July 3, 2020
Democrats Are Using America's Younger Generations Like Hitler Did His Nazi Youth: So The Carnage Across America Now Hints Of Total Destruction Ahead If We Stay On The Same Path We're On
- Their ultimate goal is to control the lives, speech, and actions of everyone
By John C. Velisek, Retired, US Navy - All News Pipeline
There are certain aspects of the ongoing Black Lives Matter/Antifa uprising that must be made evident to our country's citizens. The leftist rioters do not understand that what they are doing to destroy our country will not work. The rioting and burning of local businesses, many minorities owned, the overtaking of city property, the tearing down of statues that are a part of our history will do nothing to improve our country. All the efforts that they feel will intimidate people will only anger those who believe in our country. No amount of indoctrinating our children in academia will keep them from understanding that there is no option for a way of life that has made America the envy of the world. They want to use our children, much like it was done in Nazi Germany. There are similarities to the Nazi Regime of Hitler and Black lives Matter today. In Hitlers Germany, there was talk of reparations, the monies of those who earned it were taken away and given to those who fomented the revolution. Looting and the destruction of business was also a part of the Nazi regime. Morality and the moral norms that are in any civilized culture were broken down. Freedom of speech and thought were curtailed in the media and everyday discussion if they did not conform to the party line or the "struggle of the people." Not mentioned is the struggle of the people in our inner cities with rampant violence and murders. Black Lives Matter never mentions it, the media won't cover it, and the leftists in the Democrat party ignore it. Why? It doesn't fit the narrative that they are trying to push on the American people. They can't virtue signal to defund the police if they discuss that constant murders in the significant cites run by the Democrats. They need to set a narrative where they can make law enforcement the villain, even though they coddle criminals with policies like "no bail" bond to put criminals back on the street. The same words used by the Nazis, such as social justice was an integral part of the Nazi doctrine. The next step recently begun is to have the children tattle of their parents. All of these were the agenda forced on the German people as part of Nazi Germany. It is also a significant part of the plan of Black lives Matter. In essence, the final goal is intended to be to control the lives, speech, and actions of those they do not agree with in any aspect.
 In today's case, those who do not agree have made it clear that with the help of the progressive socialists and media, they intend to negate those who disagree, conservatives, white, and those who still believe in religion to kneel and treat them as our overlords. They have come up with another mindless bumper slogan silence is violence. It is just a way to force those of our country to blare mindless Marxist slogans to get their approval. They will continue to use mob rule to stifle anyone who may dissent or criticize the Marxist Black lives Matter and globalists who intend to rule. This will occur because groups like Black Lives Matter intend to do the best they can to break up the nuclear family. In this country, we have an equality of opportunity and equality of effort and not equality of outcome. They want to use Marxist doctrine to nullify the rights of everyday Americans of every color and religion. A little secret is that those on social media and the progressive socialists in the Democrat party do not understand that Americans will fight for their rights. One of those rights is the freedom of speech that will come forth in condemning their attempt to force Americans to bow to such leftists as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Black lives Matter is nothing more than the violent army that Obama called a national army. It was founded by three Marxist agitators for the purpose of silencing any dissent that could disavow the radical socialist agenda they have enshrined as part of their attempt to demoralize and destroy the law-abiding Americans that they so despise. Every day, Americans are starting to get fed up with the terrorism, destruction of property, and condescension of the elites trying to pull the strings of our country to force the American people into something they do not want and will not consent to in their lives. This agenda of the progressive socialists have already led to civilians using firearms to protect the property they have worked so hard to build. In Provo, Utah, a man who was attempting to evade a swarm of these animals was shot in his car. Does it need to come to the point where everyday Americans need to leave their homes armed to protect themselves from these animals? Can they not understand that no matter how many Marxist celebrities, universities, now nothing more than Marxist Workemens circles, or global organizations kowtow to the virtue-signaling they require, the American people will fight back. Are there any explanations of Black Lives Matter taking in millions of dollars and funneling through ActBlue to the progressive socialists. Is there any explanation for the $33 million funneled to BLM by the anti-American globalist George Soros to incite the violence they feel they need to transform our country into the laughingly corrupt socialist utopia that they need? The staged pre-programmed riots will not make a difference to ordinary Americans, and in the end, will create animosity and anger leading to the civil war they so desperately need. It will do nothing for the inner city groups they say they want to help. And honestly, black lives do not matter to BLM. If they did, the money they have would be used to assist the inner city, particularly the youth, to help them move forward instead of 60% of it going to the leadership and travel. Today, the word "racist" is meaningless. It's offshoots "systemic racism," "institutional racism," and white privilege is nothing more than bumper stickers with no meaning used to attempt to silence those who disagree. But lets take an honest look at who are the real racists. Antifa is nothing more than rich white liberal kids playing at revolution by using violence to silence their critics. BLM, with the support of the progressive socialist of the Democrat party plan to fulfill the totalitarian agenda of the globalists. They wont speak of the agenda because they would have to admit that they are the racists. The media is complicit in furthering the plans to blame white America for the challenges faced in Democrat-run cities.
 The rioters, with help from the media, celebrities, and academia can not explain that the party they endorse, has been responsible for the destruction of big cities that the Democrats have run for decades. They cant explain why they have such members as Irami Osei-Frimpong, a University of Georgia teaching assistant, feels free to write that some white people may have to die before black communities are made whole. They can't explain why the party they endorse has to keep minorities weak and on the plantation for so long. They can't explain why a father, as head of the household, is a detriment to the people they claim to be helping. The party that they endorse keeps their children from freedom of choice when choosing a school. They support abortion, a procedure started by a eugenist trying to wipe out the "defective" black race and claimed backs were inferior. They endorse the party that at a convention in 1932 called the KKK righteous and for the betterment of humanity. The progressive socialist Democrats use "systemic racism," a platitude with no truth in reality. To further divide our country without stipulating that the systemic racism inherent in this country is part of the history of their own party. The false promises they have made over the past 50 years are damaging to the people of color they claim to support. But they virtue signal to show how they are much better than middle-class white folk who have no power to change things. Defunding the police is fine with them because the progressive socialist Democrats have their gated homes and private security. Even the Minneapolis City Council have received taxpayer funder security, but still, demand that law enforcement be disbanded. And it appears that law enforcement in that city will be replaced with a sharia/BLM contingent to keep the community safe. What is not mentioned is that it will then become a sharia-compliant city. The BLM today shows many of the same characteristics of the KKK in the 1930s and 1940s. Both the KKK and the BLM/Antifa socialists' goals are much the same. They plan to tear America away from the God-given rights given to us in the Constitution through tactics of terror and fear. They will never realize that the terror and fear they are attempting to force on the American people will become determination and anger to stop the destruction of all that American hold dear. The post-truth era that we find ourselves in will not end well. And the American people will rise up and demand that the intellectual and indoctrinated social activists admit that America is not on their side. The community agreement that they seek through force and violence will not change the hard-working Americans that love this country. They will soon realize that the patriots of this country will not take anymore. It is not the province of the progressive socialists, globalists, or elites who think they know better than the American people to declare community agreement of policies that the American people disagree with.
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