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June 26, 2023
Will A Staged 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon' Invasion Be A 'Project Blue Beam' Catalyst For The 'New World Order'? Beware Another Govt Attempt To Manipulate And Control The Public
Government and its research partners, such as SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), would have Americans believe that Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) is the new term to describe what has been previously termed as an Unidentified Flying Object or UFO. This conflation of the two terms is likely yet another government attempt to confuse and manipulate the American public.
Retired FBI Special Agent, John Desouza, adds credence to the late Serge Monasts Project Blue Beam theory. Before delving into a fascinating discussion of Mr. Desouzas FBI career, however, lets first review the mind-bending writings of the late Serge Monast, investigative reporter from Quebec.
Monast had theorized that a four-step NASA/United Nations project would be the catalyst to create a New Age religion that would synthesize all religions into one and lead to worshipping the Antichrist in a New World Order dictatorship. As the reader will see, his theories, published and updated in 2018, are really about ultimate control of humanity using religion as the hook.
NASA would implement Project Blue Beam, Monast believed, with a system of advanced mind control as well as top secret technology in order to trick everyone into believing thered been a second coming of sorts.
Monast saw the first step in establishing a New Age religion was to artificially create earthquakes in strategic areas around the world. Climate change is being discussed in some scientific circles here herehere in regard to its impact as a catalyst for earthquakes. Apparently the jury is still out, but the consensus indicates that earthquakes could be precipitated by certain weather events. The jury is not out, however, on the manipulation of the climate. It has been documented and established for some time; therefore, the link between engineered climate change artificially creating earthquakes is highly likely.
The second step, Serge Monast claimed, would involve a gigantic space show. During this stage of Project Blue Beam, three-dimensional optical holograms, as well as laser projections of holographic images, would beam across the sky. What would these images include? Projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc., will merge into one, Monast said.
Monast explained the technology behind this display, saying that the conspirators would use space-based laser-generating satellites to project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region.
As the whole sky is transformed into one massive movie screen, this new god would speak to everyone in their own language.
This so-called fake and blasphemous religious leader and new god, of course, is the Antichrist mentioned in the Bible. The following are just a few notable scriptures:
Matthew 24:24 warns, For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 is also instructive, Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
The Book of Revelation Chapter 13 is quite descriptive about the deception of the whole earth (except those whose name is written in the Book of Life) in following after and worshipping the beast (Antichrist), the blasphemy against God, the authority given to the Antichrist over every tribe and people and tongue and nation, and the mark of the beast being given to those who will worship the image of the beast in order to buy and sell, or be killed.
Some people believe these biblical scriptures should be seen as symbolic or futuristic and not to be taken literally because they are just too implausible. However, with the advent of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) herehere, it is not a stretch to consider how implementing a social credit score herehere could lead to a life-changing standard of living for people with a low score being unable to buy or sell what they need. Straight out of biblical prophecy.
Another thought on Monasts Second Step is that todays ever-advancing technology brings biblical prophetic events into clearer focus more than ever before, because it is no more futuristic than the technology already here. Case in point, Monasts coming phantasgamoria in the heavens can be likened to MITs Technology Review on breakthrough images now capable through AI.
MITs review states, ...the biggest game-changer was Stable Diffusion, an open-source text-to- image model released for free by UK-based startup Stability AI in August. Not only could Stable Diffusion produce some of the most stunning images yet, but it was designed to run on a (good) home computerNothing else in AI grabbed peoples attention more last yearfor the best and worst reasons. Now we wait to see what lasting impact these tools will have on creative industriesand the entire field of AINo one knows where the rise of generative AI will leave us Indeed.
Next, the third step is where mind control would take center stage. Telephonic communication devices would send waves to reach each person within their own minds, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul.
How would these rays be able to reach peoples inner minds? Monast explained:
Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about every human on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.
What comes to mind is voice-to-skull (V2k) technology here, which has actually been around for decades here, so it would be easy-peasy to send out microwave speech from the new god, the Antichrist, into the minds of the worlds populace..
Another example of new and ever-evolving research, is the technological advances in using synthetic DNA to store data hereherehere. Such technological applications could be very useful in building the storage required for all the data retrieved from mind-control operations on billions of people. What may have sounded like science fiction in the past is now becoming scientific fact, and at an accelerated speed.
