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August 11, 2023

'Bidenomics' Is Literally Killing Americans As Suicides Hit All-Time High In 2022 After Declining In 2019 And 2020 - Food Prices Will Not Go Down, And Inflation Started Rising Again In July

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

As inflation begins to rise once again, on top of the accrued inflation since Joe Biden began occupying the White House, with Americans unable to save for retirement, those ready to retire forced to continue working because they cannot afford the cost of living, and parents barely able to survive living paycheck to paycheck, we now see the rate of suicides for 2022 rose to all-time highs.

We highlight "Bidenomics" because of the age groups seeing a rise and the age groups seeing a decline.

Via the CDC, which we may not trust as far as we can throw all their employees collectively, but when it comes to straight data compilation from individual states, their numbers in this specific area are easily verified.

Today, CDC is releasing the latest provisional estimates for suicide deaths in the United States in 2022. After declining in 2019 and 2020, suicide deaths increased approximately 5% in the United States in 2021. The provisional estimates released today indicate that suicide deaths further increased in 2022, rising from 48,183 deaths in 2021 to an estimated 49,449 deaths in 2022, an increase of approximately 2.6%. However, two groups did see a decline in numbers, American Indian and Alaska Native people (down 6.1%) and people 10-24 years old (down 8.4%).

The two groups that saw a decline are fascinating. First the Alaska Native people and Americans Indians, are groups that, according to the NCOA, "rank at, or near the bottom of, nearly every social, health, and economic indicator" already, so "Bidenomics" aka inflation and higher prices year after year without going down isn't quite the "shock" to them as other Americans.

Compared to all other race or ethnic populations, AI/AN populations have the highest poverty rates (24.1%)—almost twice the national rate (12.8%). 

In 2020, the median income of AI/AN (alone) households was $45,877 compared to $64,994 for the entire nation. 

In 2019, 18.7% of AI/AN adults age 65+ lived at the poverty level, which is more than double the poverty rate for all older Americans (8.9%).1

As to the 10, which  those reaching adult status, 18-29 year age groups, about half of those that fit that category are still living with their older relatives, mainly their parents, who are the ones feeling the sticker shock every time they go to the grocery store.

Via Pew Research:

In July 2022, half of adults ages 18 to 29 were living with one or both of their parents. This was down from a recent peak of 52% in June 2020 but still significantly higher than the share who were living with their parents in 2010 (44% on average that year) or 2000 (38% on average).

The numbers for 2023 won't be released until 2024.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it." But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 


Almost half of baby boomers, people born from 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom, have no retirement savings at all, and should they retire only dependent on Social Security they will find themselves unable to survive.

Without a retirement account, most retirees count on Social Security. The average monthly Social Security check to a retired worker is around $1,800. The average household run by an American older than 65 spends more than $4,000 a month.  

As inflation begins to rise again, without prices having lowered at all because without negative inflation the previous high prices are here to stay, those numbers will increase and less retirement-age Americans will be able to retire.

Before the 2022 inflation rates (on top of the 2021 inflation rates) even hit, we were seeing Americans reporting "At 75, I still have to work’, and those millions of Americans have increased as the 2022 inflation numbers were brutal.

Here were the inflation rates for 2022, from January to December, and the average:

As seem above, inflation rates decreased in 2023, but it is worth reiterating that prices did not lower, and won't unless we see a negative inflation number.

So in January 2022 prices were 7.5% higher than in January 2021, and in January 2023 6.4% higher on top of that 7.5% from 2022.

That is a lot of extra money having to be spent, and food inflation which was even higher than overall inflation, and still is.


It is not only retirement-aged Americans having a hard time simply paying for groceries. Others, such as adults, half of which have their adult-aged (18-29) children still living with them, are now paying those elevated prices not just for themselves but for their adult children as well, yet incomes haven't risen enough to sustain those costs.

Now those people are paying an additional 3.2% inflation from July, on top of the 8.5% inflation from 2022.

Think of it this way, in December 2022, nearly 70% of Americans were "struggling" to pay their grocery bills, and now are even higher, and still rising.

Retail technology platform Swiftly reported Wednesday that 69% of shoppers say they are struggling to pay their grocery bills after months of persistently sky-high inflation, and 83% currently rely on some form of coupons or loyalty program to put food on the table, according to its True Cost of a Grocery Shop survey.

It adds up, causes stress and mental anxiety.

Recent reports shown that 61% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Even if inflation was below the "goal" of 2% inflation, prices will continue to rise because any inflation makes them rise. 

We know ANP readers know this, but with the media consistently saying "inflation is lowering (well, not in July, it actually rose again) as if everything is getting better, it is left to Independent Media to remind everyone that prices are not going down!


The bottom line here is that "Bidenomics" is literally killing people. Suicides rates for adults have risen to all time highs, and paying bills and buying food are two of the most stressful things for millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and prices have risen more under "Bidenomics" than in decades, especially food which every person need to survive.

The correlation between the two cannot be ignored.


ANP Fundraiser: ‘Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!’ Those are some of the exact words used by Google’s censors, aka 'Orwellian content police,' in describing many of our controversial stories. Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP. 

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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