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March 25, 2025

Piers Morgan, Panel Burst Into Laughter After PBD Host Unveils Before And After Trump Derangement Photos Of TDS Ridden Celebrities

By Hailey Gomez (DCNF) - All News Pipeline

British journalist Piers Morgan and some of his panelists burst into laughter Monday on his show after PBD Podcast co-host Vinny Oshana held up before-and-after photos of celebrities with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Supporters of President Donald Trump have long used Trump Derangement Syndrome todescribeirrational viewpoints and beliefs about the president, particularly when celebrities and political figures repeatedly attack him. On Piers Morgan Uncensored, radio host Brian Shapiro argued with Daily Wires Michael Knowles about celebrity Rosie ODonnells recentsuggestionthat billionaire Elon Musk somehow allegedly influenced the 2024 election in Trumps favor.

In response to Shapiro, Oshana held up a photo of ODonnell from before Trumps first term, saying she looked good, then flipped to a more recent image, causing Morgan, Knowles and another guest to burst into laughter.

This is Rosie ODonnell before Trump, right? Nice, good. Look what happens, Piers, with Trump Derangement Syndrome, alright? Rachel Maddow! Look at how hot Rachel Maddow was. Then look, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Oshana said. She looks like Stephen Colbert.

Then look, Kathy Griffin, someone that I might have hooked up with if I was drunk. They turned her into Carrot Top, OK? Thats what it does to you people, OK? You guys have lost your freaking mind, Oshana added.

ODonnelltookto TikTok on March 11 to post a video about her move from America to Ireland, saying she and her daughter made the decision due to the current political climate.

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Shapiro could then be seen attempting to interrupt Oshana, but the PBD co-host quickly said he was not finished.

Piers, in that interview, shes like, I cant believe, you know, the sexual assault, because when Conor McGregor came there, she supported Bill Clinton. How many sexual assault, rape allegations? Biden did the same thing. Biden sniffing kids live on camera all the time, Oshana added. His freaking daughter writes in her diary that her father showered with her at inappropriate ages.

Since Trumps first term, ODonnell hascriticizedTrump, accusing the president of rape as she had posted ascreenshotin 2017 of a tweet from Trump at the time, with the words child rapist written over it.

During former President Joe Bidens 2020 campaign,multiple womenaccused the then-Democratic presidential nominee of touching them inappropriately. Additionally, former Senate aideTara Readealleged Bidensexually assaultedher in a Senate corridor in 1993.

She [ODonnell] left to freaking Ireland. Do you know whats happening in Ireland, Rosie? Freedom of speech, migration, all the freaking rise in crime. Its unbelievable, Oshana said.

Heres my thing, Piers. Theres people waiting in line and fighting and dying to come to this country, Oshana added. She wants to leave. To hell with her. Let her give up her spot for somebody else. I have family members that are waiting to come here, Piers. Let them come in and to hell with her.

In a recent interview on March 12, Trump told Irish Prime Minister Michel Martin hes better off not knowing who ODonnell is when asked about the celebritys relocation.

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