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January 19, 2022

If We Stay On This Path, Joe Biden And His 'Woke' Military's Legacy Will Be Mushroom Clouds Over America: All Eyes Open For A Globalist False Flag To Launch WW3

- Rushing Into Wars They Can't Win Is A Hallmark Of Tyranny

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With a very weak Joe Biden as US president, along with his 'woke' military, giving Vladimir Putin and Russia the go ahead to invade Ukraine as Jack Posobiec recently alluded to in this tweetwhich also took task to Democrats claims that it was Putin that 'owned' the Trump White House, in that tweet, Posobiec asked a great question:

"Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine while 'he' controlled the White House from 2016-2020?"

With lead stories across the mainstream media screaming out headlines of war ahead, with the Associated Press warning of Russian war games ongoing right now on the Ukrainian border, putting out this story titled "Russia moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions," while the Daily Mail published this new story titled "White House believes Russian invasion of Ukraine could be imminent: Jen Psaki warns there is an 'extremely dangerous situation' at the border", we should all remember there is a long history of countries using 'false flags' to start wars, so should WW3 be any different?

With wars also giving governments incredible powers over the people of their country, exactly what Biden and Democrats have long been seeking via 'vax mandates' and lockdowns, who reading this storydoesn't think it'll be Biden and the 'deep state' who launch a false flag to get them into a much-needed war at a time when they just suffered huge defeats politically? As we hear in the videos at the bottom of this story, globalists talk of a Russian false flag to justify them invading the Ukraine is actually a warning of a forthcoming globalists false flag upon Russia.

As we see in the screenshot below via google search for a 'Russia, false flag' search, the talk of Russia carrying out a false flag as a pretext to invade Ukraine is running rampant. Stories within the last 2 days warning of a Russian false flag include.:

From the Military Times: "Russia denies US claim it seeks false flag pretext to invade Ukraine"

From the Hill: "Russia dismisses US allegations of plans for false flag operation as pretext to invade Ukraine"

From the Independent: "US intelligence says Russia planning false flag operation to justify Ukraine invasion"

From the Mirror: "Ukraine crisis: How Vladimir Putin overplayed his hand with 'false flag' his best option"

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So with the left absolutely loving to blame others for what they themselves are doing, such as them continuously calling Conservatives 'racists' or 'haters' when it is they themselves pushing racism and hatred upon America, we should remember the warning from Nazi Germany's convicted war criminal, Hermann Goering, after his conviction at Nuremberg.

Claiming that the people of any nation could be brought around to supporting a war, simply via the incitement of fear of attack, as Goering warned, "the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders." From this 2018 story at the MinnPost we see what may be the most likely way Biden will be able to get America into a war that 'the people' would support, pummel us with fear. Sound familiar?

Gustave Gilbert, an American psychologist fluent in German, worked as a translator with the Nuremberg Tribunal and interviewed Goering in the days between his conviction and his suicide. Gilbert then wrote Nuremberg Diary, a 1947 book based on interviews with Goering and other Nuremberg defendants.

Gilbert asked Goering how it was possible to build and sustain public support for a war effort, especially in Germany, which had barely recovered from the still recent disaster of World War I.

Heres Goerings reply:

Why, of course, the people dont want war, Goering shrugged.

"Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people dont want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

There is one difference, [Gilbert] pointed out. In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Oh, that is all well and good, [replied Goering] but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

With that strategy also sounding exactly like what the left is doing to America now over COVID and the 'vaxxes', attempting to scare the wits out of half the population who're being hypnotized into believing that they're somehow 'safe' from COVID if they'd been 'vaxxed' while the 'unvaxxed' are putting them in mortal danger, Democrats have become a one-trick pony. Though Biden's woke military will surely meet it's match in Putin's Russia should things continue to escalate out of control on the global war front.

Yet we must keep in mind, with the left seeking to cement their rule into place for America's future well into 2025 and beyond, and the US Supreme Court at least striking down his 100+ employee 'vaccine mandate' which the left hoped would give them control over all medium-to-large sized businesses, these devils NEED something else to help them bring in their 'iron fist', and wars have traditionally given governments exactly what they need to do so.

So with officials in the UK being told to be prepared to switch into 'crisis mode over Russia' according to this new Bloomberg storywhile Russia has been removing staff from its Embassy in the Ukraine just some of the latest signs of some kind of war being prepared for that could quickly spiral out of control across the planet, the following extended excerpt comes to us from this story over at History (saved at Archive) titled "THE TRUTH ABOUT 'FALSE FLAGS' FROM NAZI GERMANY, TO THE VIETNAM WAR".

