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April 19, 2023
The Evil That 'Leads' America Is Destroying Us As They Work With China To Bring In The 'New World Order' With The 'Biden Crime Cabal' Working Towards That Treasonous Goal With Full Fervor
The above image has been used in a number of recent stories about how it appears the death of the New World Order is upon us.Not so fast there Barbarelli; that paints a nice picture, but is it accurate?They all claim in one way or another that there has been a paradigm shift away from that tyrannical and truly evil concept; that the ruling class has lost their real power; that the waning of it is apparent as the United States surrenders its absolute control over the world and its governments; that the world domineering power of Communist China has taken over as the new Global World Order.I will acknowledge that it does indeed appear as if that were the case, and although this column is about how appearances on the subject are often confusing or deceitful, I do not believe at all that the New World Order is dying.Yes, I am talking about the elitists structure of absolute control and despotic tyranny, about the Agenda 2030 goals and so forth.Please allow me to explain if I may.
The Great Reset.I have written a number of columns on this before, so to restate it in simple terms let me quote fromFox News; a growing movement backed by many of theworlds most powerful business leaders, government officials and left-wing activiststhat aims to push the reset button on theglobal economy.(I)t woulddestroy the current capitalist systemand replace it withprogressive and modern socialist systems, with a special emphasis placed on eco-socialist policies like those contained in the Green New Deal.So in other words it is a worldwide communist revolution.Keep that in mind as we continue as it is central to the end ideas.
In this new world order it is the BRICS nations that seem to be doing the hard pushing as they are the ones doing the bidding of China and its CPP communist revolutionaries pushing their brand of hegemony on the world supposedly as an alternative to the US and its decades long stranglehold on world power, both economically and militarily using both to meet its aims politically.I will not be going into all of the various nations we have destroyed, all of the various leaders we have assassinated or deposed, all of the various wars (called policing actions in most cases) we have started and fought in whether outright or secretly, all of the terrorist groups and action we have engaged in, as that would take a number of books worth of information to do correctly.The CCP is doing its best to emulate exactly what we taught them to do. Remember that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is an American installed system just as Russias is under the leadership of those same societies that form the New World Order.Please understand this one point; ALL of this is under the SAME PEOPLE and groups; they rule the earth under Satans grip.WhenDeutsche Wellewrote about this recently and noted that Maihold of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs agrees. He saidthe BRICS alliance is not so much a counter to the West but more a forum for increased sovereign and autonomous thought.China, on the other hand, is using the platform for its global political ambitions.
Chinas gross domestic product in 11 years grew three fold, from $6 trillion in 2010 to $18 trillion in 2021.The primary reasons for this growth are that the American manufacturing system was disassembled and installed in China supposedly for higher profit margins with the added benefit of reducing pollutions here at home.Where we held dominance was in the economic monetary power of the petro-dollar and our massive war machine that destroyed resisting competitors.That Chinese growth so far outstrips western nations it is amazing, but not without guidance from the wealthiest of us, the USA.It should be of no surprise that the BRICS nations with many others are joining in with that economic model and even the US but not necessarily out in the open.That means we are becoming communist (or more correctly perhaps, Marxist) as fast as the populace will allow and we are almost completely there.
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Graphic from South China Morning Post
One rather striking fact of previous world dominating nations is that their destruction sometimes resultedinand sometimes resultedfromthe destruction of their economic viability as can be seen in the history of the decline of the British Empire relatively recently.Before that was the Dutch empire, the Spanish empire, the Portuguese empire, the more ancient Chinese back when they were plying the Pacific with massive sailing ships.The Turks, the Persians, the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, Babylonians, and on back into distant history.Whether by the unsustainable complexity of the empire or by degeneracy of those in the power structure or by foreign influence and war militarily or economic, that destruction always happens when things are ripe for it.We are not just ripe, but rotten seemingly to the core; or at least our supposed leaders are.And quite often it includes treason as is the case with the Roman Empire and the influx of outsiders from mostly the north as they lost the citizens control just as we are from invasion from mostly the south.History is the greatest teacher in these matters, but we do not teach that in our schools anymore.
Those articles that I have read on the theoretical death of the New World Order are based on a closed process of thought; they assume that the more advertised Euro based WEF or UN based one is the one that is dying.But they do not realize the depth of focus and breadth of control that the NWO has.Perhaps because they do not realize that the power structure of it is diverse and at the same time centralized.Or because they do not realize or comprehend that the basic structure is fabricated by those that worship Lucifer and he has the centralized edict function.There are a great many secret societies in this world, from the mundane and even inane to the centralized powerhouses that control our very lives.We could name a long string of them, but for the sake of brevity lets just say some of the more well known ones like the Templars (yes they still exist if not under that same name), Rothschild kingdom, Rosicrucians, Masons, Skull and Bones and so forth.All have blood oaths which seem to be a key to detecting them, and death to those that spill the beans just as any organized criminal gang or family does.They all seek for maximum power through wealth whether ill gained or outright stolen.Purely satanic in nature, we can call them a consortium of secret societies, or as the local culture to me labels them, secret combinations as they are a combination of secret societies.They have existed throughout history and will likely continue to exist for a long time to come.
