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May 2, 2024

Bad News For Baby Killing Supporters: Top Issues For Americans Include Inflation And Illegal Immigrations, With Only 3% Listing Abortion , Showing Democrats Have Milked It Dry - Their PRO-ABORTION Agenda Is Failing

Democrats think killing the unborn should be a "right"

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

A recent Gallup poll shows that inflation is the top financial problem facing Americans, with other recent polls naming the economy (including inflation), and illegal immigration as top concerns. In spite of Americans making it clear what concerns them most, Democrats, starting with the Biden regime, are more worried about baby killing.

That is what abortion is, killing an unborn baby in the womb, and no matter the attempts at redefining the word using the term "reproductive care," which is the opposite of what occurs during an abortion, no care is involved in killing babies.

The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most performs during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.

At 28 weeks, a baby is viable outside the womb. This is why those supporting abortion do not want to use the correct terminology, because if the proper words were used, namely "killing an unborn baby," support for abortion would tank.

With that out of the way, it is morbidly fascinating to see one political party here in the U.S., Democrats, especially the politicians, focusing more on abortion than the fact that Americans are struggling to survive due to the high cost of just about everything since 2021, and the fact that money that could be used to help Americans, lower food costs, strengthen our infrastructure, and secure the border.

This morning the following headline was at Memeorandum : "Biden campaign continues focus on abortion with new ad buy, Kamala Harris campaign stop in Philadelphia."

President Biden's campaign is launching a new seven-figure ad buy Thursday centered around abortion, a centerpiece issue for his campaign, as it attempts to link restrictive state abortion bans to former President Donald Trump.

It will run on the two-year anniversary of the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion on the Dobbs case, which overturned Roe v. Wade and transferred decisions about abortion access to the states.

Here are a few headlines from sources discussing that story linked above.

Abortion is still consuming US politics and courts 2 years after a Supreme Court draft was leaked - AP

No, abortion isn't consuming American politics, it is consuming Democrats and the media. As we'll show lower down in this piece, more Americans are concerned about a number of other issues.

Trump's disturbing Time interview shows he has no idea abortion is a ticking time bomb for the GOP

Trump Is Fine With States Monitoring Pregnant Women So They Don't Get Abortions

That last one is from HuffPo, and it misrepresents what Trump actually said, which is that it is a state issue now.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said states with abortion bans should be free to monitor pregnant women to make sure they dont terminate their pregnancies, suggesting that would be in line with his newfound position of leaving abortion rights up to the states.

I think they might do that, Trump said in a Time magazine interview published Tuesday, when asked if he thinks states with abortion bans should track women who are pregnant.

Again, youll have to speak to the individual states, he said. Look, Roe v. Wade was all about bringing it back to the states.

Nowhere does he give an opinion one way or another.

In fact, Politicfact, a leftists website, even debunked that idiocy.

Her phrasing could make it sound as though Trump spoke in support of the states taking those actions. Rather, he acknowledged that states have the right to do this but would not share his opinion on whether they should.

In Jacksonville, VP Kamala Harris says abortion rights are a fight for freedom

Freedom? That is almost as bad as calling abortion, "reproductive care." Freedom to what? Kill babies, that is what they want. Period.

Here is an idea for women so worried about their "freedom" of "choice." Choose to keep you legs closed. Choose to use birth control.

Abortion should never have been allowed to be used as birth control.

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The latest Gallup poll on personal finances, mentioned above, states the following:

For the third year in a row, the percentage of Americans naming inflation or the high cost of living as the most important financial problem facing their family has reached a new high. The 41% naming the issue this year is up slightly from 35% a year ago and 32% in 2022. Before 2022, the highest percentage mentioning inflation was 18% in 2008. Inflation has been named by less than 10% in most other readings since the question was first asked in 2005.

A March 29, 2024 poll from Gallup listing top issues of concern for Americans when asked, was inflation,crime and violence, hunger and homelessness, The economy, The availability and affordability of healthcare, federal spending and the budget deficit, illegal immigration, drug use, Social Security system, possibility of future terrorist attacks in the U.S., availability and affordability of energy, quality of environment, race relations and unemployment, in that order.

When not prompted, just asked "what they believe is the most important problem facing the country today," immigration was the top concern named, at 28%. Only 3% named abortion, coming at 10th place.

This is important because while Democrats have been laser focused on abortion since the Supreme Court kicked it back to the states, Americans have gotten over the shock of a 50 year ruling being overturned, and are more focused on issues critical to survival, not the killing of unborn children.

This is despite the media constantly writing about it, and Democrat politicians claiming it is a top concern.

This isn't just Gallup either. According to Pew in February 2024, strengthening the economy was listed as the top policy priority.

Abortion wasn't even listed as a concern.

Even NPR, one of the most liberal-leaning websites online, finds a number of issues as top concerns, and not one of them abortion.

For Democrats, they said preserving democracy is top of mind for them when thinking about voting in this November's election, followed by inflation. For independents, it was preserving democracy, followed by immigration and inflation. After immigration for Republicans, it was inflation, and nothing else came close.

We could find no polls that listed abortion in the top 5 concerns of Americans, with most not listing it at all.


Democrats have milked SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade and sending the issues back to the states, therefore the voters, as much as they can milk it, so the Biden campaign spending millions to focus on this issue, in an obvious attempt to make abortion a top issues, is a definite waste of money.

By all means though, we hope Biden does keep focusing on issues that the majority of Americans do not care in the least about. It'll be easier to kick his butt ut of the White House in November then.

Well, that is IF he is still the candidate for the Democrat party, that is.

Bottom line here: It is a sad state of affairs when we see one major political party fighting so hard for a "right" to kill babies.

In the end, they will be judged where we all end up being judged, by God.

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