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July 26, 2020

Connecting The Dots On The Covid-19 Deception: 'Withholding Information Is The Essence Of Tyranny While Controlling The Flow Of Information Is The Tool Of Dictatorship'

By Professor Steven Ferry for All News Pipeline

Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship. Bruce Coville

Last week, we looked at how the official response to the pandemic morphed from great concern about the danger; to numbness at the economic devastation (the UN World Tourism Organizationestimated earnings down 80% on 2019 and the loss of 120 million jobs); to increasing rejection of the absurd.

In this article, we review how a draconian censorship of the medical community is being enforced not just in China, as one might expect, but also in the Western world; we examine the information that has been hidden so enthusiastically from you, and finally explain why almost every action taken by authorities has been at variance with impartial science and common sense.

Burying Facts and Studies

In viewing the stream of contradictory and ever-changing data about the Wuhan virus (where it came from, its true nature and virulence, what did or did not work to combat it, etc.), the idea that officialdom was being driven by the common good rather than some unknown special interests was laid to rest with the egregious social media/Google censorship of multiple respected medical voices raising persistent and serious doubts concerning many aspects of the virus itself and its treatment even challenging the notion that Covid-19 was really as dangerous a threat as was being advertized by multiple outlets and parties. Twitter, for instance, is censoring information that does not follow public health experts and WHO guidance. Google and Facebooks third-party FactChecker program is funded by Gates, Soros, and Clinton donors, hardly neutral politically and certainly heavily invested in the vaccines being touted as the only possible and permitted solution.

Lets take some treatments that have been and still are being silenced at a time when any valid treatment should be pursued if the actual purpose were to save the lives of those who were succumbing to Covid-19:
  1. Inexpensive Hydroxychloroquine combined with azithromycin and zinc apparently proves 100% successful, yet the drug is banned by multiple parties and vilified, including by what turns out to be a completely fabricated scientific study written by a science fiction writer;
  2. Intravenous vitamin C is reported to have been very effective and used by the Shanghai government, but shut down by the US government and social media;
  3. The Math+ protocol that combines intravenous vitamin C, oxygen therapy, steroids, and zinc/vitamins D and B1 for patients arriving in hospitals but not yet in ICU. The protocol addresses the three ways that Covid-19 kills patients: Triggering hyperinflammation, hypercoagulation, and hypoxia (lack of oxygen reaching the tissues); 98 patients recovered and only 2 died (in their 80s with advanced chronic morbidities);
  4. The importance of building healthy immune systems through diet, exercise, and proper natural supplementation so the vast majority of individuals never catch colds, flus, and coronaviruses in the first place. Vitamins C and D3, zinc, and antiviral herbs such as astragalus, green tea extract, Andrographis, and monolaurin (from coconut) are well-known resources that are thoroughly nixed by the media and government agencies.
Looking for why these and other solutions might be rejected or outright attacked, as in the FDAs Quack Hack program targeting colloidal silvers effectiveness against pathogens, it seems the common denominator behind the suppression of these potential non-pharmacological solutions for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infections is that they are low-cost, unpatentable, and thus unprofitable protocols. It is not because they are not valid and effective protocols worth at least including in an honest search for possible solutions.

What is approved and pushed by the government (in the US) from the FDA to the FTC and including Dr. Fauci, who headed the White Houses coronavirus task force, are patentable and inevitably expensive vaccines that do not even exist yet.

For its part, in addition to removing all social media and Internet mentions and smearing doctors promoting these non-vaccine solutions, the media and social media also take for granted that vaccines are the solution.

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Thomas Jefferson
When perfectly competent voices are silenced and measures continue to be taken that defy common sense (creating the worst financial depression in human history, for instance, and everything that will entail), then it would seem that a special-interest group is at work with a hidden agenda, not a general-interest group applying science and common sense openly to deal with a situation for the good of the citizenry as defined by the citizens, not by special-interest groups.

If the information and handlings being recommended by those in government were characterized by scientific accuracy, truth, and logic, there would be no difficulty in having citizens accept their statements and instructions despite being exposed to different and even contradictory information.

