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July 22, 2024

The Bat-Crap Crazy Media Has Created An Entire Party Of Liberal Lunatics With 34% Of Registered Democrat Voters Now Believing The 'BlueAnon' Idiocy That Trump Staged His Own Assassination

By Susan Duclos -  All News Pipeline

Independent Media pundits have long highlighted the traditional media aka mainstream media's (MSM) liberal biases, with evidence shown from donations by major news organizations owners, staff and reporters, going to Democrats upwards of 90% of the time (link from 2017), to their choices in coverage, to their "leaks," and their obvious utter disdain for conservatives, their platforms, policies and rejection of "wokeness."

Year after year when donations from reporters and news outlet owners continued to rise, it soon became a guideline, and sometimes outright rule that said employees could not donate to a political party, only because those donations were being used to prove the political bias of said media donors.

Another example of the blatant liberal bias in reporting comes from media "mistakes," to put it diplomatically, and when brutally honest, we call it fake news, always goes the same direction.

A few quick examples so we can move along, would be the Russian collusion hoax, and the Covington Sandman saga, and let us not forget how fast the media jumped on the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax, where in each case, conservatives were demonized and liberals were treated as victims because the "tales" fit the media's bias, and perspective, so they never bothered doing any type of actual investigative journalism.

Now jumping forward to the present day, we see some of the same characters that called Independent Media "conspiracy theorists" when we highlighted Joe Biden diminishing mental and physical capacities, are now pretending their were tricked by the White House, who hid Biden's decline from them.

Independent Media saw it, wrote about it, provided examples, many times actual video footage, with the media attempting to dub the proof as "cheap fakes."

So no, not for one second is it believable that the MSM, with billions of dollars of resources at their disposal, thousands of employees and photographers with eyes to see what the rest of us did, weren't fully aware of Joe Biden's feebleness and mentally diminished state.

Even now they are lying about their lies.

The CYA (Cover Your Ass) mentality, while their standard operating procedure,  also stems from the lack of trust in the media even before the videos of Biden wandering aimlessly (which they tried to call cheap fakes), which will undoubtedly decrease considerably now that even the liberal sheep that always believed in the MSM, are now questioning them.

Gallup in October 2023, as they usually do their main trust surveys once a year, found that only 32% had a great deal/fair amount of trust in the media, with  68% having not very much/none at all.

Who are those 32% of crazy people that apparently love being lied to? 58% are Democrats, down 12 points in the last year. 11% are Republicans, which are likely known as RINOs and Never Trumpers.  29% are Independents, which can only be explained by those people being "leaning left" Independents.

One has to wonder how low those numbers are going to go when Gallup does their 2024 trust in the media survey.

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If it was very telling to see how the media reacted to the country, in fact the world, seeing just how unfit for office Joe Biden was in those wandering and lost videos, with concern jumping to the highest levels after the debate, then it was even more enlightening to watch them jump from the infighting between the "make Dementia-Joe leave" team, and the "It is too late, so protect Joe at any cost" team,  to the Trump assassination attempt.

If at all possible, they have done an even worse job in that coverage, with the bat-crap crazy crowd over at MSNBC, and liberal blogs deciding to convince their followers that the assassination attempt was staged by Trump!

Because of those crazed and unhinged idiots, now 34% of registered Democrat voters believe Trump stated his own assassination attempt.

But the Morning Consult poll shows that BlueAnon adherents among the Democratic base far outnumber their QAnon counterparts on the right. The poll showed that 34 percent of Democratic voters found it either definitely or probably credible that Trump staged Saturday's shooting, with less than half—45 percent—saying the conspiracy theory is not credible. By comparison, a widely cited 2021 poll found that only 23 percent of Republicans were QAnon believers.

The rise of BlueAnon can be attributed to prominent Democratic activists and liberal media commentators egging on the notion that Trump staged Saturday's shooting.

Looks like the left is just as gullible as they were before determining the media lied to them about Biden, or even worse, they don't care as long as the MSM lies being told to them are exactly what they want to hear.

I think the technical term for that type of psychology is Looney Tunes. No surprise there though, as we have seen their craziness since even before Donald Trump announced his first run for presidency, it just got worse in 2015 and increased exponentially since then.


Interestingly, we also see liberal media outlets infighting, much like the rest of the Democrat party, in regards to whether Joe Biden should continue to run for reelection. That infighting has now extended to other issues.

During the Republican convention CNN was there covering it live, while MSNBC covered the event remotely while using huge LED screens behind their anchors to make it look as if they were live broadcasting from the event itself.

CNN's Jake Tapper took a subtle jab at MSNBC, without naming the network itself.

From the convention floor in Milwaukee Thursday night, Tapper introduced Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who told the CNN panel: “Thank you guys, and you’re actually here live.”

“We’re live as opposed to some other networks that just have a big LED, who shall remain nameless,” Tapper said, taking a thinly veiled jab at MSNBC.

While ratings wars are often part of major news networks, liberal networks generally save their attacks, subtle or not subtle, for conservatives networks rather than attacking their own, but ever since the presidential debate between Trump and Biden, where liberal networks took sides, for and against Biden running for reelection, it seems as if that "rule" no longer applies.

There is no doubt in my mind that if Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race, liberal media will once again come together to back whoever replaces Biden on the ticket, but until then, watching them eat their own holds some entertainment value.


The bat-crap crazy media has created a party of liberal lunatics.

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