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November 4, 2022

As Cries Of War Ring Out Worldwide, Dementia-Ridden Biden's Countless Acts Of Treason Have Left The Middle East A Powderkeg Ready To Blow As This End Times Scenario Comes Together

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

So Netanyahu won an outright majority to be the next Prime Minister in the recent Israeli national elections. What does that mean for the more immediate future in that region of the world? Covering five elections just four years primarily over his ability or trust in his ability to run the nation, this shows very troubling times for Israel and much uncertainty in their leadership. There are many reasons why, but the continues warfare with the various Muzlim groups and Israels search for new land to spread out in has a lot to do with it, though I believe is the threat of a major war with Iran that seems to be a prime factor in this unsettled leadership campaign. As the Wall Street Journal put it, Netanyahuhas been around long enough to have done something to rankle almost every Israeli. But as his victory in Tuesdays election shows, Israelis still trust him for the job of Prime Minister he has held twice before. In a rough neighborhood, with enemies that seek Israels destruction, thats no small vote of confidence. And that confidence is shortly to be severely tested it appears.

They continue and note that With Russian troops in Syria, the poisoned chalice of Chinese economic engagement and an America that is hot and cold, Israel needs a strategic vision.Mr. Netanyahu also benefits from keeping his eye on the threat from Iran amid the distractions. It is that threat from Iran I wish to consider today.

NewsMax has a story recently that spoke of an Israeli attack inside of Syria (near the Lebanon and Israeli borders) where, as they stated it, The Israeli Air Force has reportedly destroyed an Iranian drone factory in Syrian territory during a bombing raidthe facility assembled unmanned vehicles whose parts were manufactured in Iran and then secretly shipped to Dimas in southern Syria. This plant was located at an airport and the runways also suffered damage. Where it really starts to get interesting is when they noted a bit more background saying The Saudi Al Arabiya network reported the latest strike was aimed at members of Hezbollah's 4400 unit,charged with the transport of Iranian weapons from Syria to Lebanon, Ynet reported.

The unit had been attacked by Israel a number of times in the past years after it was found to be coordinating weapons supplies with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps often disguised as humanitarian shipments, according to Ynet.

Iranian drones

Syria Human Rights posted a story that said Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have controlled that area in Syria (along with many other areas) for awhile now and Shipments of weapons, ammunition, and parts to manufacture drones had been arrived at Dimas military airport in the western countryside of Damascus at Tifor airport in Homs countryside.Hezbollah members are conducting drilling operations in and around the airport to store strategic weapons brought by Iran to the area. Israel is wise to keep these evil revolutionaries at bay but it is not enough as it is Iran that is the major problem and in far more than just this Syrian nightmare. As a side note, Israel has been shooting down Iranian stealth drones that were copied from the captured US RQ-170 stealth drone. They must not have been very stealthy if they are found, tracked and shot down so easily by the Israelis which means Iran is not capable of making the coatings that make ours so successful.

Meanwhile, protests are widespread all throughout Iran as their citizens are becoming increasingly angry at the governments attempts to suppress their protests against the Islamist government, and they ignore the warnings and Major General Hossein Salamis warning that Today is the end of the riots. Do not go to the streets anymore! We are telling our youth, the minority of you who have been deceived, stop the evil acts.This ominous sedition will bring no happy ending to you. Do not ruin your future! Zero Hedge said that these protests were over the September 16th arrest and death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died in Tehran in the custody ofIrans morality police after she was arrested over her inappropriate attire. Police have said shesuffered a heart attack while in custody. She is not alone, as they also claim that the authorities are kidnapping students, particularly girls as state by Maryam Rajavi and blames that on the Regimes desperation in face of Iran protests. Those morality police sound like our FBI and DOJ going after our own citizens for telling the truth about January Sixth, the mass murder done by the covid vaccines, the massive voter fraud being perpetrated on this nation and so many other wrong think subjects.

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Sara Carter noted that The regimes stability is most threatened by its own population. Recent protests, led primarily by women and young generations, have expanded to close to162 citiesin all Irans 31 provinces in a matter of days. I love the way she ended her story with this quote from JFK, let every nation know, whether it wishes as well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to ensure the survival and success of liberty. The people of Iran are . fighting for LIBERTY. Yes Maam, and as we should fight against the evil dictatorship we are under with their jack booted thugs stuffing their black boots on us. Our mid-terms will be telling, and remember that they will be held under a moon in full eclipse. In other words under a Blood Moon which myth says brings big changes in peoples lives.