Furthermore, even though Covid-19 is actually a complete non-event health wise for the vast majority of the world, for the few who are impacted heavily, a truly scientific enquiry would look honestly at all possible elements before ruling them out in order to discover optimal treatments. Real science neither needs to hide information nor to be forced upon peopleit speaks for itself when it simply works as stated.

For Whom is Covid-19 Actually a Danger and Why?

There is no question that what is called Covid-19, whether or not it is a virus, is dangerous to a very small number of easily identified people. In order to adjudicate what might be the best solution for Covid-19, and whether vaccines indeed might be the only valid solution, lets explore the nature of SARS-CoV-2 and any other factors that might be behind the various symptoms ascribed to Covid-19.

The first point to grasp is that life-threatening infections of Covid-19 are not necessarily caused simply by the virus SARS-CoV-2, but the combination of two other elements:

1) The insertion by a lab technician of an element into SARS-CoV-2 that increases its infection rate as part of gain of function lab work to create viruses that are more virulent and dangerous;

2) XMRV, another immune suppressant, being received earlier by some individuals (estimated 30-100 million in the US) as a result of vaccines contaminated during the manufacturing process with gamma-retroviruses (which can trigger diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, and certain cancers), or via blood transfusions. It is possible SARS-CoV-2 simply activates these gamma-retroviruses, causing Covid-19 symptoms;

Five additional factors have also been highlightedand rapidly censoredas possible contributors that boost the Covid-19 virus into severe cases for some:

1) The unrelenting and rapid rollout of military-grade 5G (and its electro-magnetic radiation that causes the same flu-like symptoms and oxygen deficiencies as experienced by Covid-19 patients in hospitals) despite zero safety studies having been done and many complaints by scientists as to the dangers; and moratoriums or outright banning by some countries (Australia, Russia, Netherlands, Switzerland, and tens of states and hundreds of cities, such as Brussels). The first study on this correlation (English version, Spanish original) shows 5G hotspots to be Covid-19 hotspots, too. For instance, the small state of San Marino in Italy was the first European entity to install 5G technology and has a Covid-19 infection rate that is 27 times greater than that of its neighbor, Croatia, which does not have 5G. In Wuhan, 10,000 5G base stations were deployed by the end of 2019;

2) The predisposition by some individuals to viruses resulting from the toxins included in their vaccines (heavy metals, aborted human fetal tissue, animal cells, DNA from pus, carcinogens, MSG, a neurotoxin, and mercuryfor which there exists no safe level for humans, and recently discovered, nanoparticles that are not listed as part of the ingredients and are not biodegradable);

Wuhan residents received flu shots in December 2019, in line with an August 2019 law mandating immunization for all citizens; Lombardy (Italy) introduced two rounds of a new vaccine in the Fall of 2019 made not with the normal chicken eggs but cultured animal cells and containing four types of virusesH1N1, H3N2, and two types of B viruses. In December, this was followed by Hepatitis jabs. 90% of those receiving these were 65 and older, and 75% of them had serious heart issuesnot a smart health strategy to apply to immune-compromised individuals.

3) An increase of 1 microgram of fine particulates per cubic meter of air pollution is associated with an 8% increase in COVID19 deaths, according to a Harvard university study. This is particularly significant because Wuhan is one of the most polluted cities in the world, as is Lombardy, also a hot spot for Covid-19 in Italy.

The drop in Wuhan deaths may well have occurred not because of the social distancing and lockdown, but the pollution dropping below 40 microns per cubic meter of air as factories ceased to operate, thereby removing the cyanide and other toxins from the air.

This factor becomes all the more compelling when we consider the symptoms of those hospitalized with Covid-19: White blood cell count normal, very low oxygen at the tissue level, and looking bluethe same symptoms as cyanide poisoning, which is resolved with three injections. 88% of those put on respiratory machines died, indicating that this is not a respiratory disease.

4) The aerial spraying occurring worldwide for the last three decades, which includes barium salts (which impact the lungs and are 25,000x more toxic than lead) and aluminum, amongst many other toxins;

5) Poor diet and nutritional deficiency generally reducing immune system health according to one study, 85% of Covid-19 patients were deficient in the crucial Vitamin D that wards off colds and flus.

