January 6, 2021
Darkness Falls Upon America And Secrecy Fills The Air As Democrats Cement Their Coup - More Signs Covid 19 Was An Act Of War To Help The Globalists Bring In Their 'New World Order'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While according to Ian Birrell in this December story over at the Daily Mail, Americans may never find out the truth about China and their ties to this 'pandemic' that has led to the 'ravaging'of small businesses in America, the fact that two inquiries into the origination of Covid-19 are being completely cloaked in secrecy, and the World Health Organization is allowing China's government in Beijing to 'vet' anyone investigating it, tells us much that need to know.
With Joe Biden completely 'owned' by China, so the likelihood of truth emerging about Covid-19's origin in the months and years ahead should Biden ever make it into the White House sadly ranging from '0%' to 'not a snowballs chance in hell', President Trump's last two weeks in office are absolutely critical if Americans want to learn the truth about this 'pandemic', or anything else for that matter.
Because with what's being called 'the week that will change America' having arrived, andit looking more and more like Democrats will not only control the White House and the House of Representatives but now the US Senate, too, anyone who thinks America will ever have a better chance than now to learn 'the truth' about many things hasn't been paying attention to the secrecy and fraud Democrats invoke everywhere they go, behaving just like their 'communist overlords' in China.
So, despite the fact that, as Ian Burrell reports in his story, highly explosive emails from a group of top-level scientists and government doctors have revealed Covid-19 may have originated from 'human activities' in China (or US 'deep state labs'?) rather than naturally from animals, Burrell also reports that another email asked if this virus may have been deliberately engineered, with such a possibility hinting Covid-19 may have been a 'stealth attempt' to launch a biological attack upon America, an act of war.
And while China would never ever admit to such a stunt, a 'stunt' that also helped Democrats in the 2020 election, allowing them to 'weaponize' fraudulent and mail-in-ballots against President Trump and the American people, the chance of Americans ever learning the truth about this virus, the lockdowns that followed, the 2020 election and all of the deep state crimes upon the American people will be disappearing completely should President Trump leave office in just weeks. From this Daily Mail storybefore we continue.:
The documents also show that a key letter sent early in the pandemic from Americas top scientists to the White House had a line deleted that suggested the virus could have been an unintentional release from a laboratory.
These revelations come as evidence of Chinas cover-up grows, alongside fears the World Health Organization, widely criticized for its failure to challenge Beijing at the start of the pandemic, is letting the regime dictate its inquiry into the origins.
The WHO has allowed China to vet scientists taking part in the probe, while also appointing to its ten-strong team the British charity chief Peter Daszak whose funding for research on bat viruses in a high-security Wuhan laboratory was stopped on safety grounds.
So with China doing everything in its power to cover up what some are arguing is an act of war upon the United States of America, while Biden prepares to do China's bidding should he take over America's Commander-in-Chief position, the fact that the mainstream media is ramping up the fear level surrounding Covid-19 by continuing to scream about the SUPER-Covid 19 'mutation' spreading from coast to coast here in the United States is another sign they're preparing to kick things up another level in this takedown of freedom and America.
And while we're not in the position to officially declare that Covid-19 is a bioweapon, Iran, Russia and surprisingly China have all pushed the 'Covid-19 bioweapon conspiracy theory' while the Inter Press Agency News Service had published this story titled "Could the Coronavirus Be a Biological Weapon in the Not-Too-Distant Future?"
With recent reports that Russia is developing a 'super-deadly' ebola bioweapon more proof that country's will create such a weapon to unleash upon the world if it helps them to accomplish their geo-political objectives, as Ronald Reagan's sonMichael Reagan had warned in this story over at the Norfolk Daily News, Covid-19 is nothing less than an act of war upon America. From his story.:
Our politicians and leaders still dont get it.
They dont seem to understand or care that China has already declared World War III.
The Communist Party thugs who rule China with a heavy hand didnt have to invade Japan or drop an A-bomb on anybody. They just had to drop a deadly virus on the world. The coronavirus, COVID-19, the China Virus it doesnt matter what you call it.
We know it came from Wuhan, China. In my opinion, it was put out into the world deliberately, not by accident.
In any case, the China pandemic has killed more than a million people around the globe and more than 240,000 Americans.
Efforts by governments to defeat it with strict lockdowns have destroyed the economies and social life of dozens of countries, closed schools and thrown tens of millions of people out of work.
In the United States, power-mad politicians like Gov. Gavin Newsom of California, Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania and Gov. Andrew Cuomo have used the fight against COVID-19 as an excuse to control the lives of their citizens.