Along with the continued claims that Iran either has the materials to build nuclear weapons or some say has already built at least one, we can see that an unstable Iran is very dangerous. Not just because of the irrational and evil or is that just insane Islamic regime heading that once great nation and bastion of Middle East Liberty but because Iran is the source, is funding and is arming various groups around not just them, but also worldwide to destroy what good they can get away with. And we are assisting them to the tune of removing sanctions on building nukes, on donating at least $400 billion to them on air shipped pallets of US currency, releasing $1.2 billion in frozen assets and much more as we went over last March in an ANP column titled While All Eyes Are On Russia And Ukraine, Iran And The Middle East Are A Ticking Time Bomb Ready To Explode: Joe Biden's Iran Deal Will Make Him The #1 Funder Of Terrorism In The World. In it I said Yes, Iran is going nuclear with the White House granting sanction waivers and clearing the way for Russia and China to help them. That is still true today. And last July the Gateway Pundit reported that Bidens new Iran deal offers them a trillion dollars by 2030 in just one of that dementia ridden idiots act of Treason against this nation.

But since that time, as Zero Hedge reported, the US will no longer Waste its time on Iran nuclear deal talks. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley recently said that the JCPOA is not our focus right now and that the US is going to focus on other issues,includingsupporting protesters inside Iran.

It is not on our agenda. We are not going to focus on something which is inert when other things are happening and we are not going to waste our time on it if Iran has taken the position it has taken. As he said that the US would use military force as a last resort, he also said We will use other tools, and in last resort,a military option if necessary, to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Just how two faced is that lie, considering what we have done to ASSIST Iran in developing them as told in my earlier column on Iran and nukes? I should note that JCPOA is the negotiations between the US and Iran on the nuclear deal and stands for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and is a nuclear deal involving not just us and Iran but also the UN, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the UK. Our existing actions belie any real adherence we will follow to stop Iran from obtaining nukes. While at the same time Iran fires rockets at not just Israel from Syria but also at US targets in the mid-East arena.

While at the same time Israel is sidelining the Biden administration on operations against Iran as the Geller Report said this past summer. This is because of US leaking Israeli intelligence on Iranian operations and they are trying to limit the damage that can cause. We have mentioned a number of times that Israel is prepared to destroy Irans nuclear research and production facilities, and they actually have a number of times by cyber attacks on their computer controls and research systems. And while that sabotage has not destroyed their abilities and goals, it has seriously delayed them. Again this past summer, Reuters reported that the US and Israel as part of the Jerusalem Declaration signed a pledge to deny Iran of the possibility of Iranian nuclear weapons. Again, this claim is the opposite of what the US is actually doing. And while a number of years ago Iran called for the destruction of the US and Israels nuclear weapons, they also are the target of Israel to destroy theircapabilities when Israel claimed We can destroy Irans nuclear programme. Over a year and a half ago, the Middle East Monitor said Tel Aviv deals with Iran through four axes, the first of which is the extremist regime, adding: "As long as it controls Iran, Israel faces a very big challenge."

The Israeli official noted that the second axis is the "nuclear programme", the third is Iran's large military capabilities, while the fourth component is Iran's "pursuit to achieve regional positioning and influence."

"The challenge posed by these issues to Israel is unprecedented. It is that last claim (along with the others to back them up) that is pushing things into war in that arena very shortly. That regional power is what the Middle East may very well blow up over whether by Irans continued actions against its neighbors or by Israel finally getting around to destroying their nuke faculties. It seems to me that Irans very recent aggressions may be the trigger that pulls Israels attacks into action and not just talk. But at what point would Israel go after the Iranian nuke program? They have claimed they are ready to do just that for a few years now and the military website 1945 said last June that Over the last month, Israels Defense Forces (IDF) have conducted an ongoing military drill simulating a wide scale attack on Tehran and its nuclear assets. Not just that but they also destroyed Iranian drone facilities just outside of Tehran itself as well as many other munitions plants. Last year, Israeli President Naftali Bennetassertedthat Irans nuclear weapon program is at a critical point, all red lines have been crossed. He added that There are those in the world who seem to see Irans pursuit of nuclear weapons as an inevitable reality, as a done deal, or they have just become tired of hearing about it, Israel doesnt have that privilege. We cannot tire. We will not tire. Israel will not allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. Bennets rhetoric should not be dismissed as purely symbolic, since Israel has evoked the Begin Doctrine and taken out nuclear reactors in Iraq (1981) and Syria (2007) in the past.

