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August 4, 2024
CEPI And WHO Employ 200 Fortune Tellers To Find The Pathogen That Could Cause The Next Pandemic - Reminder: CEPI Is Linked And Was Partially Funded By Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
On Thursday, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) called on researchers and governments to strengthen and accelerate global research to prepare for the next pandemic.
They emphasised the importance of expanding research to encompass entire families of pathogens that can infect humans regardless of their perceived pandemic risk as well as focusing on individual pathogens.
CEPI and WHOs call was based on a report, which involved the collaboration of over 200 scientists, that further developed a strategy for searching for pathogens that can infect humans. The search for the next pandemic causing, or not, pathogen is prescience, or fortune-telling, from which only the vaccine industry can benefit.
Reminder:CEPI was conceived in 2015and formally launched in 2017 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. It was co-founded and co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the governments of India and Norway, and was later joined by the European Union (2019) and the United Kingdom (2020). In 2020-2021, Bill Gates, through the Gates Foundation and GAVI, wasthe second largest contributorto WHO.
The WHO R&D Blueprint for Epidemics is a global platform for research and development collaboration, stressing the significance of international cooperation in expediting the research and development of medical countermeasures (MCMs),which include vaccines. At the core of its efforts lies the concept of pathogen prioritisation.
Pathogen prioritisation is a process aimed at categorising pathogens according to their public health importance, antimicrobial resistance and potential for epidemic or pandemic spread.
At the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2024 held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on 29 30 July, WHO R&D Blueprint for Epidemics issueda report.
It is the result of a meeting held in May to further develop a strategy that advocates for research spanning various pathogen families based on our existing understanding of their pandemic potential.
According to the report, the strategy they developed also emphasises research and development efforts aimed at readiness for both anticipated and unanticipated threats by focusing on entire families, Prototype Pathogens, and Priority Pathogens.
Over 200 scientists from more than 50 countries collaborated on the report to evaluate the evidence related to 28 Viral Families and one core group of Bacteria, encompassing 1,652 pathogens. The epidemic and pandemic risk was determined by considering available information on transmission patterns, virulence, and availability of diagnostic tests, vaccines and treatments.
In the report, they used a metaphor of looking for lost keys under a street lamp as an illustration of the ongoing challenges and biases in identifying the pathogen that will cause the next pandemic.
This metaphor highlights how researchers and public health officials might focus their efforts on illuminated areas where it is easiest to search, rather than where the actual answers might lie, the report said. Imagine scientists and public health officials as individuals searching for the lost keys (the next pandemic pathogen).
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These scientists may as well save electricity, and reduce their carbon footprint, by turning the street lamp off, because their basic premise is wrong. There are no lost keys. They are searching for something that does not exist.
A pandemic is a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents, affecting a large number of people and taking more lives than an epidemic. A pandemic can only be known after an outbreak across the world occurs. If there is a disease outbreak of this magnitude, then scientists examine the evidence to try to find what has caused it. Until an outbreak happens, there is nothing to find.
However, there is a vaccine industry that requires epidemics and pandemics to be declared to make a profit. That is what over 200 scientists from more than 50 countries are collaborating on; which vaccine or MCM should be rolled out next. That will depend on which vaccine supplier has the most influence on those who are searching for the lost keys. Through both CEPI and WHO, the person with the most influence over these scientists is Bill Gates.
Not deterred by their unscientific methods, the scientists want to expand their futile search for lost keys across the world. The report urges their broader-based approach to be used by researchers and countries. This broader-based research strategy aims to:
1. Investigate entire families of pathogens that can infect humans, regardless of their perceived pandemic risk, in addition to focusing on individual pathogens. What for?
2. Develop knowledge and tools for entire pathogen families by studying prototype pathogens, which can serve as pathfinders for understanding the behaviour and transmission patterns of related pathogens. What for?
3. Foster research that generates knowledge, tools and countermeasures that can be rapidly adapted to emerging threats, rather than focusing on specific pathogens or scenarios. Aah. So, thats the reason for points 1 and 2 vaccines.
4. Encourage globally coordinated, collaborative research efforts to share resources, expertise and data, particularly from low- and middle-income countries with high biodiversity and limited research infrastructure. What for?
5. Set up Collaborative Open Research Consortia (CORCs) around the world, led by WHO Collaborating Centres, to promote research collaboration and equitable participation, particularly from regions where pathogens are known to or likely to circulate. These CORCs around the world will involve researchers, developers, funders, regulators, trial experts and others. Aah. So, thats the reason for point 4 vaccines.
The Global Virome Project talks about prescience, being protected against the next epidemic and the diversity and ecology of viral threats.
Its not only The Global Virome Project that uses prescience, WHOs R&D Blueprint for Epidemics is doing the same.
Prescience refers to knowledge of actions or events before they occur. It is something that fortune tellers have been doing for centuries. To pull off their scam, fortune tellers dont rely on facts, they rely on people believing they are giving the facts. They use confidence tricks to exploit peoples vulnerabilities, often by presenting or diagnosing them with secret problems and promising solutions. To do this they prey on peoples emotions, creating a sense of urgency or fear to extract money.
The need to address the diversity and ecology of viral threats is an example of such a confidence trick.
Man has been on the Earth for 6,000 years with arguably more diversity of life and viral threats than we have today. Extinction rates are extremely fuzzy and vary wildly, not least of all because we dont know how many species there are on Earth now let alone thousands of years ago.According to the World Resources Institute, Scientists have a better understanding of how many stars there are in the galaxy than how many species there are on Earth. Nevertheless, ecologists have somehow estimated that95% of the Earths species disappearedduring the five previous catastrophic events over the past 600 million years.
There can be no one who believes that viruses which are not living organisms and degrade outside a hosts body survived these catastrophic events while their hosts, e.g. plants and animals, did not. Logically, there must have been many more viral threats in the past. How have we survived, and thrived, for 6,000 years without The Global Virome Project and WHOs R&D Blueprint for Epidemics fortune-telling abilities? When you answer that, you have seen through their trick.
WHOs announcement of its R&D Blueprint for Epidemics also stated: WHOs scientific framework for epidemic and pandemic research preparedness is a vital shift in how the world approaches countermeasure development, and one that is strongly supported by CEPI.
To which Dr. Nass added the comment: In other words, we are pivoting the work of the WHO to the biosecurity agenda whether the member states like it or not.
A presentation Dr. Nass gave in May gives an understanding of the biosecurity agenda she is referring to. During an online symposium titled From National Security to Biosecurity jointly held by theInternational Centre for 9/11 JusticeandUK Column, Dr. Nass gave a presentation titled Biowarfare, Biosecurity, and the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agenda. You can watch the presentation below and download her presentation slides in PDF formatHERE.
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