BRICS seems to be filling that role (or at least is filling in as we decline) of supplanting our once seemingly impenetrable economic power over the rest of the world.It is a symbol of the decline of our once great nation as respect for us has dwindled to new lows at an alarming rate.Where we once stood post WWII as the nation that helped others rebuild after disasters, as the one that put in new schools, roads, medical systems, food productions and more in very needy areas; as the big brother to those in need.Now we are known for making war upon others to force regime change from a workable system into one that is nothing more than a puppet for our development of their natural resources; more commonly referred to as raping them of their riches.Although China is doing exactly the same thing for the mineral riches of those nations that we abandoned, they are also putting in new infrastructures as we used to do.They are doing exactly what we have hitherto done.We are not respected anywhere anymore because of the greed and disrespect for the peoples and lands of our once treasured friends.BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (and plus of newer members); all are turned against us now.The first video below tells somewhat of this reality.
But we do still have ties with other nations and we are still losing them rapidly as friends.Take the recent moves by France and by Germany since we attacked their energy supply when we took out the Nord Stream Pipeline, and NATO is falling apart as a result of that and our war with Russia.We are losing Turkey as fast as we can, Israel now considers us an enemy, the Saudis are running away from us and toward Iran, Japan is forming their own defense systems to replace ours, Korea is developing their own nuclear weapons, and Mexico is fundamentally at war with us anymore.And far more can be listed.Lets take a closer look at just one such shift in relations with our sister nation, Canada.
A couple of years ago Canada hadChinese army agents in Canadafor training with many reports of them actually running airportsecurity in Vancouverand some other Canadian airports.Do you remember those stories?CCP military linked scannersare in Canadian and other airports around the world.There is something very wrong about the Canadians relationship with the Chinese military as many reports of massive troop buildups, bases and security systems run by those communist troops aided by the fact that the prime minister is an outright communist himself as his irrational mandates and laws can attest.There are many reports ofcommunist Chinese meddlingin Canadian elections just as there have been in US elections.TheGlobal Newsreported that Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) warned Trudeau that China covertly funded elections candidates just like they do here in the USA.The Chinese Communist Party is using all elements of state power to carry out activities that are a direct threat to our national security and sovereignty,CSIS stated and that Canada is being targeted more than other western democracies.Plus how manyChinese police stationsare in Canada now, and that the Chinese police are nowissuing visasfor Canadians?The whispered warnings are that China will invade the USA after war in the Pacific is started, and their actions in Canada seem to prove they are making things ready for just that.
As a founding member of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) China has been accused of manipulating its currency to keep its manufacturing costs base lower than any competition to better target international trade.As agreements with the WTO (World Trade Organization) and the IMF allow, China has been involved in manipulating world trade to their very distinct advantage while destroying ours.Or better said we are destroying ours because of insane trade agreements and trade embargos and the like.China and the IMFhave evolved into a very close operating partnership and that is critical to understanding parts of the following dialogue.China is deeply involved with the World Bank and established the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a multilateral bank and has over 100 members now.The Belt and Road Initiative is just for that reason, to invest trillions of dollars worth of aid to nations needing it.Unlike the Marshall plan which gave aid in the form of grants,Chinas aid is in the form of loansusing commercial rates so that those nations assisted are in great debt to communist China.The Chinese seek to use this to displace the IMF as the worlds largest creditor and reap the windfall of payments not met with confiscation of valued minerals and land.Now consider how much farmland they own here in the USA among so many other wealth generating systems.This is NOT a pretty picture as they rape the nations they mine while building new roads and power stations to help fuel their greed to placate the natives.There is more, far more to all of this that I cannot cover in this column, but take heed to what we are doing compared to what they are doing; we are their pattern to follow.
The sniveling evil Biden/Bammer criminal gang infesting this nations capitol has forced the Russians to do far more trading with China and to use a currency for trade other than those that are embargoed; in other words, the USs positions have created a monster that is far larger than we are.Even Iran has been working closely with Russia and China in developing a new world currency and trading in Chinese Yuan and Russian Ruble.But that is about to change as they are working on the digital Yuan that is slated to enable value transfers from one associated nation to another. The BRICS collective is working on their digital currency to replace the US Petrodollar and if I were in their shoes I would as well as they seek to replace the Bretton Woods agreement defacto world currency.When western governments froze over $300 billion in Russian currency, they forced Russia out of the Swift international payments system.That was supposed to hurt them, but pushed them into the arms of the waiting China and overall made them much stronger.One might have the idea that it was on purpose, to increase the power and economic standings of Russia.Let that idea ferment a bit.