As was the experience in other countries, 80% of coronavirus deaths in the US have been those who are 65 and up with pre-existing, life-threatening conditions.

We can narrow down the danger further to nursing/long-term care homes: 40.8% to 50% of Covid-19 deaths in multiple countries occurred in nursing homes; for instance, nursing home residents in Virginia represent 0.3% of the States population but comprise nearly 60% of Virginias Covid-19 deaths. Similarly, Italy saw40% of their coronavirus deaths(26,384) occurring in nursing homes (the average age of all deaths being 79.5 years and 97% having an average of 2.7 pre-existing morbidities). The heavy toll in several US states was partly due to lack of proper equipment and procedures in these homes, and government officials requiring recovering coronavirus-patients in hospitals to be returned to their nursing homes.

The Head of Forensic Pathology in Hamburg stated that Not a single person without previous illness has died of the virus in Hamburg. All had cancer, chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers, heavily obese, or had diabetes or a cardiovascular disease. [English translation]

A real investigation of Covid-19 would have to include determining if any of these above factors played a part: Jabbing a vaccine into someone will not resolve EMF pollution or barium salt toxicity, for instance.

But then again, coronaviruses (i.e. SARS 2002-2003, MERS 2012-2013) move through the population in two years before herd immunity builds enough for the coronavirus to disappear without any workable vaccine ever being found or administered. Summer 2021 would inevitably see the back of Covid-19 if it were managed with the normal herd-immunity approach instead of lockdowns. Contrast this reality with the one being pushed by experts predicting a second wave will come in the fall of 2020 and the pandemic will last two years, and calling for more lockdowns to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmedthe same reasoning and policies that have already collapsed our lives with nothing to show for it. Yet there is no second wave.

Viruses are Not Villains but Vital to Life

Here is a fresh look at viruses that wont be found in the general media or in Western allopathic medicine (based on mitigating symptoms in isolation rather than holistic medicine, which finds and resolves the causes of disease). If just the following information about viruses were known, respect for and understanding of viruses and the terrain theory (versus the germ theory) would have replaced the panic and knee-jerk responses to the fear generated so that a more sensible approach could have been adopted by governments.

First of all, this may be a hard pill to swallow given that we have all been raised with the germ model of health and sickness, but it has never been proven that viruses or bacteria cause disease as they have yet to be isolated and purified sufficiently to be sure something else may not be the actual cause. If the germ model were really spot on, then one has to ask why humanity experiences so much sickness and only enjoys an average lifespan of 72 years.

Additionally, humans are thoroughly reliant on a highly diverse and plentiful microbiome and viromebacterial and viral microorganismsin our bodies, the soil, air, and water around us. The diversity needed to support life includes viruses (50% of the human genome is made up of 380 trillionviruses such as hepatitis, influenza and herpes, with 10% being retroviruses like HIV), bacteria (30,000 species, with 1.4 quadrillion in our bodies), fungi (5 million), and parasites (300,000 species). This diversity has been under attack from the ubiquitous presence of chemicals and toxins in our bodies, food, water, soil, and air over the last 75 years and the effects are evident in our children: In 1960, 1.8% of children in the US had chronic health conditions that limited their activities; today, that number is 54% suffering from one or more of twenty chronic health-conditions.

Science cannot match the speed with which nature/these viruses adjust to stressors in order to sustain the biodiversity upon which life, including humans, depends. For instance, industrial agriculture pours 4.5 billion pounds of antibiotics into the soil each year, requiring the microbiome take extraordinary measures to avoid extinction. Seen from this perspective, Covid-19 is working in its own way to reestablish biodiversityassuming, of course, that this virus was not engineered in a laboratory with some other purpose, making it an unnatural virus that is not necessarily following the laws of nature.

Rather than dropping everything and declaring the virus to be an enemy that we cannot possibly beat in terms of a) skillsets as well as b) undermining the foundation of life in a self-defeating way that only humans are capable of, it would be smarter in the long-term to address the loss of biodiversity and to move away from polluting industries and products and instead create clean production methods.

