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March 29, 2025
President Trump Is Giving Deep State Democrats A Lesson In Bureaucratic 'Shock And Awe': Soon Democrats Will Have Nothing Left To Eat...Except One Another
There is now a great MAGA siege of the fortified Deep State.Based on the horrified reactions coming from the news media cartel, it would seem that President Trump has taken the whole rotten Establishment by surprise.
To be sure, the commander in chief did not hide his battle plans for conquering Americas out-of-control bureaucracy. Between mandatory court appearances over the last two years (during which Trump patiently withstood Democrat lawfare from all directions), the president dedicated large portions of his campaign rally speeches to outlining how he would starve and dismember the most offending parts of the federal government.
Democrats and their Deep State friends surely heard his message.After all, lawfare mercenaries were working hard to send Trump to prison for decades, and federal law enforcement agencies appeared curiously uninterested in either preventing or investigating attempts on Trumps life.Still, after prosecuting him for imaginary crimes, slamming him with ridiculous civil lawsuits, and rhetorically inciting would-be assassins to remove him from the 2024 race, Democrats are today shocked that Trump is fighting back against his enemies.
For a political party obsessed with denouncing the perceived privilege of groups at the bottom of the woke hierarchy, Democrats never recognize their own.They assumed that they could wage a war of attrition against President Trump without any blowback.They assumed that they could abuse the criminal justice system to target political adversaries without ending up in the dock themselves.They assumed that their agents inside the federal bureaucracy could sabotage a duly elected president without suffering any consequences.They were wrong.
While watching Dementia Joe stumble off into the sunset, traitorous Democrats and their presstitute friends felt pretty secure inside the Deep State castle.They detested how President Trump routed their lawfare legions on his way to a resounding re-election victory, but they had been on this battlefield before.Last time around, they managed to sink Trumps national security adviser, General Michael Flynn, in three weeks.The FBI and DOJ parlayed Hillary Clintons fake Russia collusion dossier into a baseless criminal investigation that drained two years from Trumps first term.One of the egg-shaped Tweedle-Vindmans successfully conspired with other national security turncoats to turn Joe Bidens Ukraine corruption into a nonsensical Trump impeachment.And the corporate news cartel pumped out a dizzying spectacle of ludicrous lies including the absurd allegation that President Trump has long been a Russian spy.For that ridiculous bit of Democrat fan fiction, the most prestigious propagandists even won the Pulitzer Prize!
Why should Democrats have expected Donald Trumps second term to be at all different?After all, over 90% of federal bureaucrats vote Democrat even when the Democrat up for election has lost his wits and pervertedly sniffs women and children.Over 90% of mainstream news prevaricators vote Democrat even when the Democrat party openly calls for government fact-checkers to censor the press.Over 90% of university professors vote Democrat even when the Democrat party imposes politically correct speech codes, punishes merit, criminalizes dissent, and rewards mindless groupthink.When the bureaucracy, press, and academia are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democrat party, why would Deep State Democrats worry about Donald Trumps return?Hes just one man sitting atop a mountain of Democrats eager to stab him in the back (figuratively, yes, and perhaps evenliterally).
In the space of two short months, however, everyone now understands that Trumps second term will be fundamentally different.In 2017, he arrived in Washington looking to cut deals and build bureaucratic consensus.In 2025, he understands that compromises cant be struck with liars, saboteurs, and thieves.One either crushes the Deep State or is crushed by it.The president has chosen to become crusher-in-chief.
I would have enjoyed being a fly on one of the Deep State castles walls when it became clear that Donald Trump was surrounding and preparing to lay siege to its various estates.
What do you mean hes suing fake news reporters for slander?He cant do that!How will we force-feed lies to the public?
Hes withholding federal funds from universities that allow Islamic supremacists to terrorize Jewish students and brawny men to beat up women in sports?But thats Islamophobic and trans-phobic!The Science is settled!Islamic violence is free speech, and biological sex is just a social construct!
Hes removing security clearances for leftist law firms that work to undermine elections and misuse federal surveillance systems to spy on political opponents?Thats not fair lawfare is our favorite weapon!We cant win without rigged elections!
Whats the MAGA despot going to do next start firing federal workers and exposing how we use taxpayer dollars to fill our own personal piggy banks?Stop, dont tell me!I dont want to know!I cant take it anymore!
For a siege to be effective, an enemy must be cut off from necessary supplies.On a battlefield, the most crucial supplies are food and water.In the political sphere, survival depends upon a continuous flow of taxpayer dollars.You close an agencys access to its bank accounts, and you starve the bureaucratic beast!If you shut down its internal email system, you block those bureaucrats from communicating quickly with outside allies.If you send in a detachment of DOGE soldiers to bust up an agencys organizational structure, then the bureaucratic group under siege finds it particularly difficult to arrange defenses and resist the onslaught.Hunger (for taxpayer dollars) and wariness (over when DOGE might attack next) can drive a bureaucrat under siege to the brink of insanity!
Last week, White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt responded toreportsthat the fired head of an agency called the United States Institute of Peace barricaded himself in USIPs office building and organized a rebellion against DOGE employees attempting to gain entry.
A reporter forThe Daily WireaskedLeavitt whether it was true that USIPs old president refused to leave after he was removed from his position ... barricaded himself in his offices, had to be escorted out by police, left the building without WiFi, telephones, elevators, and more.In confirming the story, Leavitt noted that USIP employees even distributed flyers internally encouraging each other to basically prevent DOGE personnel from accessing the building.She described it as another instance of resistance from the bureaucrats who dont want to see change in this city.
It sounds like a scene straight out of Stanley KubricksDr. Strangelove: the president of the Institute of Peace waged war to save his job!Bureaucratic sieges definitely break people (or as Mitt Romney might say,bureaucracies are people, too!).Alas, the Deep State brought this craziness on itself.
Its true that the usual gaggle of Democrat partisans posing as federal judges continue to issue temporary restraining orders and injunctions wherever they possibly can.But lets be honest those judicially enforced ceasefires cant save the Deep States castle walls.President Trump is firing too many artillery shells at the bureaucracy for black-robed charlatans to save the Democrats.
Every day, Elon Musk and DOGE expose another money-laundering scheme that exists to transfer taxpayer dollars into Democrat-run organizations.AsThe New York Timesadmits, Mr. Trump and his allies are aggressively attacking the players and machinery that power the left, taking a series of highly partisan official actions that ... threaten to hobble Democrats ability to compete in elections for years to come.
President Trump is giving Deep State Democrats a lesson in bureaucratic shock and awe.HeendedUSAIDs censorship scheme.Hehighlightedthe crimes of leftist NGOs.He is demolishing the Department of Education.HeisdefundingPlanned Parenthood.Now hesset his sightson NPR and PBS.The ongoing bombardment during this MAGA siege is so unrelenting that soon Democrats will have nothing left to eat...except one another.
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