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January 10, 2025

The California Fires And How Incomprehensibly Incompetent Those Involved Are - And Not Just On California’s Part, But The Federal As Well Via Joey Biden And His Corrupt Regime

By Alan Barton -  All News Pipeline


The California fires are all over the news, and I will not rehash the bulk of what is being said about them, but will give a cursory overview for those who are unaware or may need a reminder.  Actually, the first video clip below in the Videos section at the end is Jesse Waters doing just that, and includes the more important adjunct facts to show just how incomprehensibly incompetent those involved are; and not just on California’s part, but the Federal as well via Joey Biden and his corrupt regime.  We could just stop there after watching Jesse, but let’s proceed as the few brief articles I am referencing are good enough for that brief overview.  The best part is afterwards, I promise.

Many of the better headlines do read as one might expect and use valid descriptors to do so.  TOTAL DESTRUCTION: Apocalyptic Scenes as Los Angeles Wildfires Rage: Wall of Fire Surrounds Man in Pacific Palisades Home” says The Gateway Pundit.  Better yet, they included a fascinating and frightening video as posted below in the Video after section.

Armageddon: While Cali burns to the ground, thugs are looting like banshees…” Revolver said with one video link stating “This is EXACTLY what happened on Maui!”.   More on that in a bit. 

The Blaze used similar tones to the others when they said “'Virtually apocalyptic':

Trump rips 'incompetent' Gavin Newsom over raging California wildfires”.  I believe I

would have not used the modifying term “Virtually” before the word “apocalyptic”.


Even the Geller Report got it right when they said ““APOCALYPTIC SCENES”: Los Angeles Wildfires Rage Out of Control Due to Catastrophic Failure of Democrat Policies”. 

Ok, you are getting the picture and I could go through all of the ideas in the above articles, but that would be a tiresome chore when you could just open the linked articles up and read them firsthand yourself.  So let’s continue on with the more important ideas that must be considered by looking at just one more headline that was featured in The Burning Platform, and is where we intended to go as stated in the first paragraph of this column. “FIREGEDDON 2025 — LA Conflagration brazenly started by CIA Pyroterrorists and then spread by NWO Geoengineers who…..”.

Although I am not willing to go along with their idea that it is a NWO Psyop, I will agree with this paragraph: ”… these meticulously orchestrated waves of pyroterrorist attacks are carried out with the precise timing and location characteristic of all major terrorists attacks around the globe.  These choreographed events are also fastidiously set up over the preceding months as clearly demonstrated by the following bombshell news reports which confirm federal, state and local government complicity as well as stealthy corporate collusion.”  Note that the emphasis is mine.

In 2020 for the Monterey fires, Directed Energy Weapons were caught being used to start and continue those fires, please see the video below. 

I suspect someone may post videos of this year’s DEW attacks just as they were for the Maui ones, but in the meantime note the video below showing “strange fast-moving objects” flying over the So Cal fires that resemble the so-called glowing orbs that are suspected of being our own UAP devices that ignore normal rules of physics in their flight characteristics.  There is a lot to be said of these, but not in this column; that is a subject I am reserving for a future one. 


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Then in SK Pop in a site known as Sports Keeda, noted that among some other clips In2ThinAir posted the one below that shows some energy weapon and perhaps spraying or chaff being dispersed to cover the areas of the fires from the Area 51 vicinity in Nevada for the Ventura fires a few months earlier.  It is like a test to be sure things are working correctly for the current outbreak of the historic conflagration.

I have already written stories on the man-made massive fires including the Canadian and  Maui ones in a June 15 2023 and February 8 2024 columns that had the mechanisms discussed well enough so we will not need to go over all of that again so look up the links to catch up if you are not up to speed on how that is accomplished.  One possible connection to these out of control fires has been discussed in the video “Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military Exposed” listed below in the Videos section.

When the current conditions are considered – very dry, high winds, very limited water to fight them, incompetent personnel because of left wing DEI policies and so forth, this is pretty much guaranteed to be the mechanism used.  These current California fires are JUST LIKE the ones that destroyed Lahaina such a short time ago.  The same things are happening such as tires on cars burning and the aluminum wheels melting while trees nearby are untouched; total consumption of homes while plastics and the like are untouched.  That is a positive indication of a directed energy beam proving that this is NOT “natural” fires but warfare being fought against this nation and its peoples.  True, they are pushing it during specific times – natural or fabricated by weather warfare – to make the idea of natural destruction seem possible.  This is indeed war against the USA.

The following video covers much of the idea well enough, and the others show various aspects of this warfare.  It is much easier to just put up the videos and have you watch them to gather the required intelligence than for me to transcribe it, so I will leave it at that.

Personally I agree with Alex Jones on this – that we are under siege by those that consider themselves superior to us but are, in fact, much lower in every way provable by the fact that they are completely under the control of Satan and his minions.


They have always considered civilization to be something to be destroyed, and that is just what they are doing.  One proof of this is that Biden had the skies closed to firefighting aircraft for a day while he was there to look at what he has been causing to happen. 


There is so much to say on this, but I have already overloaded the available time to view videos on the situation so perhaps it is time to just leave it where it is and clean up in another article if needed.  Oh, and I hope to finish the column where I give my ideas on those glowing orbs and other UFO’s/UAF’s as well as I mentioned in the beginning.  There is a lot to cover in that one and I am having trouble keeping it succinct, but bear with me.

In the meantime, may God Bless all of you.


Jesse Watters: Entire neighborhoods are burning in LA

This is a good short overview of the reality of what is seen.


Nightmare Fuel Two men and a dog trapped in a home surrounded by the Palisades fire



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