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September 9, 2023
With Globalists Intent On Destroying The Bulk Of Humanity, Leaving Them Feudal Overlords To The Remaining Slaves, We're Witnessing The End Times Destruction Of Our Planet
- Cutting Down Millions Of Acres Of Trees To 'Save The Planet' Is The Very Definition Of 'Absurdity'
Absurdity. Merriam Websters definition leaves much to be desired as it is circular in nature. They say the quality or state of beingabsurd while looking at absurd gives the more expected result; ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, orincongruous and having no rational or orderly relationship to human life. That is more like it, and as a noun they say the state or condition in which human beings exist in anirrationaland meaningless universe and in which human life has no ultimate meaning. I think we should play with those bolded phrases keeping in mind the obvious linkages that will be presented today. Although those items are incongruous in and of themselves, the unmistakably malevolent intent is, as stated, most unequivocally and definitely absurd especially in the harm to human life aspects of the term.
The battle cry is global warming or more specifically man-made global warming that is the specific predetermined point of all of the irrational claims of that falsehood. Or is it? Perhaps it is IN FACT man-made and intentionally misrepresented as to specifically what form that being man-made takes. The excuses they attribute to it all are your driving around in your damned SUVs and diesel pickups that are causing so much of it with later versions complaining about your air conditioner use, your using gas stoves and other appliance, that interminable abundance of cow farts and buffalo farts before that, the exhalation your very breath contributes and so on and on and on ---. Yes sir, just too many people in this world creating the abundance of carbon dioxide that they say is a huge poison to our systems and is killing us all, so eliminate those CO2 sources and the few left living can do so in healthful bliss. The primary point being there is a war on the carbon cycle.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser:The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago,"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But,with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us,"If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
What they refuse to acknowledge is that Earth is filled with an abundance of carbon based life, from the lowest forms of bacteria to the monster groves of quacking aspen and from the deepest oceans strange life forms to the highest mountain climbing mammals; with of course, Man at the pinnacle. Gods creation is perfect; it is the manipulations of man that has let it down. There are some fallacies in the current model of carbon cycling such as the fact that petroleum is NOT dead dinosaurs but rather manufactured deep in the earth in what is termed the Abiotic oil formation theory. While the proofs of this theory are more recent, the idea that the Earth actually forms the carbon forms like natural gas, oil, coal and such is ancient and has been the primary idea in most areas of the world still today, with the United States and closer friends being the primary detractors of natural formation of petroleum and related hydrocarbons in favor of the fault ridden dino theories. In September of 2009 in Science Daily report states that Researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm have managed to prove that fossils from animals and plants are not necessary for crude oil and natural gas to be generated. The findings are revolutionary Together with two research colleagues, Vladimir Kutcherov has simulated the process involving pressure and heat that occurs naturally in the inner layers of the earth, the process that generates hydrocarbon, the primary component in oil and natural gas. I will state that it involves an adiabatic process deep within the earths mantle as given in the Advancing Earth and Space Sciences article that mentions The theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum is a significant part of the modern scientific theories dealing with the formation of hydrocarbons. These theories include the identification of natural hydrocarbon systems, the physical processes leading to their terrestrial concentration, and the dynamic processes controlling the migration of that material into geological reservoirs of petroleum. The theory of the abyssal abiogenic origin of petroleum recognizes that natural gas and petroleum are primordial materials of deep origin which have migrated into the Earth's crust.
There is far more to this but that is not the thrust of this column so I will leave it at that with this one last reference; There is widespread evidence that petroleum originates from biological processes. Whether hydrocarbons can also be produced from abiogenic precursor molecules under the high-pressure, high-temperature conditions characteristic of the upper mantle remains an open question. It has been proposed that hydrocarbons generated in the upper mantle could be transported through deep faults to shallower regions in the Earths crust, and contribute to petroleum reserves. Personally, I subscribe to this view of hydro-carbon formations. The primary point of this is to show that the advertised theories are not valid and using them to fabricate harsh social structures around them is, well, absurd. But they will use any theory to destroy all that is good.