SWIFT is the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication and does not actually exchange any currencies, but moves the information about that money.Think of it as a messaging board that posts amounts to be transferred to all of the various involved nations.The digital currencies may or may not replace that, but the fact of pushing Russia out of it drastically reduces its viability as workarounds are being formed by the BRICA coalition.A year agoBusiness Insiderspoke of this when they said China's Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS). were used to settle more trade, it would create a Chinese-yuan driven alternative to the dollar-dominated SWIFT system.China does have ambitions to make the Yuan the most dominant reserve currency in the world.Add to that energy rich Russias demand of energy payments in Rubles and there is the backbone of a replacement for the US petrodollar.The war of Russia and China on the US Dollar is just beginning, and the immediate prospect of it being a digital currency is going to be fatal to us.
Nowwe are getting to the real interesting part of this story.As Russia is working on development of anew global reservecurrency with China and the other BRICS aligned nations, the world at large is developing the new monetary authority digital currency called Unicoin.Although UMU (Unicoin) will not be a central bank digital currency in the traditional sense. At least not in the foreseeable future. It is intended to function like a CBDC.However, it is legally a money commodity and is to function across all national boundaries and not for a local economy.And they note that Because of politics, weve been asked to keep participation economies under NDA. In the near, we will be able to disclose our partners.That makes it seem as if it is China/Russia doing it all, but thatis not the caseas the IMF has adopted a Global Cointhat could replace cash and make us vassals of the Central Banks. The Unicoin or Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), is symbolized as ANSICharacter, . It is legally a money commodity.It arose as the globalists made the world less financially stableduring the pandemic, andBitcoin threatened to undermine the Central Banks control of the currency.If you cannot beat them, join them or better yet supplant them.The linkage of Russia/China to this development is not talked about in most news outlets because of the linkage of the western world in its development.This is huge; it is something that makes the war on the US even more powerful.
Here is where the outright treason of our top governmental agencies and including the White House becomes critical to understand.Given enough space, we can look at the history of the Obama regime with the development of the Chinese monetary strengths and the Biden regime and how all of the crime family linkages interact with it all.That alone is a full sized book to cover even lightly.Perhaps we can get to some of it at a later date, but the massive immersion in this conspiracy against the United States of America by those satanic forces is immense.Perhaps we can mention something briefly to obtain a general understanding of the horrifying reality of this treason against this nation by those involved.Blacklisted Newshad a recent story titled TIKTOK: CHINESE TROJAN HORSE IS RUN BY STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS and although it does not mention specifically the current dictatorial regime infesting our nations capitol it does show the linkages between the communist party of China and our own government.The one phrasing I wish to point out is this one; Washingtons position on China has radically changed.Beginning with the Obama administrations 2012 Pivot to Asia, the U.S. began preparing to go to war with Beijing in order to prevent its economic rise.
There is one major lie within that statement, and that is that we have been preventing Chinas economic rise.The truth is exactly the opposite and the Bammer/Biden criminal cartel in conjunction with the prime world central bankers (Red Shields groups) are actually pushing that linkage.The CBDC, the new upcoming World Central Banks digital currency is not to be just one, but a regionalized set of currencies that are linked by the Unicoin system.Yes, that means the BRICS nations supplant the US and our dollar and at the same time our own government is pushing us into a nuclear war that will leave us devastated with a very slim chance of recovering to any realistic degree. This is where the treason of our government officials is the most impactful and devastating to our once great nation.But to even mention it at all is what they consider a revolutionary act as the calls for the cruelest and harshest censorship laws and the total destruction of what remains of our precious and once revered Constitution is trampled under their tyrannical boots.To do this topic justice would take a far larger tome than this humble author could accomplish, but the basics are given here and worthy of much more research.As it is, many of the links I had assembled during my research have been removed and I am saddened I did not save the articles themselves to prove what I have been suggesting.So be it.
Our problems are not a looming recession, not a depression but a full on complete disaster unlike anything we have ever known as a nation.Those secret societies and their cohorts in the various world governments are selling us down the river because they know the power of our greatness that has been proven in the first couple of centuries we have existed as such.The evil that leads us is destroying us and it will be complete after they get the full on war against us going by the rest of the world at large.
The New World Order is not what has been advertised; it is made up of those world elites that also control Russia and China.Yes, we are their god-fathers, but they are ascending to the preferred power and control systems.The recentmeetings of Xi and Putinresulted in the declaration that they will form the New World Order and I believe that it is the truth.Not just their version of the NWO, but the one that the Illuminati and world secret societies have been planning all along.Am I correct or way off the mark?Time will tell, but everything I find confirms it to me and from what I understand of the prophesies in the Good Book, they also confirm it as the nations involved in those prophecies show it is happening.The dark state (secret societies) and deep state (criminal gang run power centers under dark state controls) is directly working WITH China (Bidens included) to accomplish this end and to destroy our military and economic power at the same time.War can do that in one easy step.I started out mentioning the various articles about the death of the NWO, but that is a false view; the New World Order is indeed coming into fruition and it is not to be us leading it.EvenJoe Biden said it; China believes it will own America within 15 years.He and his criminal family have been working toward that evil and treasonous goal with full fervor.
May God bless us all.
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