Finally, the fourth step of Project Blue Beam would make use of various technologies in order to convince people that alien invasions and the rapture itself were taking place, thus making it easier for the powers that be to take control of a fear-addled populace.
The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive for the new world orders absolute control over the populations of the entire earth, Monast said. I would suggest you investigate this information carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy.
Amazingly, Serge Monast actually prophesied where we are today.
The CIAs declassified MK-Ultra mind control program, mentioned in recent ANP stories herehere, is one example of clear and unequivocal evidence of the U.S. governments willingness to use inhumane methods to control its own citizens by capturing and manipulating the brains of unsuspecting people. Such behavior is truly demonic, but this is how far the United States government has fallen from being a force for good.
Now back to retired FBI Special Agent John Desouza, who was interviewed on zeeemedia.com on June 21, 2023. During his FBI career, included in Mr. Desouzas duties was the investigation of paranormal occurrences.
Agent Desouza stated that a Miami robbery and shootout in 1986 here was the catalyst for his joining the FBI. During the interview, Desouza made a comment (that this writer has been unable to substantiate after extensive research) that the two Miami killers, Michael Platt and William Matix, had engaged in an occult ceremony making incense sacrifice to dark Norse god spirits, perhaps in an attempt to gain protection or invincibility before committing their crimes.
It is unknown where Desouza obtained the Norse gods info, but perhaps he got it in his unauthorized deep dive into the FBI Miami shootout file. Be that as it may, as noted in the linked fireblog account of the shootout, William Matix was only killed after being shot six times, and Michael Platt was only killed after being shot 12 times. In the natural realm that may be possible, especially with perpetrators high on drugs, but it should be noted that toxicology reports on Platt and Matix did not detect drugs of any kind in their systems. Hmmm.
Desouza made an interesting observation about why he thinks the globalists tell us ahead of time what is coming our way. He said that since the top cabal elitists believe themselves to be gods, they have to act like God Himself who prophesies throughout the Bible. Thus they fulfill their god role by prophesying coming events which they have prepared for us. Interesting thought.
The key issue in the Desouza interview is what he terms the difference between UAPs and UFOs UFOs are other dimensional, likely fallen angels, and can materialize and dematerialize instantaneously, based on their transient material form. UAPs are not able to do that. He thinks UAPs could be top secret drones under actual control of the globalist cabal.
Such UAPs could be very useful in staging a fake UFO invasion upon the earth, which would immediately cause massive fear and chaos on the whole world. This could be accomplished with the assistance of such technology mentioned earlier like V2k, MIT Stable Diffusion and other AI.
Regarding UFOs, Desouza mentions an intriguing document called the Greada Treaty, which the Washington Post wrote a story on nineteen years ago. The story makes for fascinating reading about Nordic-looking extraterrestrials and badly behaved chicken wings.
It all comes down to President Eisenhowers February 20, 1954 undisputed and mysterious disappearance during his vacation in Palm Springs, CA. He either chipped a tooth on a chicken wing and went to a dentist for treatment, or he met with two extraterrestrial aliens who wanted a deal of humans for abduction in exchange for their transfer of technology to the U.S. government. Ha, whoever heard of chipping a tooth on a chicken wing!
Archivist Herb Pankratz at the Eisenhower Library has not found any documents on this titillating issue. To bolster the chipped tooth theory, the dentist, Dr. Francis A. Purcell, had confirmed that he did indeed do the repair work on Eisenhowers tooth. But the dentist is long deceased and anyone can be convinced to say anything, so that doesnt settle the question.
As far as any document like the purported 1954 Greada Treaty being in any presidential library, one could hardly expect to find such an item there. (Heck, if anything, Barack Obama probably has it under his mattress!) And sure, thousands of people do go missing every year, so who knows?
In a panel discussion at the World Government Summit 2023 herehere, Professor Arturo Bris emphatically stated that a transformation to world government cannot be gradual but instead needs a certain shock.
Could a fake alien invasion, a UAP deceptively created as an enemy UFO invading and attacking the earth, and witnessed firsthand by people all over the world, serve as that certain shock to pull the trigger for global control by the New World Order? Consider the impact on people from Orson Welles War of the Worlds radio broadcast of 85 years ago and you may get the answer.
Agent Desouza beautifully reminds us at the end of the interview that Jesus said His sheep know His voice and will not follow another. Therein is our peace.
--Kathleen Gotto
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