The precedent is set. And now, as again Zero Hedge reports in a headline that Saudi Arabia, US On High Alert After Warning Of Imminent Iranian Attack; US Prepared To Respond. They quote the WSJ article that said according to Saudi and U.S. officials,Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the U.S. warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom, putting the American military and others in the Middle East on an elevated alert level. That begs the question of why? Because Iran is blaming the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia of instigating those demonstrations. And in the Zero Hedge article the made the more likely cause as It wasn't exactly clear how attacking Saudi Arabia and launching a war with a far better armed opponent would "distract attention" from Iran's internal troubles, but what is very clear is that if Saudi Arabia wanted to send the oil price soaring, it wouldn't use another OPEC+ cut but would simply take production offline indefinitely; and if it can arrange Iran to help out... well, why not. Yes, that would explain a lot and as the Saudis do not like Biden and company at all, they will do almost anything to embarrass and deny him of what he wants, just like they would not increase petroleum production so he can say during the election cycle that he brought oil prices down. He had to raid our strategic oil supply to claim that false narrative.

Zero hedge ended their article with this wise caveat; While there is no indication at this point that this report is anything more than just Intel agency jawboning and propaganda, if it does in fact escalate into another Persian Gulf powderkeg, watch how high the price of oil will shoot to. True enough.

And since Iran has been closing up their friendship with Russia, China and other players in the End Times scenarios, just for fun lets look at a couple of items from the supposed prophet Kim Clement that seem to indicate things will go down to the wire in some manner or the other. From Kims November 15th vision we find this; For the Spirit of God says, look at the times and know them well. For even in this month of November, I have made things clear. These things will continue into December. Did I not say to you, look at last week, and that which has transpired is only the beginning of revelations and exposures, for there is a rage coming from the White House. What do I mean by rage? There is anger, there is discord - but there will come an act of rage and they shall focus on Israel, but they will do it sly and subtle via Iran.

And in his February 21st rant err, I meant, vision Kim said America will not save the world. This nation has been called to righteousness but while men stand in the White House and they would betray the truths and the foundation of this nation, I will not give them the privilege of bringing down the forces of hell. I shall take Israel again and they shall discover four things up through the summer and they will expose what is happening in the White House. And God says, they even will bring justice. But I will bring out a secret and I will fight Myself and ISIS shall begin to tremble at the sound of the trumpet of the Lord Most High! Blow the trumpet! And further down he said I shall send My prophet to Israel when they vote and God says, there shall be a change and many will weep but I will take Netanyahu, whether ruler or not, and they shall call to him, for he is not just a king, he is a prophet. Therefore, tremble when peace treaties begin, for God says at that point, you shall know that I look from My heavens and that which has kept Me back shall begin to be fulfilled. All the words of the prophets that have been spoken through the centuries shall be fulfilled and shallbegin to be fulfilled quickly. Study the Word, says the Lord. Study to show yourself approved. And when these things happen, rejoice, for your redemption draws nigh. I will not allow My people to fall but I will bring light, light, light into Iraq; I will bring light into Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, yes, Syria and Iran - a massive revival that will affect China and will affect Russia as well. And Putin shall have no control, for what I shall do - I will slay him, says the Lord! This day has come for vengeance.

I am not a follower of Kim and do not consider him a prophet, and I discount so much of what he says, but this seems to be so close to how I see things that I just had to add it to this days column. Believe what you will, there is something major that is going to happen toward the end of this year; I can just I feel it, and the cries of war not just in the Eastern Pacific, but in the Eastern European theater and in the Middle East are increasing in a pungent tremolo that may leave us trembling and on our knees. Perhaps the conservative real Americans will prevail in the looming elections and change our direction, but that is to be seen and it is what happens outside of this nation that changes the world. What happens here is what changes us.

May God Bless

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