On the night of the 31st of August 1939, several covert Nazi operatives dressed as Polish soldiers stormed the Gleiwitz radio tower on the Germany-Poland border. They broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish before leaving. The soldiers left behind the bodies of a pro-Polish German farmer and several unidentifiable Dachau concentration camp prisoners. The farmer and the prisoners had been murdered and dressed up in German uniforms. The attack was part of a series of covert actions along the Polish border that the Nazis would use to justify Germanys attack on Poland the following day. Gleiwitz was a classic false flag operation.

So, what is meant by the term false flag? Originally, the phrase was coined for the practice of pirate ships flying the colors of other nations to deceive merchant ships into thinking they were dealing with a friendly vessel. While the pirates would usually unfurl their true colors just before attacking, the wrong flag would sometimes continue to be flown throughout an attack, hence the term attacking under a false flag. Over time, the term false flag came to be applied to any covert operation that sought to shift the responsibility on to a different party from the one carrying it out, as was the case with the Nazis at Gleiwitz.

One of the most famous incidents considered by many to be a false flag operation is the Reichstag fire, which took place on the night of the 27th of February 1933. A lone communist sympathizer called Marinus van de Lubbe was arrested and charged with setting fire to the German parliament building. This gave Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, the excuse they needed to purge Germany of opposition, especially the communists. The sweeping emergency powers Hitler and the Nazi Party grabbed for themselves after the fire are the reason many people think the Reichstag was burned not by a lone communist protesting Germanys treatment of the working classes (as van de Lubbe himself claimed while in custody), but by the Nazis themselves.

Of course, it isnt just the Nazis who stand accused of carrying out false flag operations prior to invasions during the 1930s. In November 1939, the Russian village of Mainila was shelled by an unknown party. The village was close to the border with Finland, and the attack was used as an excuse to break the Soviet Unions non-aggression pact with the country and launch an invasion into Finland that would later become known as the Winter War. It was eventually concluded by both British and Russian historians that the shelling of the village was a false flag operation carried out by members of the NKVD the predecessors to the KGB. As a result of the war between the Soviets and the Finns, Finland sided with Nazi Germany in World War II.

With that History story then going on to detail 'false flag operations' carried out by the US government and our own 'war allies', it also dared to venture into 'Operation Northwoods', a very real planned government operation that the 'dumbed down' still love to call a 'conspiracy theory'.

Yet as we've pointed out time and again on ANP, 'Operation Northwoods' was a very real false flag operation planned within our own Pentagon to covertly attack America, blaming the attack upon Cuba and others, to get them into a war they desired strongly with Cuba back in the 1960's. Think they wouldn't try such a thing again in 2022 with Russia? From that History story.:

While questions still hang over the Reichstag fire, one planned operation from the early 1960s would definitely have been a false flag had it not been stopped in its tracks. Operation Northwoods was the name given to a proposed covert campaign by the CIA that would have seen acts of terrorism committed against targets and civilians in the United States that could then be blamed on Cuban operatives as a precursor to an invasion of Cuba and the removal of Fidel Castro. Northwoods was proposed to the then US president, John F. Kennedy, but he ultimately rejected the idea.

While Northwoods may have been shelved, one American false flag operation definitely did take place in the 60s. On August the 2nd 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox was torpedoed and fired upon by three Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin in the South China Sea. The USs National Security Agency then fabricated a second false flag attack two days later and the US subsequently passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution through Congress which led to the deployment of ground troops in what would become the calamitous debacle that was the Vietnam War.

So with the American people having absolute, 100% proof that the US government has already used false flag events to get us into disastrous wars, and warnings of Russia using a 'false flag' to justify an invasion of Ukraine in our very near future, we'll remind Joe Biden and Democrats that '2022 Russia' is by no means a '1960's Vietnam'.

With Russia now having unstoppable hypersonic nuclear weapons according to Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and the NY Times, weapons that Biden and our 'woke military' can never dream of stopping from hitting their intended targets should worst case scenarios continue to unfold, will it really be worth it, Joe, to get us into a war with Russia over a country half a world away that means nothing to the huge majority of Americans if it means 'lights out' for the US population, or mushroom clouds all across America? Stand down, Joe, the American people demand it.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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