Skies darkened under Canada forest fires
Those recent massive forest fires in Canada, Alaska, and elsewhere are most obviously not just happenstance. The fact that they start almost together, that they also follow on the boundaries of the earths faults as shown in many recent videos by Dutchsinse on his YouTube channel (Thank you Mr. Janitch). He has also shown proof of DEW weapons (Directed Energy Weapons) being fired, and out of fear or respect for foreign intel activities, has quietly refrained from pointing them out anymore. That those fires are intentional and arson related is not up for question by anyone that knows how to think, read and analyze data that is presented in so many forums. DEW weapons consist of electromagnetic energies consisting of frequencies ostensibly in the HF (High Frequency) range of 2.7 to 10 Mhz but there are also reports of from ultra low frequencies to much higher. Those in the much higher ranges are from alternate transmitters, and they range from VHF, UHV and up thorough microwave into the visible light ranges and much higher as X-rays, Gamma rays and so forth. Many of these are used already such as the microwave Havana syndrome anti-personnel weapons to the weather modification systems that we have covered here before. Their uses are very widespread and the targets are as well. What exactly is the reason for those fires? Theories from filling the sky with smoke to shut out the sun, to hiding widespread satellite access to data, to poisoning our skies in larger quantities than the intentional train wreck chemical attack on East Palestine Ohio.
Satellite view of East Palestine Ohio chemical attacks fires
With disinformation and outright fabrication of evidences of DEW weapons being used to start those fires as well as the more recent devastating Lahaina Hawaii fires being published, we must also use our brains and acknowledge that they are, for the most part at least, totally fake. Using pics of missile launches, of meteor strikes, of oil refinery fires and so forth and claiming they are lasers igniting those fires is absurd on many levels. Yes we have high powered laser weapons that are active and in operational status, but they do NOT use visible light. Yes we use HAARP, microwave generators and such to modify the weather, but we also use aircraft dumping toxic aluminum powder and other things in the skies to activate storm fronts by not only the government but many private companies as well. Flight tracking software has proven they are being used all of the time to seed storms ahead of them reaching dry or other target areas such as the recent Hurricane Idalia and the coming one as well, they are being strengthened and directed to specific targets. There are many inconsistencies in the fire burn spread in Maui that may be direct evidence of a DEW attack on that island such as the weird lack of blue items not being burned, but that is still not an absolute as other factors may be involved.
Somewhere around 200 MILLION acres have burned in Canada, then add in the US, Alaska, and other nations in the West this year. That is a lot of smoke generated, but to what end? I mentioned a few ideas above, but then perhaps this headline speaking of Bill Gates has the more nearly accurate truth in it; Bill Gates-Funded Group Plans to Strip 70 Million Acres of Forest to Save the Planet. We discussed the carbon cycle very early on in this column for a definite purpose, and that is to help understand just how important the flora contributes to the regulation of carbon in the atmosphere. Burn the trees, cut down on the oxygen in the atmosphere, increase the carbon dioxide, destroy the earths lungs basically. That does not affect the same cycles that our oceans provide, but then they may have something up their sleeve for just that. Another article said the plan is to bury those trees underground all in an attempt to slow down global warming. Atmospheric CO2 has NO EFFECT on the weather of this planet; it is NOT a greenhouse gas as they claim. Cutting down our trees will have exactly the opposite effect that they claim it will. It is all a lie, so what are they doing this for? It destroys not just the forests, but the animal life as well. But that is of no concern for them as they claim planting solar panels covering once productive farmland and arid lands not good for agriculture, but they are also cutting down forests to plant wind turbines to take out our flying fowl en-mass as they also destroy our off shore sea life by those same turbines mounted at sea. Save the Whales used to be their call, but they are intentionally killing them off with those wind turbines. Same with our planets birds including our national emblem, the bald headed eagle, and endangered species like the very rare California condor. And this is supposed to replace carbon fuels in power generation to save those things. This is an absurdity of the highest order in my estimation.
Destroy the Environment order to save it is the key takeaway that these idiots are up to. Destroy our farmlands, our protein production of cattle, chickens and so forth in order to feed the world and make very unreliable energy that fails just when it is required. Destroy the bulk of mankind to make life more enjoyable as slaves to the new class of feudal overlords is more like what they have in store for us. But of course, pushing for major world war, with the possibility of wiping us out entirely seems also to be on the table for them. That would be a true Black Sky event.
Next consider this idea; that the End Times destruction of our air, of our life support, of our oceans and planets inhabitants is by some act of God and/or by some massive war but one third of all sea life, one third of all animal life and one third of all mankind will be exterminated. It may not all be by acts of God, but by acts of insane Satanists out to glorify themselves in their acting out as though they consider themselves gods. We went over that concept previously, and it appears that those end time disasters are by our own making in many instances as our Creator allows us to destroy ourselves. This is the reality of our present prospects as we move forward in this age of massive evil, of pure demonic presence.
Absurdity;the state or condition in which human beings exist in anirrationaland meaningless universe and in which human life has no ultimate meaning.
May God Bless -
Scientists say, "burying trees can reduce global warming as well." (Link)
Driving right through the heart of the Fort McMurray wildfire. (Link)
Black Sky Event Coming? (starts at about 12:30 mark)
ANP Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.