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March 30, 2022

The Ukraine - Russia Conflict Has Been Weaponized To Radically Advance The Globalists Agenda, Part Of The Final Deceptions Being Used To Usher In The NWO And Enslavement Of Us All

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

A few days ago the NY Times had an article that said The End of the New World Order and they are not alone. Others say that the new order of the world means which nation is preeminent as the USA is the New World empire today, which makes rational sense since empire follows empire and has done so since the beginning of time. They all seem to forget that the New WORLD order is about the whole world falling into place under a global government; but then again, perhaps they are still trying to hide the scheme to do so. Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 are still the plan, and they are moving ahead nicely in their evil and twisted view. The other lie, or should I say misrepresentation of the obvious reality, is that Vlad Putin is anti-NWO because of casual surface observations and that could not be further from the truth. Today we will take a brief look into that quagmire of sludge and grime.

The New Order of the World view is summed up in the Financial Review article New world Order: Russia and Chinas plans take shape with their sub-head claim that For Moscow and Beijing, the Ukraine crisis is part of a struggle to reduce American power and make the world safe for autocrats and they are not far off in that claim. Again, that view of Putin is only an appearance judged by some surface rust. This concept is covered nicely by a The New American video (first video at the bottom) and covers basically that the USA is declining, China is in ascension, and that the 1944 Breton Woods agreement is being rebuilt along the lines of socialist H. G. Wells book The New World Order wherein he says the open conspiracy to change the nature of the world based on more collectivist materialist principles. To stop the constant wars that waste the worlds resources, he suggested that there should be peace through tyranny with a globalist system that could stop those pesky inefficiencies that now exist. Wells is not alone in this idea and that is just what is being planned and executed. Joe Biden works for those that are pushing this conspiracy fact, and they will use world war with nuclear weapons without hesitating or blushing. Financial destruction leads to those types of massive wars, and that is the plan as all must be destroyed before it can be rebuilt in their satanic image.

The concepts referenced in that first video concerning the cycling of empires from one to the succeeding ones is explained in the second video below by Ray Dalio.

New World Order means different things to different people, with some thinking it is a most powerful nation empire as we have seen throughout history, some that it is a combination of such empires as built by NATO or the Axis, and others that it is one fully worldwide empire, and that last one is my working definition for it as well. The Ukraine Russia conflict is engineered and weaponized to radically advance the globalist agenda to bring on the NWO and in the Alex Newman episode linked to here he explains that we are witnessing the long-planned shift from a unipolar world order with the US as the sole superpower to a multipolar world order where the US Government is one among many and how Henry Kissinger is a good friend with Putin and that Putin is lauded by Klaus Schwab as a young global leader as sanctioned by his WEF (see linked ANP article covering this). Vlad Putin is and has been serving the agenda of creating global governance by the powers involved and will continue to do so. He is serving only at their pleasure; if he missteps, he will be replaced.

Our next The New American video with Alex Newman (link imbedded here) covers Putin, the Deep State and the New World Order and how it is involved in the Ukraine War. Putin, a longtime Communist "intelligence" and "security" operative, is closely connected to key agents and agendas of the Deep State. Even his alleged Christianity is suspect, Alex explains, pointing to the takeover of the Russian Orthodox Church by "former" KGB agents, Putin's persecution of non-ROC Christians in Russia, and the strongman's bizarre comments comparing Christianity and Communism. Also take note that Putins version of Christianity is based on communist ideals, which are diametrically opposed systems, as are the NWO and the current Russian and Chinese governments.

As Christian Spectrum said, Theemerging New World Order is the overarching development or umbrella under whichall the other issues andtrends sit - it's the 'biggerpicture'. As we move ever closer to the end of the age the New World Order will manifest as the Antichrist's One World Government and Religion (Rev 13). From man'sfirstunsuccessful attempt at the Tower of Babel to establish One World Government and Religion in defiance of God, he has never given up the fight tocontrol his own destiny. Findinghimself in a chaotic universe of flux he seeks toconstruct his own Utopian dream, the New World Order,the perfect society as an alternative source of security to God.. No one person,group, internationalorganization, movement or nation could orchestrate something of this magnitudeontheirown and hope to be successful. Yes, it will take a satanic order to do so because men on their own want to have full control and will war to the end to get it and keep it, but the real power behind it has control. Remember that God allows evil to destroy evil even when some mistakenly blame Him for it.

Babylon 2022

A couple of years ago the Washington Times had an article that the United Nations was coming for your religion. They reported that The United Nations special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief said in a report presented to the Human Rights Council that faith must not be used to justify violence or discrimination, and that when religion seems to provoke acts of violence or discrimination particularly against women and gays and transgenders then the global bodys own equal rights protections must take priority over the religious teachings. I agree that faith must not be used to justify violence, but to have some satanic evil body tell me what my own personal religion should or should not teach is far beyond any allowable sort of freedom of religion. That simply cannot stand as a viable option. The Life Site News put things in even better form when they said the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, wrote about the intersection of religion and gender equality. He concluded that laws based in traditional morality, often religious in nature, should be repealed if they conflict with the opinions of human rights scholars and UN experts.

