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July 7, 2019
Over 20 Years Ago, The Secretary Of Defense Warned Of Weapons That Can Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes But The Mainstream Media Still Calls Them 'Conspiracy Theory'
- Are Tectonic Weapons Being Used Upon California And The US West Coast?
Less than 4 months ago, seismologist Lucy Jones published this story over at Lit Hub titled "After the Big One: Can You Imagine America Without Los Angeles? The San Andreas Fault is Not Messing Around" within which she reported that Earthquakes are so common in Southern California, the seismic network that measures them has an alarm which automatically goes off after 12 hours if no quake is recorded because that probably means their system is malfunctioning.
Reporting that since the system was put into effect in the 1990's, Southern California had never gone 12 hours without at least one quake being detected, with the smallest ones hardly noticed but happening quite regularly, she warned back in that March story that the more powerful 7.0 quakes and above can destroy entire cities.
Reporting also that we're actually lucky because most quakes of the size of 7.0 occur underwater and far away from the masses and big cities, her story then switched up a bit, warning that for more than three hundred years, none of these, not even the tiniest, had occurred on the southernmost part of the San Andreas Fault. While issuing this caveat: Someday that will change.
And California isn't the only place quaking in America with over 189 quakes now in the past two weeks in the Pacific Northwest as seen in the next photograph below, quite a few of them in the Pacific Ocean where the Cascade Volcanoes are.
As this Wikipedia entry reports,the Cascade Volcanoes-are a number of 18 volcanoes in a volcanic arc in western North America, extending from southwestern British Columbia through Washington and Oregon to Northern California, a distance of well over 700 miles (1,100 km). And with all of these quakes hitting the Cascadia Subduction Zone nearly in lockstep with this massive quake swarm in California, we can't blame people for asking if the 'big one' is soon ahead.
While many will call it a 'conspiracy theory', back in January of 2018, Forbes published this linked story titled "Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine"within which they began with one of Tesla's famous quotes: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
As their story reported, all the way back in 1896, Tesla was working on oscillations to be used for energy transfer. The idea was to create a steam-powered oscillator, able to create various frequencies. Reporting thatif powerful enough, Tesla's machine could match the Earth's frequency, causing even earthquakes, they also reported that Tesla's machine wasn't powerful enough to send energy far enough through the Earth but keep in mind, that was over 100 years ago.
Fast forward to 2019 and this Wikipedia entry which reports:"a tectonic weapon is a hypothetical device or system which could create earthquakes, volcanoes, or other seismic events in specified locations by interfering with the Earth's natural geological processes. It was defined in 1992 by Aleksey Vsevolovidich Nikolayev, corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences: "A tectonic or seismic weapon would be the use of the accumulated tectonic energy of the Earth's deeper layers to induce a destructive earthquake".
And while that entry also reports such weapons are only 'hypothetical' and the potential of inducing an earthquake would be highly doubtful, it also reported that back in 1997, US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen said at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy: "Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
When asked "what is a seismic weapon", he answered: "This is actually an artificial earthquake which could be generated by special devices, which increase natural seismic waves which are under our (Earths) surface and explode like a natural earthquake with all following circumstances. Its actually, this weapon development was in place for about more than 20 years and in the mid of 80s there have been several fields tests of this weapons and maybe you heard this Armenian city Spitak was totally destroyed."
So were the California quakes just long overdue or are we witnessing some kind of secret warfare, warfare that even the former US Department of Defense head has confirmed really does exist despite the mainstream media calling it 'conspiracy theory'? The 3rd and final video below is a several year old documentary that took a look at Tesla's inventions and the possibility that the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake was caused by HAARP, something that former Venezuela dictator Hugo Chavez argued himself according to this January of 2010 Fox News story.
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