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March 28, 2023
Humanity Hangs In The Balance As Our Blood Is Being Poisoned And Death Rains Down From Above - Chemtrails, Morgellons And Geoengineering Of The Weather Leading To Human Extinction
I first heard of Morgellons a number of years ago via a news video, perhaps this Inside Edition program, which was first broadcast in February 2008. What was so compelling about the story was the horrible affliction of people who had unknown fibers growing out of their skin!
The sufferers interviewed in the Inside Edition video reported sensations of intense itching, stinging, biting, and crawling. The fibers were examined by Tulsa, Oklahomas crime lab and were found to be of unknown origin and would not even burn when exposed to high heat.
Most doctors that were sought out for a diagnosis and treatment were at a loss to explain the condition or to even know how to treat it. Instead, they categorized Morgellons as a delusional manifestation, a mental disease, and even Munchausens by Proxy.
What have government health officials said about Morgellons? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave a 2008 presser about plans to investigate it, but no such investigation appears on their website. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that the investigation got stuffed down a rabbit hole because they did not want to publish it.
The Mayo Clinic, however, acknowledged CDCs investigation in their May 04, 2022 article, but is in march-step with them:
What do researchers know about Morgellons disease?
The research on Morgellons by multiple groups over decades has yielded conflicting results. One of the largest studies, done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2012, found that the condition isn't caused by an infection or parasites.
The CDC did a study of 115 people with Morgellons, which the CDC refers to as an unexplained dermatopathy. The study showed that most of the fibers in the skin sores could be explained by repeated itching and contamination by fabric fibers rather than fibers emerging from the skin. The CDC study noted that the condition is most often seen in middle-aged white women, and its symptoms are very similar to those of a mental illness involving false beliefs about infestation by parasites (delusional infestation).
Small research studies have tried to determine the cause and effective treatment for Morgellons disease. But there is still no proven guidance on diagnosis and treatment. Further study is needed.
Considering the ongoing and massive governmental information warfare against American citizens in just the last three years, we are not surprised at CDCs lies, obfuscation, and complicity in the Morgellons issue, especially since it may well be tied in with the COVID-19 operation.
Webmd.com added an interesting comment in their May 18, 2021 article on the subject, by stating, In the past, few doctors had heard of Morgellons. But in response to scattered reports, the CDC worked together with several other health care agencies to investigate this condition. Most reports came from California, Texas, and Florida, although patients have been seen in all 50 states.
The CDC study found that Morgellons is most likely to affect middle-aged white women.
Many of the patients in the CDC study showed signs of being obsessively concerned about health problems in general. This is called somatic concerns.
About half of the people in the study had other health problems, including depression and drug abuse.
Whats with the medical establishment and their animus towards middle-aged white women? As for Morgellons sufferers supposedly being depressed and abusing drugs, well, which came first, the chicken or the egg? If those doctors had things crawling under their skin and fibers popping up through their skin like little antennas, maybe theyd feel depressed and need a Xanax too!
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Dr. Russell Schierling of Mountain View, MO, is one doctor who has actually researched Morgellons as a physical ailment and provides a wealth of information and photos on his blog about the syndrome. He also writes about what happened in 2001 when Mary Leitao began an investigation into her sons rash on his neck and face after doctors could not diagnose the childs condition.
As a biologist, Mary took a sample of her sons skin and looked at it under a microscope and discovered it contained red, blue, black, and white fibers. In her research, she came across the early work of Sir Thomas Browne who had coined the term Morgellons in his 1674 monograph stemming from his treatment of a child affected by hair-like extrusions on his back. There is no way to know if those symptoms mirror what Morgellons sufferers are enduring today, since a comparison is not possible. At any rate, Mary Leitao resurrected the term Morgellons and started the Morgellons Research Foundation.
On the Morgellons Research Foundation website under their Morgellons Disease Symptoms tab, Amir Alwani wrote this in his November 29, 2012 article, Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It (posted in April 2014):
As many of us now know, a vast amount of airplanes are currently spraying most of the Earths population with aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. Less discussed components of the spray programs include lab-created synthetic life-forms and other biological materials such as red blood cells, fungus, and self-replicating nano-fibers. Massive and diverse geo-engineering operations are indeed occurring. Moreover, a peculiar syndrome called Morgellons has emerged and has now been linked to these eugenics/transhumanist operations.
While this is alarming, humanity should at some point face the ugly details of this dilemma. This is an agenda partly involving a nano-technology infestation in our bodies.[Emphasis added] Potent News Blast #10 seeks to shed some light on this often neglected issue But what can be done about chemtrails and Morgellons to yield immediate effects for our bodies here and now?...
The Obama administration was petitioned in 2012 by the Morgellons Research Foundation to investigate Geo-Engineering, HAARP and Chemtrails, and guess what? They did research it, but didnt get the result the Foundation expected. Huffington Post wrote this article on it. The question that comes to mind is whether Obamas bold step to geoengineer climate change is involved in the poisonous chemicals raining down on us? How could he not have been involved, and maybe still is? Geoengineering of the climate has been ongoing for many years and Obama publicly embraced it.
In this fluff piece on Obamas 2012 fundraising effort, he is hailed as Rainmaker in Chief. Indeed, one cannot help but wonder if Barack Obama is somehow, in some way, involved in the C19 death and injuries of the last three years. Also have to wonder if he is renting space in Joe Bidens ear piece. A story for another time.