States have an obligation to guarantee to everyone, including women, girls and LGBT+ people, an equal right to freedom of religion or belief, he said, including by creating an enabling environment where pluralist and progressive self-understandings can manifest.

In order to enable these self-understandings, laws criminalizing abortion or various sexual behaviors would need to be overruled.

This statement needs to be looked at much closer, but for the sake of brevity let me include a bit more from that article; laws regarding abortion and homosexual behavior often arise from the application of religious teachings regarding the sanctity of life, the family, and sexual morality [Yes, true enough]..scholars who have worked to promote progressive reinterpretations of faith traditions.The notion of LGBT+ rights, a concept that has only recently entered the parlance of scholars, and which has no international consensus, much less a formally accepted definition, is treated by the report as a given. In contrast, religious traditions, some dating back thousands of years, are treated as subordinate. The special rapporteur cites many feminists and human rights scholars in arguing that rules regulating the status of men and women, including in the appointment of clergy, are not only religious, but political, and therefore are a concern for the State and international human rights law.

I absolutely disagree with the UN on this matter, the The notion of LGBT+ rights is treated by the report as a given cannot be allowed to stand, as almost every major religion forbids such unnatural and disgusting behavior while the satanic forces at work in this world do their best to push it as can be seen in all of the stories of even kindergarten aged children being perverted in school, TV, movies and theme parks and the like to accept what God has forbidden. The Sanctity of Life (lets start with the abhorrent mass murder of infants using the cover term Abortion), the makeup of the Family unit (Mother AND Father, not two mothers or fathers), sexual morality that is not only given as laws by our Creator and proven throughout time to be mandatory for a well run society is NOT the province of unelected dictators. It is to be left up to the individual and his own conscience and that of his God for his understanding of those laws of nature and Natures God and not some sick, evil, deceitful perverts in some chamber somewhere.

CBN, a Christian news source, add that mainstream Christianity doesn't call for violence or discrimination against anyone, even though some opponents of orthodox Christian belief have tried to characterize it that way. The Gospels reveal that Jesus Christ was revolutionary in the way he treated women and children with dignity and compassion, giving them honor at a time in history when they had been given little. In fact, he treated everyone with dignity - his requirement though was that they seek God first and "go and sin no more." I could not have stated it any better.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Abrahamic Family House and being built on an island in Abu Dhabi

But not with some who would hope to run a new UN sanctioned religion to replace what already exists with something that the New World Order can use as its moral and ethical belief system to replace that which God has given us. This year sometime, the new One World Religion commonly known as Chrislam will open its first building, but what to call it? A chapel, sanctuary, mosque, temple, grove, house, or perhaps simply Headquarters as the UN building is called? The Abrahamic House opens this year, so named because it incorporates the three major religions of the children of Abraham; the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. One world, one religion they pretend. Remember that Catholicism was based on that same idea; joining the various Christian churches and Roman religions into one Universal religion.

Technocracy News said Pope Francis and Islam are both steeped in Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. The Popes chosen papal name honored St. Francis, who was the Islamic unifier during his lifetime. The merger solidifies the movement toward a one-world religion. They published a document on the Human Fraternity where it is stated that God (whatever version you respect or believe in) created human beings and that it is forbidden to kill, but the UN sanctions otherwise with abortion; the sacrifice of little children to their gods. They also try to mandate that we not look at individuals but at people as one group, negating what God has said that he requires us individually to accept and honor and obey Him. Freedom is a right of every person: each individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression and action. The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings. This divine wisdom is the source from which the right to freedom of belief and the freedom to be different derives. Therefore, the fact that people are forced to adhere to a certain religion or culture must be rejected, as too the imposition of a cultural way of life that others do not accept;

In essence, this is saying that it is the will of God that there are hundreds of different religions in the world and that they are all acceptable in His sight. I suppose that means the Muzlim that murders Jews and Christians on sight, the tribal warfare all around us fought on religious grounds; the cannibalism inherent in some (thankfully) long gone areas of the world is acceptable to God?

Frank Baio of Biao Ministries had an interesting comment on Chrislam; New World Order Religion, called"United Religions The various groups that attended this conference as delegates were:

Christians (Catholics and Episcopalians are the only groups specifically mentioned), Muslims,
Jews, North American Interfaith Network [NAIN], Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs
. Evangelicals were not and have not been invited to participate.

