown about by the media, liberals, even conservatives, although granted the conservatives are using it to highlight the tyranny and overreach of state leaders that are "allowing" businesses to reopen.
Now, it appears, that going about your business, praying in a house of worship or attending services, is a "defiant" act.
Who knew?!?
That is California, arguably the most liberal state in the nation, which pretty much shows that even some liberals have a point, that when hit, causes them to push back against dictator wannabes.
Another liberal state, New York, is also seeing "quarantine fatigue, where residents are saying the hell with social distancing and rules, and they are flocking to beaches and bars.
Huge crowds waited shoulder-to-shoulder on the boardwalk for their turn to buy beach badges. The line for beach badges was like four non-socially distanced blocks long, tweeted Jarrett Seidler, who described the boardwalk as obscenely packed. Outside popular bars on the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, the East and West Villages and in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, The Post found booze hounds arriving for the takeout cocktails and then staying and staying to sip drinks on packed sidewalks and soak up the lively scenes. How are you going to drink with a mask on? one reveler, hairdresser Akeem Kelley, told The Post. His mask dangled below his chin as he stood outside the Upper East Sides popular Dorrians Red Hand bar where crowds exceeding three dozen people, nearly all unmasked, were found in the early evenings of Friday and Saturday.
Of course their "defiance" of draconian tyranny brought about threats by Mayor Bill de Blasio, to send cops to stop the citizens from gathering.
Excuse me for a moment while I look up what country we are living in because this certainly isn't America where opening a businesses, going out with friends for food and/or drinks, attending church, standing to close to another person, not wearing a mask, etc..... is considered "defiance."
How do the media and liberal politicians come to the conclusion that Americans, simply choosing to live their lives freely, is somehow a "defiant" act?
Between the lockdown protests, CA Pastors refusing to keep their churches closed, the New Yorkers' milling about drinking on the sidewalks, the New Jersey folks flocking to the beaches..... and more examples of said "defiance," we are starting to see that Americans have finally had enough and have decided they "will not comply" any longer.
About time.
While courts are starting to weigh in, mostly on the side of the constitution, freedom and Americans' rights against dictatorial Governors, some state leaders are still so mired in their sense of self-importance and power that one has to hope the residents remember who shut them down, who cost them their jobs, who took their businesses away, who stole the food right out of their mouths, and who tried to crush them beneath their boot.
Americans are perfectly capable of making their own decisions about their health. Some are taking preventative and protective measures to stay healthy. Those that do not take those measures understand the risks and are making an informed choice and doing what is bets for them and their families.
If that is considered "defiance," then let us all be "defiant Deplorables."
I think that has a nice ring to it.
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