The obvious point here is that the U.S. government, at the highest level, continues with an aerial mission involving planes dumping tons of poisons on U.S. citizens. Because our climate has been manipulated for so long, there is no way to know what is man-made and what is normal.
What is abundantly clear is that the weaponization of the climate is a potent tool with which to manipulate, coerce, and rob the American people. Engineered climate change is anathema for a civilized people, but standard fare for the deviants who try to play God.
We know more about the agenda of those deranged global elitists who are now behind virtually all the nations of the world, because they apparently delight in telling us. They talk up the bugs well eat, the vehicles we wont drive, the digital prison of 15-minute cities, singularity with robots, ad nauseum.
Is that their end game, to kill off as many of us as possible to make life easier for themselves? If so, they must be demonically inspired, if not outright possessed, if they think they can play the part of a demigod with impunity.
In light of the C19 bioengineered virus and the kill shot masquerading as a vaccine, the question could reasonably be asked: Was Morgellons syndrome the result of a primitive, early-era beta rollout of the C19 bioweapon?
Did the mad Mengelemensheviks say to the chief evil-scientist-in-charge, Dummkopf! Back to das laboratorium! We must find a way to keep der fibers inside der krper so they cant be yanked out (unless of course the host is dead), and we must make them self-replicate und grosser machen so our wunderbar magical towers can find them! Hideous, diabolical laughter follows.
At some point, the lunatics need to be ridiculed, as well as exposed and fought. Massive indignation and anger against the evil that has been thrust onto the whole world needs to obliterate any fear over what they try to do to us.
Given all the variables and dynamics of what we have been witness and subjected to for the last three years, there seems to be only one plausible scenario, and that is we have entered the twilight zone of spiritual warfare where the stakes are literally life or death. It is gratifying to see so many scientific researchers reach the spiritual conclusion. They obviously understand the close connection between God, creation and science.
With all the forces arrayed against us, our job is to put on the full armor of God and pray against the dark forces working through those who seek to kill us or subject us to their sick and twisted slave world.
Chemtrails, Morgellons, it all sounded so weird, so other-worldly years ago. Not today because in one sense COVID-19 was a gift. Thanks to many God-believing researchers around the world who picked up the C19 gauntlet to investigate the deaths and injuries that came from the jab, we now know more about the nanotechnology, biosynthesis, and chemical analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injectibles. The C19 bioengineered virus and mRNA shots, chemtrails and geoengineered climate change all appear to have a common link.
Dane Wigington has been in the forefront of exposing geoengineering on several levels. In hisJune 2022 interview by Maria Zeee, he discusses how C19 vaccination does not have to come from a needle, but can be dumped on a population via chemical bioweapons. His website provides a wealth of information on the various methods used against the environment and the population. We have been sprayed with harmful chemicals for decades, so there is a history of poisons being dumped on all of us.
Morgellons could very well have come from the poisonous chemicals dumped on us for years through the government funded and directed aerosol dispersal program. It is a tough pill to swallow to think our government is actively trying to kill us through weaponized weather, or weaponized medicine. But there we are.
On Jeff Rensess website below the Creepy Joe borgification theory (interesting stuff, but beyond the scope of this article), there are clear, up close photos of fibers coming out of peoples skin. Rense writes:
In recent years, the controlled mainstream media has clearly been instructed to stop covering the Morgellons story and that has forced many of the victims into even more misery andisolation. Inthe approximate 20 years since the first cases were reported, there has been nouniformly successful cure or treatment. Why? The simple answer is that these fibers and othertiny items you will soon see are not biological as much as they are intelligent, purposed nanotech MACHINES or'nanobots.' Antibiotics and cortisones are useless.
The photos follow Renses conclusion, which is in agreement with chemical and biological analyses done by various researchers and scientists on Pfizer and Moderna C19 vials and on fibrous material pulled from the bodies of cadavers. Many examples abound on the internet.
Some early Morgellons researchers are Dr. Gwen Scott and Clifford Carnicom. Ana Milhacea,MD, PhD interviewed Clifford Carnicom in December 2022 on Synthetic Biological Life Forms CDB, Morgellons, in Post C19 Injection Era(ANP: Seen in the 2nd video below). Their discussion centered on a discovered synthetic life form created with DNA, a novel biological organism appearing in the blood of the unvaccinated according to analysis done by Mr. Carnicom. That revelation is very unsettling for those who never took the jab. So are chemtrails and C19 biotechnology working synergistically to kill us off? Remember, the big prize for the demoniacs is depopulation!
[As Clifford was discussing an unusual blood appearance around the 23-minute mark on the Rumble video with Dr. Milhacea, the video suddenly raced to the end on my computer. After trying several times to pick back up where the video dropped off, the website shut down with the page shown as unavailable. Dr. Milhaceas substack, and the Carnicom website also got shut down while writing this with my VPN connected to a state of Virginia site. No other open websites were affected, so it felt very directed towards the work of Dr. Milhacea and Mr. Carnicom, especially concerning the anomalous COVID blood that Clifford was discussing.
I went to a VPN connection from another state, and it quickly brought up those previously shut down websites. Everyone is encouraged to check those websites out, because if the criminals are getting nervous about the discoveries of certain researchers and are bringing their websites down, those are the ones to look at!] ---Kathleen Gotto
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