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February 6, 2022

When 'Science' Collides With 'Reality' And The Greatest Scientific Fraud In The History Of The World: While Deceit Surrounds COVID, The 'Murder Weapon' They Call 'The Vaccine' Is Very Real

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Logic - noun


1:a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something

2:a particular way of thinking about something

3:the science that studies the formal processes used in thinking and reasoning


Although so-called scientists continually redefine the meaning of so many words to maintain their viewpoint in a specific subject, going back to the generally accepted definitions can yield some interesting thoughts, such as Isolation. The fact is that the so called SARS Cov2 Covid19 virus has NEVER been isolated, and therefore can only be considered at best just a theory. The controversy surrounding whether or not it has ever been isolated comes down to the fact that the virus does not even exist, it is a fabricated myth.

There are an increasing number of medical research centers around the globe that are asking their respective health department headquarters asking for a sample of the virus so they can do their own research. And they are not just denied access to it, but are told that they do not even have it! How can researchers research something that does not exist? They say they would be happy to give it to them but THEY DO NOT HAVE IT. Not even one government health agency has a sample, and this is in the hundreds of documented requests denied since it does not even exist now or at any time, and not just a few places but all over the world. Not in China, not in the USA, not in Israel, not in Britain, not anywhere does a sample of the virus even exist. So as a result there is NO confirmation that the virus existence can be even found; and as a consequence it means that the SARS Covid virus has never been purified; has never been isolated; has never been proven to exist so the common sense conclusion the LOGICAL conclusion - is that its composition, its very existence cannot be known. So the logical conclusion is that the structure, the composition of something known to not exist cannot be known. That is the conclusion derived from logic as further defined by M-W as a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity ofinferenceand demonstration:the science of the formal principles of reasoning and interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable.

You cannot describe how something is put together if you cannot even prove that it exists, including the functions of any hypothetical protein. And the genetic sequence of something that has never been found cannot be known. And the variants of something that has never been proven to exist cannot be known, and therefore it is impossible to demonstrate that SARS Cov2 causes a disease called Covid 19.

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Computer model of corona virus

The proper way to isolate, or to demonstrate a new virus is to first obtain samples from the blood, or phlegm, or some other bodily secretions from as large of a sampling of the population as possible who have the symptoms which are unique to that specific sample group as opposed to others that do not have those same symptoms, using symptoms unique enough to describe that particular illness, and without mixing any of those samples that were taken with any other kind of tissue or product that might have any kind of genetic material on them, then the virologist will macerate or chews it into incredibly small portions. Then filter it, ultracentrifuge it, purify the specimen and isolate the bacteriophages of identical sized and shaped particles using an electron scanning microscope, and those particles are the isolated, purified virus. (We have all seen the photos of those particles described as covid viruses) Then the genetic makeup derived by extracting genetic material from that particle and examining the chemical composition of that particle by using genetic sequencing techniques such as the Sanger sequence that has been around for decades and then do an analysis to confirm that all of those little particles that look exactly the same are exogenous (meaning outside of the cell), that their origin as a virus is outside the cell, not inside, as that confirms it is the virus and not some product of that cell, and in theory it can then go into the cell to change it. Because it is outside the cell, in the fluid that surrounds it all, it is not the product of a dead cell decomposing or breaking apart of that cell. There is NO virologist that has proven that it is anything other than the product of a dead or dying tissue and is therefore NOT A LIVING CELL that is expelling these particles.

So if you have come this far by isolating a fully isolated and sequenced information on an exogenous particle you still have to show that it causes the theorized disease. You cannot just proclaim HERE IT IS! you have to PROVE that it causes the disease. That is accomplished by taking those isolated particles and have proven that they come from the outside of the cell and not the inside (which has never been done) and then you expose a group of healthy test subjects to this isolated, purified virus in the manner that is thought to be transmitted. Then if the animal gets sick with the same disease that is confirmed by clinical autopsy findings then you can prove that that isolated particle has caused the disease which demonstrates infectiousness and transmission of an infectious agent.

Scanning electron microscope image of supposed Covid virus, 2003 SARS

This is greatly simplified to fit my minimal non-medical background understanding of the process, but my main point is that NONE of those steps have been taken with the SARS Covid virus. As a matter of fact, all of these steps have not been successfully performed on ANY pathogenic virus let alone with the SARS2 virus. You can go to Pubmed or Medscape and read the abstracts there or in any of the thousands of research projects found by searching and you still will not find any tests that follow the proper protocol to prove using logic and scientific methods to prove that Covid even exists. Instead, virologists have taken few samples from few people who seem to have a similar disease and then they mix all of the samples together rather than following Kochs Postulates and they then pretend they have found the supposed cause of the disease and then rush to make a vaccine to prevent it. Hollywood has given us that routine in all of the big movies about pandemics, and that is the method they use, not the verifiable methods I described to begin with. Since the mid 1950s they modified the procedure of isolating a virus by grouping samples and minimally processing it then inoculating a very minimal sample test group with an unpurified sample onto tissue culture with who knows how many other genetic materials and they starve it, poison it and it disintegrates into what they think is an exogenous particle but is really just the debris of that cell dying and throwing off that dying tissue called exosomes that are identical to what is called a virus. You cannot scare people with that, you cannot make any money with that; so what they are looking at, what they call ASARS Cov2 could be just about anything, they really do not have a clue what it is. And add to that the PCR test is not even looking specifically for that agent, it is only looking for a tiny snippet and with the massive amplifications required in that bogus test to get enough to make any reaction related so anything that cannot be related back to what they claim is the mother of that sample. Because anyone that has studied virology in the past can see through their deceptions, they need to change the language, change the definitions as has been most obvious by the changing definitions used for vaccines and infections and so forth. When you change the language you control the outcome of what is taking place with all the flaunting of scientific authority and pompousness we see by the heretical emperors masquerading as scientists and health professionals and news sources and government agencies and dictators all around our globe.

In actuality it is scientific fraud, to say that the highly questionable samples unscientifically isolated and tested is absolute fraud. It is a lie. If it were scientifically isolated and tested, there would be samples available for other researchers to process and experiment with. There are no samples available because there are none in existence; SARS2 Covid DOES NOT EVEN EXIST. How much clearer can I make it to those who still do not understand?

Most of my research on this came from various links available on the website The Weston A Price Foundation and I suggest a bit of time spent there will enlighten you on many more subjects regarding your health and diet. A podcast with Dr. Tom Cowan, Sally Falolon Morell and Hilda Labrada Gore that is most interesting is found here

They discuss a book titled The Contagion Myth and note that How the coronavirus has not been isolated and consequently is not spreading and causing sickness as weve been told. Theyre not saying that there is no sickness rather they communicate that it is not based on a virus. As we have come to understand the past year, the so-called covid and its variations are the direct result of the vaccines that are based on a non-existent virus and we can therefore conclude that the vaccine is causing all of our problems and excessive deaths. The original covid is some other kind of flu or cold or corona virus or what have you. Possibly from some bat or monkey or whatever modified with the spike proteins used in the manufacture of the vaccine. It is a plague of manmade systems, a pandemic of evil mens Satanic hearts. It is not real, but the murder weapon called the vaccine is very real.

More info at -

Besides the introduction for the kill shots, what is the covid scare for?

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