"Covert medical ops are the most dangerous, because they appear to be politically neutral, they fly under no flag, and they claim to forward only humanitarian aims.Every fake epidemic is, in part, designed to create fear and induce blind compliance to medical and government dictates.Thegerm is positioned as the tiny terrorist in this stage play." Jon Rappoport
From the East coast to the West coast, America is being hit by disasters that are poisoning us as detailed more below but as we learn in this story and the videos, we may be watching the ultimate 'depopulation agenda' false flag unfolding with the mainstream media rollout of the Zika virusand warnings for women to avoid becoming pregnant.
With US Congress attempting to give Barack Obama power to send US troops anywhere in the entire world in what is being called a declaration of international martial law, we can already see the Zika virus is being used by the elite to 'power up' their own deadly agenda and that agenda hasalready resulted in medical martial law in parts of the world.
Since the Zika virus became huge news across the world as shared in the videos below we have to ask, are we witnessing more of the elitists 'depopulation agenda' in action as America is poisoned with radiation, gasses and other deadly diseases? As ANP reported back on January 28th, the Zika virus was first discovered and isolated by the Rockefeller Foundation which has a very long history and ties to the elitist depopulation agenda.
While many may laugh off such an agenda, they do so at their own peril. Anyone who has been paying attention to world events know all too well how real this agenda is and, as has been warned by ANP and many other alternative news websites, this agenda appears to have now been kicked into high gear.
And dont forget the Rio Olympic Games, coming up in August. There are multiple scenarios which could play out in front of a global television audience. Will Zika be pushed as some sort of worldwide pandemic? Will a Zika vaccine be magically discovered and rushed into production, in time to show (as an advertisement) lines of people dutifully trudging up to receive shots?
Every fake epidemic is, in part, designed to create fear and induce blind compliance to medical and government dictates. The germ is positioned as the tiny terrorist in this stage play.
In my first book, AIDS INC.(1988), I indicated that covert medical ops are the most dangerous, because they appear to be politically neutral, they fly under no flag, and they claim to forward only humanitarian aims. But in fact, modern Rockefeller Medicine is built as a vast partner in the Globalization of the planet. Its vision is a universal in-utero-to-cradle-to-grave system for the human race: every human walks a bleak lifelong path of disease-diagnosis after diagnosis, receiving toxic drugs and vaccines at every turn, which weaken his body and mind, and make him unable to consider what is happening outside his perimeter of suffering or resist political totalitarianism.
Medical freedom means: the freedom to refuse medical care, and its based on knowledge of destructive effects. This freedom must win, against any odds.
Official science is a contradiction in terms, and a grand illusion.
Zika virus isn't the only thing that America is now dealing with as this latest story from ENENews tells us that once again, for the 2nd time in days,a US nuclear power plant has had an emergency alert declaredafter a fire/explosion happened at the Brunswick nuclear plant in North Carolina on Monday. Back on February 7th we learned about another emergency situation at the Indian Point nuclear plant in New York afteralarming levels of radioactivity were reported...levels 65,000% above what is considered 'normal'.
In between learning of those emergency situations, we learned the extremely dangerous situation in California had gotten worse as formaldehyde had been found to be spewing forth from the massive methane leak in LA. We're told the methane is turning into embalming fluid and breathing it in canmake human bodies 'start digesting themselves'. We were also told thatthe company responsible KNOWS this is happening 'but obviously, they don't want us to know about it'.
Are these events also part of the depopulation agenda, 'grey terror' as warned of long ago by Russian defector Viktor Suverov' in his book "Spetsnaz First World War"? We're certainly living in dangerous times with everything that is unfolding all around us. However, aren't we much better off in our own hands than in the hands of those trying to enslave us? Is the Zika virus a eugenics bioweapon as asked in the last video below from Infowars?