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March 4, 2025
DOGE vs the Deep State: Corruption And Scandal As USAID Has Its Day Of Reckoning - USAID Was The Main Funder For Groups Behind Overthrowing Governments
Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. - Doug Casey, Crisis Investing (1979)
Joel Bowman with todays Note From the End of the World: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vroom Vroom VROOM!
Whats that we hear, dear reader? Could it be the sweet euphony of gnarled chainsaw teeth ripping into the flabby underbelly of the Leviathan?
Yesterday, greasy-palmed grifters at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) suddenly found their keys no longer fit the locks. On the bed stand lay a note:
Its not us, its you. - Signed, D.O.G.E.
Conflicts of Interest
Heres how the once serious BBC reported the story on Monday
The future of the US governments main overseas aid agency has been cast into doubt, with employees locked out and the Trump administration planning to merge it with the US Department of State.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) would continue to function as a branch of the state department, but the plan involves a significant reduction in its funding and the workforce, CBS News, the BBCs US partner, reports.
On Monday, Secretary of State Marco Rubio accused USAIDs leadership of insubordination and said he was now its acting head.
US President Donald Trump and one of his top advisers, billionaire Elon Musk, have been strongly critical of the agency.
But the move to shut it down could have a profound impact on humanitarian programs around the world.
It wasnt until the tenth paragraph of the story that the BCC thought it worth disclosing the following
The BBCs international charity BBC Media Action, which is funded by external grants and voluntary contributions, receives funding from USAID. According to a 2024 report, USAID donated $3.23m (2.6m), making it the charitys second-largest donor that financial year.
Why are American taxpayers, through USAID, funding the British Broadcasting Corporation, you wonder?
Why, to shape the narrative, of course! To train up the brave Pavlovian presstitutes of tomorrow, teaching them how to justify the fact that USAID spent $47,000 funding trans operas in Colombia and $70,000 producing Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) musicals in Ireland and $2.5 million supporting various other DEI programs across Serbia, to name just a few blatant boondoggles and pork barrel programs.
Billions in Babble
And to think, thats is just the small fry the morsels that fall from the gilded plates of decidedly more well-connected insiders, those with their snouts deep in the public trough.
Take, for example, major Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) recipients like Deloitte, which received $1.2 billion from USAID between fiscal years 2012-2023. Deloitte, based in London, is one of the globes Big Four accounting firms. According to their website (emphasis theirs):
We believe diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges require human-centric solutions, centered on the needs of those who are the most historically marginalized. We have learned that equity is a systemic outcome of the work done within the spaces of diversity, inclusion, andanti-oppression
And, they might have added, whatever other blah-blah buzzwords garner us the most money from our paymasters in Washington, DC.
Then theres FHI 360, a non-profit which received a non-trivial $3.8 billion over the same timeframe. According to their jargon basted website, FHI 360 works with communities to expand social and economic equity by bringing together deep expertise and diverse perspectives to expand collective impact.
More blabber more jabber more MBA-laced gobbledygook and more money from poor people in rich countries going to rich people in poor countries.
Theres also Chemonics International ($4.5 billion); Development Alternatives, Inc. ($3 billion); ABT Associates, Inc. ($2.6 billion); RTI International ($2.3 billion): John Snow International ($1.8 billion); ARD, Inc. ($1.5 billion); and Jhpiego Corporation: $1.3 billion (nonprofit) the list goes on and on
And while were at it, lets not forget the $54 million that made its way from USAID to EcoHealth Alliance, via the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). EcoHealth, youll recall, was the non-profit run by Peter Daszak, which helped fund the ahem questionable research at Chinas Wuhan Institute of Virology, the very same lab from which the US Government now admits that pesky Covid-19 virus likely leaked. Oops!
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Source - Intercept
Daszak and his fellow EcoHealth Alliance charlatans were issued formal, 5-year debarments and suspended from receiving any federal funding for their rolls in the scandal. Dr. Anthony Fauci, meanwhile, who served as director of NIAID at the time it was funding the research, was issued a preemptive pardon by outgoing president, Joe Biden. Naturally.
But still, we are talking little fish or is it diminutive bats?
Warfare and Censorship
According to the Congressional Research Service, the USAID budget totaled $43.4 billion in fiscal year 2023, with recipients in more than 130 countries not named the United States of America.
A rotting organ of the deep state, USAID was also charged with funding various censorship programs around the world, under the predictable Newspeak rubric of combatting disinformation, and funding so-called fact checking operations across social media platforms. As such, it earned a special place in the cold, dark heart of deep state goons like Nina Jankowicz, who was briefly the head of the Department of Homeland Securitys Orwellian sounding Disinformation Governance Board.
Gurgling with The Message, Jankowicz took to social media yesterday to defend USAID publicly right before Mike Benz, executive director of Foundation for Freedom Online, noted that the disgraced agency was funding her Centre for Information Resilience. Quelle surprise!
Heres Benz, again, hunting down the rats as they flee the sinking ship:
What you will quickly find as you enter The Amazing USAID Vortex Of Despair is that virtually every powerful political & financial motor of American society that promotes & lobbies for USAID is either directly on USAIDs payroll, works at a place that is, or his/her donors do.
Nor was Jankowicz the only jilted stooge to be outed. Heres what happened to notorious neoconservative war hawk, Bill Kristol, when he piped up on X:
Operation Overthrow
With a foreign policy record that makes Liz Cheney appear up-to-date on her rabies shots, Kristol never met a war over which he didnt see, in giant cloud formation, a glistening dollar sign. Most recently, his Defending Democracy initiative (cited above) spent millions on Capitol Hill, urging Republicans to throw good money after bad by keeping the war hot and the trenches full over in Eastern Europe.
Readers will not be surprised to discover that, between fiscal years 2022 and 2024, USAID distributed more than $30 billion in direct financial support to the government of Ukraine through a mixture of NGOs and international public organizations.
Nor is the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy the only foreign entanglement USAID is directly involved in fomenting. As Michael Shellenberger wrote on his excellent Substack, PUBLIC, yesterday:
USAID is among other US government organizations that have promoted regime change abroad, including the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Even To its proponents, notes the Washington Post, USAID is an indispensable arm of U.S. foreign policy that spends $40 billion per year to influence politics in 130 nations.
USAID was the main funder for the groups behind overthrowing governments during the so-called Arab Spring and the Eastern European Color Revolutions. USAID was among the first donors on the ground in Tunisia, giving $19 million to political parties and activist mobilizations, as well as millions for similar activities in Egypt.
USAID funded the Serbian youth movement Otpor!, which played a key role in overthrowing Slobodan Miloević, and the independent media outlet Rustavi-2, which was instrumental in mobilizing public opinion against the government to support the Rose Revolution in Georgia.
Yes, dear reader forever wars global lockdowns syphoned billions and the censorship industrial complex working around the clock to keep we lowly citizens in the dark.
It all comes at a cost, and its a cost the deep state is only too glad for you to pay.
Stay tuned for more Notes From the End of the World
Joel Bowman
P.S. As mentioned in this space before, Americas trust in mass media is plumbing all time lows, with less than a third of recent Gallup Poll respondents expressing a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly.
According to Gallup, 2023-2024 was the third consecutive year that more U.S. adults registered no trust at all in the media (36%) than trust it a great deal or fair amount. Another third (33%) of Americans expressed not very much confidence.
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