People all across America are noting a heaviness in spirit, seeing signs and prophetic warnings in the events happening all around us, leading them to believe the last days are approaching rapidly... and now we are seeing testimonies from people that are sighting inexplicable "creatures" and having visions of demons with increasing frequency.
I started researching this phenomena after reading two recent alerts over at Steve Quayles website on July 7, 2015, and found that others taking these reports and sharing them are noticing the same thing, it is happening more often as is aincrease in hatred from non-believers towards believers with one woman stating "It has increased exponentially in the last month." She adds "furthermore I notice the evil becoming more evil and the good becoming more good." (Found in the comment section here)
Starting with the alerts from the SQ Alert section from a man named Eddie:
Was helping my neighbor across the street with her laptop today and she told me about this dream she had a few nights ago........she said in the dream that she woke up one morning and as is her normal routine, she walked through her living room to the front door to step outside and breathe in the morning air. She opened the door, it was in the summer because the leaves were still green on the trees, looked up and the sky was filled with flying creatures. They had a body like a human, about 6 feet tall, not muscular, not heavy, no clothes, a wingspan of atleast 20 feet, large dark wings as a bird, black or dark grey. The shock was so great she couldn't move, could only stare in horror. She saw her next door neighbor, an elderly gentlemen running around outside in a panic. And then one of the creatures landed in the gravel driveway a few yards in front of her, landed on its feet but with such force that the gravel scattered stirring up a dust, they locked eyes, dark evil eyes. Face not of a human. There was no nose. She said it was unlike anything she'd ever seen, hideously evil, demonic. This scared her into action and she slammed the door, fearing for her life and then she woke up from the dream.
I haven't read any of your books but have followed you on the internet for a couple of years now. I wanted to share this with you because if anyone would know what she saw, it would be you. You are in my prayers daily and I especially pray God keeps you invisible from the enemy.
Your brother in Jesus,Eddie
The next alert came on the same day, from a woman named Kimberly:
I am an advid reader and have been blessed your reading site!
Strange bird looking creatures I have seen them also. One was standing beside my bed late late night about three weeks ago. It was a large blob with shiny black feathers chaotic in appearance with a bird face. I prayed rebuking the devil in the name of Jesus and the Lord sent a fiery angel on a fiery horse to despell the creature. Then the angel and horse stood by my bed where the creature was. When the creature left it flew into the sky breaking into hundreds of large crow like creatures, while angrily telling me it was in charge of the region where I lived and it did not want to leave. I was not dreaming it was a real presence. The veil of humanity is breaking, we are going to see evil creatures, odd things, But God is greater than anything you might, see, hear, or feel. Greater is he who is in me than he that is the world 1John 4:4 God will take care of you, that is his promise to us.
Another witness, God bless you Steve and thanks,Kimberly
YouTube videographer Bob Barber accepts communications from those experiencing dreams and visions of end time prophecy and on March 24, 2015 and June 24, 2015, published two separate videos with chilling accounts of demonic dreams and visions that were sent to him to share with others.
The first video shown below caught my eye because it deals with demonic dreams being on the rise with the restart of CERN. Many believe that in trying to recreate the big bang, scientists are increasing the speed that the gates of hell are opening. Even scientists not related to the CERN project have expressed concerns of "parallel universes and extra dimesnsions" being opened by CERN.
The second video is a medley, dreams and visions sent to him of demonic visions, showing how many across the world are getting them and how the frequency of these disturbing events are increasing.
Is this happening because of the ongoing attacks against religion that seems to be coming from every direction these days? Is judgment being rendered against us for the attacks against God, and are these dreams and visions a warning of what is coming?