According to this new story (saved at archive) over at the left-wing rag 'the Daily Beast', "quarantine is about to take a dark new twist". With their story warning that the combination of the arrival of summer and the hot weather that comes with it AND millions of Americans working at home due to covid-19, electrical grids across the country could be stretched beyond capacity, their story warned to 'brace for blackouts in the summer of covid-19'.
Just the latest warning we've gotten this month of a potential grid down scenario in the US, Peter Navarrorecently warned of a new 'threat' to America that could be much more crippling to the US and our economy than covid-19 and leave America's economy in utter ruins; China taking down America's entire power grid via an electro-magnetic pulse attack or a devastating series of cyber attacks.
Navarro, the Assistant to the President and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator, recently warned of the very real possibility of war on the horizon with China over coronavirus backlashand not surprisingly considering the evolving scenario, back on May 1st, President Trump and the White House published Executive Order #13920, an E.O. written to protect and secure America's entire bulk power grid system.
We have embedded that E.O. at the bottom of this story for you to read in full and with the E.O. beginning"I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that foreign adversaries are increasingly creating and exploiting vulnerabilities in the United States bulk-power system", we felt it best to revisit some 'grid down scenario prepping' with warnings now coming from several different sources about the potential of the US grid going down over the summer.
And while we'll pray that any grid down scenario in the US isn't long-term because any long-term blackouts will bring with it nearly unimaginable consequences, including up to or more than 90% of Americans dead within the following 9 to 18 months should it be nationwide and the grid isn't fixed, as we'll explore within the next section of this ANP story, most Americans are totally unaware of the total havoc that would be unleashed.
With multiple warnings having come out now of a grid down scenario in our future, including President Trump and the White House putting forth that much-needed 'executive order' to hopefully protect America's power grids, as the website Urban Survival reported, a number of scary things would happen should such the grid go down long term that most Americans don't think about at all.
1. No More Supply Trucks When the supply trucks stop, no stores are going to get resupplied. Its not that it matters much anyway, because those stores are going to be looted and then abandoned afterward anyway. This will guarantee that within a few short hours of the grid going down, life will already change dramatically because you will no longer be able to resupply yourself with the things that you need. 2. All The Stores Would Close As was just mentioned, without the resupply trucks, stores and restaurants are most certainly going to be shut down. The only real question is, when will looting occur? 3. Commerce Would Cease This is one that youre going to want to think about. A grid down situation is seriously going to lead to a complete and utter breakdown of commerce as we know it. Banks will no longer be open, ATMs wont work, and debit and credit cards will no longer be of any use. 4. Gasoline Would Be Gone This is a big one. Gasoline is going to become one of the most precious commodities once people are unable to get any more of it at gas stations. Everything from cars to motorcycles to ATVs to generators all run on gasoline. Weve all seen post-apocalyptic movies and TV shows where literally thousands of cars are lying uselessly abandoned by the side of the road. Well, that really wont be all too far from reality. 5. Heaters Wouldnt Work Just as the summer months are going to get really uncomfortable due to the lack of air conditioning, so will the freezing cold winter months due to the lack of heat. In fact, the lack of heat is going to be a far worse problem than the lack of air conditioning and really could be life-threatening if it ever gets particularly cold outside. This is why youre going to want to stock up on as much firewood, propane bottles for heaters, and candles as you can. 6. No More Running Water This is another big one. You wont be able to run the dishwasher or the washing machine anymore, nor would you be able to take a shower, run the bath, water your plants, or even fill up a sink. This is why when you stockpile water, you need to stockpile both drinking and cleaning/personal hygiene water. The recommended amount will be at least one gallon of water per person per day. One half of that gallon will be for drinking, and the other half will be for cleaning and personal hygiene. Water filters and purification tablets will also be immensely important because when you do manage to procure more water for drinking purposes from other sources, it may not be safe to drink. Drinking unsafe water can oftentimes be more unsafe than not drinking any water at all, which will make a water filter device even more important and critical to own.
As the website Prepper Journal had reported, should the grid go down for an extended period of time, we'll still need: the ability to cook food without electronic appliances; the ability to see when its dark; the ability to heat or cool your home or food; the ability to get water from the tap; and the ability to get information and news. So we'll take a look within our closing section at doing all of that.
And while we'll continue to pray that a war with China and/or Russia will be averted, as Zero Hedge had reported in this recent story, we may be headed in that direction and if so, the electrical grids here in America would definitely be in peril should 'our enemies' try to take America down 'overnight'.
A Reuters report claiming Beijing is already preparing for the prospect of "an armed conflict" with the US has seemingly driven the deteriorating relations between Washington and Beijing back into the limelight (at least as far as the market is concerned). But for conservatives, who have been looking at China with a wary eye since the outbreak began, this latest 'escalation' is hardly a surprise. And when it comes to rebutting China's aggression to an audience of mostly Trump supporters, nobody in the West Wing is as practiced as Pete Navarro. Which is probably why he was called to deliver a warning about the newest "threat" from China, a threat that could potentially be even more crippling to the US economy than the virus. That threat? The vulnerability of the US power grid. "I think that what's important for the American people to understand very clearly is that "China lied, people died". China spawned the virus and they hid the virus for 6 weeks, which allowed the virus to escape Wuhan and infect the rest of the world. And they spent that time going around the world, vacuuming up masks." Navarro explained how President Trump's latest executive order protects America's power grid by forcing the federal government to buy and use components made only in the US (the federal government administers roughly 20% of the US power grid). Under current rules, companies subject to the influence of foreign adversaries are still allowed to compete for government contracts to supply these components, Navarro argued in a Fox op-ed published shortly before his appearance. Right now, Navarro said his primary responsibility in the administration is overseeing the reorientation of American supply chains away from China (though this will ultimately be decided by individual corporations, the White House can certainly take steps to sway their decisions, not that the crisis hasn't been instructive enough on its own). He argued that this latest EO, along with another EO that will require federal agencies to use all-American components for medicines, are the first steps of the "decoupling" of the US economy away from China's - something that, polls show, Americans mostly support. Without these orders, Navarro said, China poses a direct threat to the US power grid so long as components made in China and other foreign markets are used.
So with the very real potential of the grid going down in the coming weeks or months, whether due to a cyber attack/EMP by China or having something to do with covid-19, as we hear in the final video below, "A Greater Threat To American Life Exists Than COVID" with ANP contributor Dr. Peter Vincent Pry joining Dr. Chaps to warn him about the very real threat to America of our electrical grid going down, a threat that would leave most Americans living back in the 'dark ages'. Some long-term grid town prepping supplies and products with delivery within just a few days include.:
We hear more about the very real potential of blackouts this summer in the first video below while in the 2nd video we hear about the very real potential of Russia joining up with China against the US in the South China Sea. And in the final video, Dr. Pry joins Dr. Chaps to talk with us about a threat that could bring America much greater harm than covid-19.
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