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January 30, 2015

Dominoes Are All Set Up For 'Final Event'! Will Sunday's 'Super Bowl' Spell The 'End Of America'?


By Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

With the biggest episode of mass mind control in America set to happen this weekend in Arizona in the NFL's 'Super Bowl' on Sunday, Susan Duclos and I recently had the opportunity to interview Brian Tuohy about corruption in professional sports and the related corruption in business, government and religion and Brian dropped a bombshell when telling us that WHEN the government is ready to push America into a full-fledged police state dictatorship with countrywide martial law, the dominoes are all set up and an attack upon the Super Bowl (whether false flag or real) could be the final event. With hundreds of millions watching this weekend on TV, Brian tells us that the laws that have been put into place over the last 10+ years would ALLOW THE LEGAL OVERTHROW of the United States government if and when the next terror attack upon America occurs.

We begin this conversation talking about how Brian believes that many professional sporting events across the country are 'set up' as explained in his book called 'Larceny Games: Sports Gambling, Game Fixing And The FBI' and from there we move on to the fact that there is NO LAW AGAINST the fixing of professional sports events! While Brian clearly tells us that he does not believe that EVERY game is fixed, the implications are clear...sports are NOT the innocent 'escape' that most Americans believe them to be.

Aware that one of Brian's previous books is about 'Disaster Government', we ask Brian what he thinks about the possibility of an attack being launched upon the 'big game' and we proceed into a conversation about underground bunkers, martial law and the fact that the government is now totally prepared for when the dominoes are set into motion.

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