This does not mean dropping the standard of living and switching entirely to renewable energy, for instance, that actually causes more pollution in its construction and/or operation and disposal than it saves in its energy generation, but smart solutions such as the Carbon Cowboys who eliminate the need for fertilizer and pesticides, handle soil erosion and run off, and reduce antibiotic use dramatically through entirely natural means that increase beef production and lower costs. There are solutions wherever we state the problem properly and apply human ingenuity to solving it. The barrier to moving forward is powerful industries holding onto their non-optimal solutions and income stream at the expense of all life, and behind that, the truth not being known and understood by every being on this planet.

Vaccines: Promising More than they Can Deliver for Patients but Delivering on the Promise Financially for Pharmaceuticals

Back to the more immediate question of Covid-19 and the push for a vaccine before life can return to normal, since 1976, scientists have identified 12,800 coronaviruses that have been travelling the worlds airwaves for eons, constantly mutating, infecting animals and humans and some apparently even jumping species. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) is the seventh known coronavirus to impact humans; others include MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Disease).

In all this time, nobody has ever found a vaccine for these or any other virus that works, simply because by the time they have identified a virus and created a possible vaccine, the virus has already changed. That is why flu vaccines have such poor results each year. Public health officials have to guess at least six months before the flu season starts which Type A or Binfluenza virusstrain might be predominant so that pharmaceutical companies can manufacture the vaccines. However, even if they did score a hit, 80% of all respiratory infections are not Type A or B strains and so no flu vaccines can be effective against them.

There is no evidence that any influenza (virus) vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.

Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Officer, FDA & the National Institute of Health
At best, flu vaccines might be said to work on 24% 50% of those to whom they are administered, and then only in terms of reducing the severity of the flu. The insert for the flu shot itself states, There have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval and no controlled trials have been conducted.

The insert also admits, Safety and effectiveness of Flulaval have not been established in pregnant women, nursing mothers or children. Those safety studies done are flawed. It is no wonder then that 100,000 people experience adverse reactions, hospitalizations, injuries such as autism, and even death from the various toxins in the flu and other vaccines. Autism rates have jumped 30,000% since the early 1980s.

Not surprising, therefore, to hear that prior receipt of a flu vaccine increases the chances of catching Covid-19 by 36%.

The authors position is not that vaccines are bad, but that they have a lot of toxins in them today that are bad; they patently do not work as well as the PR and marketing claim; they cannot be considered the only permitted solution in a free society, and they cannot be forced on citizens against their will, if the Nuremburg Code is to mean anything at all, especially when the companies making them today fudge their safety testing, hide and deny adverse reactions, admit they do not work, make the taxpayers pay for inevitable injuries while the companies make huge profits, and require so much PR, marketing, and lobbying to persuade doctors to prescribe them and governments to force them on citizenry.