Meanwhile, president-elect Joe Biden and the authoritarian disease experts advising him are threatening us with a national mask mandate and a six-week national lockdown next year.
The China Virus more correctly, the strict, arbitrary and often un-scientific war waged against it by power-mad Democrat politicians and their public health czars has already done us serious damage.
People are stressed and spooked out of their minds. Businesses are bankrupt. Schools are closed. Suicides are rising. So are opioid deaths.
The people of America and the world are suffering and dying from the Wuhan virus and the lockdowns, but China is paying no price for its global crime against humanity.
Does China really have such a hold on corporations, governments and politicians around the world and in the United States that everyone is afraid to hold them accountable?
Is any U.S. president ever going to stand up to China? President Trump hasnt really punished China for unleashing a deadly plague on the world.
Dont count on Joe Biden. Hes been the best friend the communist Chinese government has had in Washington for decades. In the face of our countrys weakness, China is only going to get more aggressive.
Please read the rest of Michael Reagan's warning here. So with Joe Biden sure to only embolden China even more should he get into office, and Democrats sure to 'bury' all of their crimes for eternity should President Trump not expose them now, we once again ask ANP readers tocontact President Trump and ask him to go ahead and 'declassify everything' while he still can, before it's too late and the truth is buried forever. (You can also call their comment line at 202-456-1111 or the White House switchboard at 202-456-1414)
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to unexpected medical and emergency repair bills, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this 'Info-war' for America at this most critical time in US history, during a time of systematic 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)
With the mysterious deaths of scientists, microbiologists, chemists, holistic doctors, infectious disease experts and many more professionals filling the headlines of the independent news for much of the Obama administration, we shouldn't be surprised that people are dropping dead mysteriously again as Joe Biden nears office, with 5 Republican politicians dying mysterious deaths in recent days.
According to this recent story over at the Washington Standard, 5 Republican lawmakers have died mysterious deaths in just over the past week alone. With several of those deaths being reported to have been caused by Covid-19, as Michael Snyder reports in this story over at The Most Important News,as the days of 2021 move forward, we should all watch and see if the pattern continues, and more Republicans suddenly pass away.
Warning us also that America seems to be on the fast-track towards national suicide, what happens to this country in the days ahead if Joe Biden gets into office and immediately fast-tracks an extremely liberal agenda, including attempting to disarm the American people? From this story:
Have you noticed that quite a few prominent Republicans have been dropping dead lately? At a time of the year when most people are at home celebrating the holidays with their families, Republican lawmakers have been dying one after another. Of course important people die all the time, but to have this many Republican politicians die so closely to one another is definitely unusual. I believe that 2021 is going to be a very strange year, and it has definitely gotten off to a very strange start.
Is there a connection between any of these deaths? I have no idea. Some will say that these deaths are an indication that the pandemic is worsening, but not all of the deaths above were attributed to COVID-19. Considering how tense the political environment in this country is right now, I think that it is worth watching to see if more prominent Republicans suddenly drop dead in the days to come.
On January 6th, vast crowds of protesters are expected in Washington D.C. as Congress gathers to count the electoral votes. Numerous Republicans in the House and the Senate have already announced that they will be challenging those results in several of the most critical swing states.
In anticipation of the protests, stores in the heart of Washington are being boarded up and lots of signs have been posted warning protesters that firearms are prohibited.
Nobody is sure exactly how many protesters are going to show up, but at this point authorities in D.C. are bracing for one of the biggest protest days in the history of the city. Needless to say, having so many Trump supporters in one area will be a magnet for all of the radical groups on the far left, and on The Most Important News I documented numerous violent attacks against Trump supporters during past protests.
And the day before the protests, voters in Georgia will go to the polls to determine which party ends up in control of the U.S. Senate. Those results could heighten tensions even more, and the potential for lots of chaos is definitely there.
This is the most divided our nation has been in modern American history, and for a very long time I have been warning about the tremendous civil unrest that is now here. The left does not want to get along with the right, and the right does not want to get along with the left. Instead, both sides hate one another with a passion, and that is going to continue to be the case for the foreseeable future.
But as I have discussed previously, a house divided cannot stand, and Americas days are surely numbered. When our nation was founded, a single set of values and principles united us. Sadly, today we have completely abandoned those values and principles.
Now our nation is filled with tremendous hatred, and deeply hating one another is a recipe for national suicide.
So with January 6th now here and the very real potential of all hell breaking loose in the days and weeks ahead no matter what happens politically, we'll continue to stress absolute preparation, with the very real possibility that things could turn 'kinetic' in America as we come to America's 'Day of Reckoning' as we hear in the only video below from Mike Adams.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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