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February 20, 2021
Texas's Day Of Reckoning Is Why Everyone Should Be A Prepper: Imagine A $10,000 To $17,000 Electric Bill While Scraping Snow Off Your Walls Just To Have Drinking Water
Empty store shelves, water shortages, freezing weather with no electricity, and as Texas officials work to get the electric grid back, electric bills have surged between $10,000 and $17,000 and people are having to scrape ice off their walls to boil for clean water.
While individual residents have no control over the actual electric grid itself, nor the new green energy (wind turbines) utterly failing, and while we would never "victim blame," we can and will use this as an example of why people need to prepare, prepare, and prepare for every eventuality they are capable of preparing for.
It doesn't have to be the end of civilization, or a doomsday scenario, or a terrorist attack or any other of the dozen possibilities that could require people to survive in the most dire of conditions.
With nothing more than a weather event knocking out overtaxed electrical grids and the supposed "clean energy" systems which proved to be huge failures, we see a real life, present day example of why everyone needs to become a prepper.
Texans have seen electric bills surge as high as $17,000 after two powerful storms knocked out power and caused a 300-fold surge in demand - as 14million people struggle to get clean water in a 'health catastrophe'.
While most Texans are on a fixed rate plan on which they pay the same monthly amount throughout the duration of their contract, some are on a variable or indexed plan which sees rates vary based on the market.
One of these customers, Ty Williams, told WFAA-TV that his combined electric bill last month for his home, guest house, and office was $660.
As of this month, he owes more than $17,000. How in the world can anyone pay that? Williams asked.
As demand rises, so does the rate at which consumers are billed, which is causing these insane fluctuations in prices skyrocketing.
A generator or two, along with some space heaters, and even gas for the generators that are not solar, would cost far less, and quite literally pay for themselves in savings in far less than a month.
That would allow consumers to shut down all electricity in their homes and use their generators until these spikes in electricity bills taper off, because the last things these poor people suffering through this brutal and deadly winter, need, is higher utility bills.
Meanwhile, temperatures as low as -2F have burst many of the state's water pipes, leaving residents forced to scrape snow off the walls to boil to make it safe for cooking and drinking.
Again, water systems, filtration systems and just a large supply of water, whether in 50 gallon drums or cases upon cases of bottle water, would have made it far healthier, cleaner and provide less chance of causing bacterial disease from contaminated water.
Not to mention, those still without power, who use an electric stove, still cannot boil the water without some type of survival prepping.
In other reports, we see from Fox News, that "photos taken at a Walmart outside San Antonio show rows of empty refrigerated and frozen shelves, where perishable food would normally appear....."
While it is seriously too late for those suffering from food and water shortages, as well as those still without electricity, there is still nearly a month of winter left and as Texas proves, even where is most unlikely, this type of state emergency can, and does happen.
It isn't only stores that have had to empty their perishables, but homes without electric would have lost a significant amount of foods in their refrigerators and freezers, leaving them dependent on food banks, local food giveaways or neighbors that were better prepared to begin with.
ANP does have a still/back in stock page (which needs updating) for prepping supplies and other items readers felt were important, so below are only the items that would have been so helpful, and lifesaving, in Texas.
We encourage all readers to share links to places that sell the items listed for less cost than the ones listed below, and to share other ideas, tips, links and videos to help others
Hopefully others will learn the painful lesson Texas has taught us and prepare like their lives depended on it, because with dozens of deaths just from this one storm, and more expected, their lives very well may depend on it in the future.
Nothing happening in Texas is the fault of those suffering from cold, hunger and thirst, but this should be a lesson to all Americans that yes, it can happen to them.
Survival supplies don't only get used after a disaster, or catastrophe, and doomsday doesn't have to hit for preppers to dig out their supplies and use them to survive.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those suffering in Texas, and to the families of those lost.
God bless.
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