The drive by pharmaceutical companies to vaccinate (in the US) today is characterized by:
  1. $295 million spent lobbying congress in 2019, the highest of any sector, which was well remunerated as they made 63% of total health-care profits; for the Covid-19 legislation, they had any government price-controls removed so they could charge whatever they like for any vaccine brought to market;
  2. Continued government subsidies: Since the 1930s, the National Institutes of Health has put $900billion of taxpayer money into research so pharmaceuticals can patent and profit from the drugsuch as Gilead earning $44 billion in 3 years from sofosbuvir, used to treat hepatitis C at $1,000 per pill. And then who pays for all those free vaccine shots advertized on every street corner in the US?
  3. A lot of advertising (up to 70% of mainstream media advertizing dollars) comes from pharmaceutical companies, which prevents the media from publishing anything about the dangers of vaccines;
  4. $18 billion spent on direct-to-consumer marketing and over $100 billion marketing directly to doctors;
  5. Ineffectiveness: In the recent mumps outbreak, 100% of the mumps cases were vaccinated; 90% of those who died from the 2018/2019 flu had received the flu shot; at best, when vaccines work, they might confer immunity for 10-20 years, whereas when a person catches a disease, they enjoy immunity for life;
  6. The use of highly toxic ingredients that bypass the bodys natural detox and protection systems by being injected directly into the blood; it is not surprising, therefore, that the cure might end up worse than the disease: In the past 15 years, 127 children have died from the measles vaccinewhile only two died as a result of naturally contracting the disease itself;
  7. Lying to the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccines: The pharmaceutical companies lost a recent US court case as it was proven there had been no quality control over vaccines for at least 32 years, since the US government agreed, with the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, to pay for any vaccine-caused injuries. At that time, chronic diseases like ADHD, asthma, autoimmune diseases, and allergies impacted 12.6% of children in the US and today affect54%; in the same time frame, pharmaceutical company profits rose from 1 billion to $44 billion on $60 billion a year in revenue, making vaccines their most profitable revenue source with the highest profit margin;
  • Of note is that pharmaceutical companies knew they would lose $135 billion in revenue from their core prescription-drug business as a result of the expiration of patent protections between 2009 and 2014; increasing the number of mandated childhood vaccines presented the obvious solution;
  1. Vaccines are the only drugs for which pharmaceutical companies have not been held liable for injury or death since 10 August 1976 (reinforced by the 1986 NCVIA), when Congress agreed the taxpayer would cover all damage payments for those harmed or killed by any vaccine in order to encourage vaccine makers to continue production for the ongoing Swine Flu pandemicwhich turned out to be a complete non-event (1 death worldwide);
  2. Since 1986, The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in the US has paid $4.1 billion of taxpayer money to thousands of injured individuals or the survivors of those who died. Of note is that a government study concluded thatfewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported. In the UK, the government agreed to pay $90 million to 800 children with severe brain injury from the 2009 swine flu Pandemrix vaccine; the Norwegian government has so far paid $13 million to 86 victims, including 60 of the 170 reported cases of injured children. In each case, the pharmaceutical companies did not pay damages, the taxpayers did. And in the case of Pandemrix at least, the pharmaceutical industry profited further by selling the injured children the drugs needed to deal with their injuries for as long as they live;
  3. Of relevance is that the CDC is not an independent watchdog for the pharmaceutical industry, but a vaccine company that owns 56 vaccine patents and makes $4.6 billion each year on vaccines; they also mandate children receive increasing numbers of vaccinescurrently 29 doses of vaccines by 18 months of age (whereas in the 1950s, they received only 7 by 18 years of age);
    Of the top 34 industrialized nations in the world, the US administers the most childhood vaccines and yet has the highest infant mortality rate. Whether or not the vaccines are killing the children may be difficult to prove, but logically, if vaccines were really so good for child health, the US would be expected to have the lowest child mortality rate;
  4. CDC & FDA committee members who recommend on vaccine policy have financial conflicts of interest with vaccine pharmaceuticals;
  5. The long-term suppression by laws, censorship, and black propaganda of nutritional supplements and alternative healing protocols that have proven to work; in the case of Covid-19, attacking any communications that boosting the immune system with natural supplements would be a wise move, even raiding doctors offices who were providing such protocols.
In fact, the history of vaccines is one long river of failed immunizations and major adverse reactions, including deathsthis link covers the years up to 1988 and tellingly, points out that 90% of the decline in mortality for scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and measles between 1860 and 1965, for instance, occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread vaccination, as a result of improved nutritional levels.

In other words, an immune system in good shape is the best defense against viruses that kill because a compromised immune system simply cannot regulate itself properly.

As can be seen, vaccines have major issues, one of which is that the ongoing push for mandatory worldwide vaccination (the European commission and WHO are working to create a passport for mandatory vaccinations, Argentina is already implementing it, with travel, education, and other rights turned into privileges granted upon immunization) can be seen to be motivated by money, as far as the pharmaceutical companies (and the government agencies and politicians they finance) are concerned, not health as claimed.

It is clear, in the final analysis, that people would not have to be forced to take a vaccine if it were known to be safe and effective.