There Four Major Participant That Are Leading This Effort Are:
1.The United Nations
2.The World Council of Churches
3.The Roman Catholic Church Led by Pope Francis I
4.Rick Warren - Representing the Protestants Faiths Non Evangelical Churches

Scripture reveals many aspects of the New World Order Plan with a One World Religion to produce The Antichrist and his False Prophet. The person that has been selected to fulfill this religious leadership position is none other than theRoman Catholic Pope

And if you will recall in our story on ANP titled Secret Societies That Have Infiltrated Religions Have The Same Ultimate Goals As The New World Order, The Total Enslavement Of Mankind And The Elimination Of True Christianity that the current Pope is a Jesuit. Please go back and read it again if you do not know what that implies. Six months ago the Gospel News Network said The Vatican hopes a meeting where world religious leaders will take a common stand on the environment can raise ambitions on what can be achieved which to me indicates that the destructive and deadly environmental policies of the satanic new world order are also sanctioned by the official new world religion, so now you have the demi-gods of the NWO along with the new god of the new world religion saying the same thing. You are damned if you eat real beef or drive a petrol powered car or wear real cotton clothes and so on.

CuttingEdge dot org has an interesting take on this; the current Ecumenical Movement was a precursor to the global religion of Antichrist, which, according to Scriptural Prophecy, is to be initially headedthe False Prophet. Revelation 13:11 is the key Scripture which tells us that the 'Second Beast', following the First Beast in Revelation 13:1-10 [Antichrist] will lead the peoples of the entire world into a worship of Antichrist.. we know that this 'Second Beast' will be a Christian leader, a counterfeit Christian leader; look carefully at the description given him, "he had two horns like a lamb". Of course, Jesus Christ is consistently referred to as the "Lamb of God" or the "Lamb which taketh away the sins of the world". [John 1:29, 36] Therefore, a lamb has come to symbolize the True Savior of the World, Jesus Christ. So, this passage holds forth for us a counterfeit lamb, a leader who claims to be "Christian" and who is accepted as such by the vast majority of the peoples of the world.

However, we know this Prophet is counterfeit and Satanic by the next phrase in Rev 13:11, "and he spake as a dragon". In Scripture, Satan is referred to as a "dragon" [Revelation 12:9], so we know that this False Prophet will be empowered by Satan, just as Antichrist is empowered by Satan.

Now that we have established the Biblical Prophecy that foretells the existence of a False Religious Prophet that leads the world into worship of Antichrist, and now that we have established the Biblical truth that this false religious leader will claim to be Christian and will be accepted as such, we need now to review a most important, and pertinent part of the New World Order Plan. InNEWS1052, we reprinted the entire text of my seminar notes from a seminar given to members of the Boston of Theosophy, and to any "seekers" of spiritual truth. During this seminar, Bill Lambert, the New England Director of Theosophy, detailed the plan whereby the New World Order Religion would be established. Let us review the pertinent passages.

The name of this seminar, "POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE EVENTS IN THE FUTURE",was held at the Boston office of the House of Theosophy on 8/18/91. During this seminar lecture, Lambert gave many important and revealing aspects of the New World Order Plan to produce Antichrist and his False Prophet. Lambert revealed that the person had been selected to fulfill this religious leadership position, and it was none other than the Roman Catholic Pope!! Listen to Lambert's explanation:

"At the proper moment in history, the Pope will visit the combined Jewish/Christian/Moslem sector of Jerusalem to announce that all religions should becombined into one. "

Thus, the Roman Catholic Pope has been selected to be the top global religious leader of the New World Order Religion!! This makes him the Biblical False Prophet!!

Their words, not mine, but they do make some great points and they may well be correct. Time will tell, but watch for the grand opening of that world religion headquarters in Abu Dhabi later this year and who will speak during it and what he will say. That will be the big clue as to the truth of the matter of who is the Anti-Christ.

We have gone over Putin and what he really is and his official State version of a KGB distorted Christianity and the New World Orders designs to join him and finally attempt to finish off the work of Christ and His Church through Satanic forces to complete the makeover of this once wonderful earth into the image of Hell; so I would warn you to look out for the prophesied false Christ and false prophets that will do all they can to deceive us into believing in what the UN is trying to force us to believe in at this time. The false cry that the dreaded new world order is over is just a cover to ease your minds as the final preparations are employed to bring on the final deceptions that are supposed to usher in the one world dictatorship and enslavement of us all. Well, those few that are left alive when their designs are complete, or so they believe. One world Religion; One world Currency; One world Government. Is Putins state religion part of Chrislam?

--- Videos ---

Joe Biden recently rededicated himself to the pursuit of the so-called 'New World Order' at a meeting of the Business Roundtable. Find out about Joe's decades'-long allegiance to the project, and what key role he played in it back when he was a senator.

Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

Exposing the One World Church

Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi conceptual animation of the three building representing the three faiths involved

Video cannot be embedded on websites, so see it on Youtube.

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