On Monday Susan Duclos gave us a great contrast between how the 'global elite' are now dealing with the covid-19 pandemic compared to how 'the common man' is attempting to survive it and as she pointed out in her story, while the 'global elite' are scurrying off to their bunkers, some for the 1st time and completely clueless, millions of Americans all across the country are now waiting in food lines for their next meals.
With MSN, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Guardian and numerous other mainstream outlets recently putting out stories about the global elite bugging out to their bunkers, ANP has gone ahead and reached out to Vivos Underground bunkersfor a comment on what is now unfolding and after receiving a very prompt reply from them, absolutely have to emphasize their warnings to us here and now.
Asking them 3 questions, we received their partly'tongue and cheek' response that speaks louder than words.:
ANP: Are civil unrest, food shortages, and chaos possibly ahead? More tyranny?
Vivos: All of the above and more to come!
ANP: How long do you think this lockdown will go on and how long will the American people take it?
Vivos: They are now getting very frustrated and beginning to protest the governments taking of their civil liberties. Watch this poetically dramatized many decades ago. (ANP: See 1st video at bottom of story!)
ANP: 9 meals to anarchy has been long warned and looks like we're heading that way now?
Vivos: Yes, and 21 days to cannibalism after total starvation. The next phase to come will be looting, rioting and a total depression with the have-nots going after the haves to take whatever they want.
With this lockdown putting millions of Americans out of work with warnings coming out in this new MSN story that the 2nd round of job layoffs and firings will be even harsher and cause another huge surge in the demand for food at food banks, as the Associated Press reported in this April 19th story,'the average American' is struggling to get through this. As the AP story pointed out, nearly 50% of their customers since the pandemic lockdowns began have been 'first-time' customers, showing just how badly the lockdown itself is hitting 'normal, every-day Americans'.
Brooklyn Dotson needed food. Her first unemployment check had yet to arrive after she was let go by the warehouse where she used to work. So the 25-year-old Nashville woman scrounged up some gas money and drove 30 miles (48 kilometers) to the GraceWorks Ministries food pantry in Franklin.
There, at the pantrys new drive-thru, workers wearing masks and gloves loaded her van with about $350 worth of groceries. I dont have any income coming in, I dont get any food stamps, so its just hard to get any help right now, Dotson said while waiting in line at GraceWorks.
Food pantries stay busy even in the best of economic times; the coronavirus pandemic has prompted a spike in demand as millions of people like Dotson find themselves furloughed, laid off or with businesses that have suffered huge financial blows.
About 50% of the people coming through our lines have never been here before, said GraceWorks President and CEO Valencia A. Breckenridge.
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Their story then reported how this is evolving into a 'perfect storm scenario' with far too many people who now don't have enough money to buy their own food happening at a time when the food and supply chain itself is being hit with meat processing plants across America and the world shutting down due to coronavirus cases. Once again from this AP story.
Just as demand is skyrocketing, however, many of the food banks sources are drying up. Restaurants, hotels and resorts many of which are shuttered or sharply limiting their operations are no longer supplying them with food, while other suppliers are busy restocking grocery shelves. Farmers have switched from shipping vegetables and meats in bulk to individual packaging for grocery stores.
It is a perfect storm scenario, said Katie Fitzgerald, chief operating officer for Feeding America, a nationwide association of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries.
Feeding America has seen an increase in demand from 98% of its member banks, according to a recent survey. The average increase for a member was 63%, while 95% of the associations food banks reported an increase in operating expenses, the organization said.
According to this March story over at the Wall Street Journal, living underground doesn't seem too strange anymore in this day and age of covid-19 and with toilet paper and guns flying off the shelves along with food, water and other long-term survival supplies and warnings of civil unrest due to near-future food shortages coming to us from a US Congressman, that WSJ story pointed out 'preppers' are now looking like some of the smartest people around.
With coronavirus upending nearly all aspects of daily life for many Americans, as that WSJ story also pointed out, 'survivalists' have been feeling some 'redemption' though as any real survivalist knows, surviving one day is no guarantee of survival the next so keeping one's head on a swivel in 2020 is key.And as we mentioned above, ANP's email toVivos Bunkers also brought a reply of some very interesting facts. From Vivos.:
As a result of the current Coronavirus threat and the ripple of subsequent consequences, the demand for Vivos has exponentially grown, with people no longer inquiring on a curiosity point of view, but now ready to get off the proverbial fence and secure a space will they still can. This is compounded by the onslaught of threats that are now very evident to the entire world.
People are sensing that all hell is about to break loose, from North Korea to the Middle East, and the potential of WW3 with Russia and China. Many foresee the very real potential for another plague, an economic collapse, major Earth changes potentially caused by cosmic forces, including our own Sun, and asteroid strikes. We are living in very dangerous times, making the need to have a life-assurance shelter solution a must-have, for those who want to survive these extinction level events and to have the opportunity to emerge safely on the other side.
Here are a few current stats:
- Inquiries and applications are up over 1,000% year over year.
- Sales are up over 400% and growing exponentially.
- Everyone seems to be jumping off the fence and wanting an immediate survival solution.
- Construction of a new bunker complex can take 3 to 12 months depending on scale, location and availability of materials and labor.
- The clientele is shifting from middle class to upper class and HNW individuals.
- Many people think they can just show up at the door, pay a few and be granted access. Unfortunately, Vivos is not a disaster hotel and requires full vetting and advance purchase to either join an existing shelter community or outfit a private bunker in Vivos xPoint.
Vivos is not merely about concrete, steel and blast doors. It is about having a backup plan for mankind to survive and for like-minded families to have the opportunity to potentially be part of the next phase of humanity should these events occur.
With globalists now getting out of dodge while preparing for disaster as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this story while 'government' uses this pandemic as an opportunity to impose more rules upon the masses, we should all be paying very close attention to what is now unfolding with it long being warned of the globalists sinister plans for America and this 'pandemic' giving them an opportunity to further those plans.
So with food shortages ahead for potentially more than just the near future while the supply chain is being hit on numerous different fronts, we continue to urge preparation as honestly, the way this is all going, we'll never know ahead of time if things are going to totally grind to a halt and leave millions out of food and out of luck.
In the final video below from 'Ice Age Farmer' he goes over all of the latest data that is telling us to get prepared now while we still can because things are quickly getting very ugly out there.
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