A River of Irrationalities

Looking at the above, it is obvious that

  1. Many people catch Covid-19, often without knowing it;
  2. Some have mild symptoms and a very small number need hospitalization;
  3. Very few of these serious cases die of Covid-19, these being in their senior years and/or having other conditions, or not being treated properly;
  4. The full range of factors that might cause the symptoms are not being considered when searching for appropriate treatment(s);
  5. Existing successful (and inexpensive) treatments are being ignored and suppressed, including the need to build immune systems via diet, nutritional support, and reduction of toxic loads from chemical pollution in the food, water, and air;
  6. Officialdom has provided contradictory and incorrect information from Day 1Wear masks, dont wear masks, for instance. Dr. Fauci on May 12: Serious consequences if the country reopens too soon; on May 22: Irreparable damage if the lockdown lasts too long, etc.;
  7. There is a determined drive to enforce ineffective and even dangerous vaccinations on the entire worlds population as the solution to a pandemic that isnt.
Evidence keeps popping up day after day that exposes the current government responses to be illogical:

1. Masks and respirators have limited effectiveness, in part because viral aerosol particles are too fine to be blocked by existing masks. Viruses travel everywhere in the wind and create high-density pockets when they bind with particles of air pollution. Reducing air pollution or moving at-risk people to areas without air pollution would be more productive for saving lives;

2. Lockdown is an aberrant concept. While herd immunity, the normal way of dealing with viruses, has been set aside as a policy by most governments, it occurs much quicker than previously thought:

After only 7% 24% of the population catch the virus, the virus essentially is rebuffed in too many bodies to be able to sustain a pandemic.

Additionally, immunity does exist once a person has caught Covid-19 and has the antibodies in their system: Swedens chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, stated on May 11, It is quite certain that immunity does exist. For all the cases we have had in Sweden, there has not been one single person who had this disease twice.

If there were no lockdown of everyone and instead the elderly and immune-compromised were protected/quarantined, the virus would run itself out after enough people developed antibodies and then those at risk would be free to interact again.

According to the New York Times, South Dakota, as of mid-May, had 20,573 cases (1 per 233 of the population) and just 1 Covid-19 death. They have not enforced any lockdown, as is true of Sweden: Much like the rest of the world that is in lockdown, it has seen lots of people catching the virus but very few seriously ill and even fewer dying.

Even if healthy people staying at home could be justified in some way as a valid new theory for preventing the spread of a virus, it is not borne out in the real world: i.e. 66% of new Covid-19 patients in New York were sheltering at home. Another study from China found that 79.9% of new outbreaks of three or more people were from indoor transmission in private homes.

While staying at home does not appear to reduce infections and deaths in society in the short term, in the long term it invites the continuation of the virus as it prevents antibodies from being developed for herd immunity and so the virus never runs its course; it keeps revisiting society in new waves (as ironically, the authorities keep warning us will happen if we do not stay at home) when it finds enough new bodies to invade that have no defenses.

As predicted by the experts, stay-at-home lockdowns have had dire consequences beyond the Covid-19 mortalities, a few of which so far have proven to be:
  1. The May 2020 report from the Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University predicts that 6.3 million additional people will develop TB between now and 2025, with 1.4 million of them being expected to die because they were not diagnosed and treated during this lockdown;
  2. Another study taken at random by a data analyst consortium in South Africa determined the economic consequences of the countrys lockdown will lead to 29x more people dying from a variety of causes than from the coronavirus itself;
  3. Many people are going hungry (54 million in the US are reliant on food aid as prices rise), and hundreds of millions face hunger or starvation in other parts of the world as a result of economic collapse combined with numerous droughts and floods reducing crop yields; locust invasions in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia; tens of millions of pigs and chickens culled in Asia to combat Asian Swine flu and Avian HPAI/H5N1 bird flu; and in the US, because of Covid-19 outbreaks closing meat-processing plants.
Does all this add up to Covid-19 being a very dangerous virus?

It seems the bigger danger is media generating fear and the resulting unscientific and irrational solutions being enforced by governments resulting in collapsed economies; the disappearance of cultural norms (i.e. socializing, going to sports events or religious services, having shops and restaurants to enjoy, or of interest to the hospitality industry, traveling on vacation or business); quite in addition to avoidable deaths, upset/confused/hungry citizens, silenced voices, and lost civil liberties (including the desired-by-some enforced vaccinations).

So we come to the end of Part III and hopefully you are better prepared to make up your own mind and help steer things in the right direction next time someone panics over something they do not understand or tries to force something harmful on you and society.

In the next part of this story we will shine a spotlight on those individuals and organizations who mismanaged things in a way that did not collapse a single hotel or chain, or even all those in a single country or continent, but the entire world, and most other industries and professions.

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