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July 24, 2024

Ezdras Eagle Basics Specifically For Right Now In Time As Many Have Feelings Of Dread For What Is About To Happen To This Once Great Nation

By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline

There is much that I wish to share in regards to the infamous 2 Esdras 11 and 12 Eagle prophecy, but it seems that there is much dispute regarding the validity of the books of 1 and 2 Esdras, so we will begin with a bit of a short history and overview in order to put it into perspective. I give my own opinion and not that of any other nor the official opinion of any specific church of any kind but I will mention some historical views of such.

Fundamentally, Esdras are two books of scripture that have been in the Apocrypha since the Bible was put together and only recently (since the 1800s) removed by many churches such as the Catholic and various protestant sects, while the Orthodox (especially the Eastern forms) still maintain them. The current trend by supposed scriptural doctors seems to think it was not written until a few hundred years after Christ to form some sort of basis for the then hatred of the Roman Empire. This (inane to me) opinion depends on the interpretation that the Eagle and its feathers are speaking about Roman Emperors and periods of time, which makes no sense since none of those theories match up to actual Roman history; it is far too convoluted and obviously poorly setup. The other major theory is it describes reigns and times the various Catholic popes. Another very poorly conceived theory that makes no sense. Even in the Jewish literature they claim it was written late and pushed into the other canons.

One major flaw with that idea is that Christ himself quotes a number of times from Esdras, and those writings have been found in the pre-Christ periods of the Essenes libraries that have been found and translated so far. Some claim that it doesnt follow what the authors mandate is (their interpretation at least) scriptural precedent, but that is also a false narrative. For instance, the claim that Esdras says you can be saved by your works, and not just by pure grace. I beg to differ as a thorough reading of the Bible gives me the impression that even after you have done all of the good works you can possibly do, you are then saved by grace as your best is still not enough. I see no way that Esdras changes or contradicts any of that.

That said, I think back to what Jesus said about the learned doctors of religion of His day, the Pharisees, and hated them for how they were distorting the doctrine so badly that was unrecognizable from what was originally known, much the same as our current doctors of religion. Pharisaism still exists.

So, as I obviously reject the majority of the current masters of religious histories, theories and doctrinal ideas, we are left with the original idea that Esdras is indeed two books (the doctors of religion argue that different parts of the books somehow make for different book counts - they just cannot decide on how many and where to break them let alone figure things out logically being so entrapped within the scholarly realm of argument rather than letting the Holy Spirit direct them) that actually encompass additions to the book of Ezra, or better stated, further writings of the prophet Ezra. Indeed, Esdras is a form of the name Ezra, they are one and the same depending on which languages you are using and I believe they are one and the same man.

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That being said, and also that the interpretations given above cannot be because Esdras specifically states that these things will happen in the final chapter or the end of days, and Rome and the Popes were far from that time period therefore they are most certainly NOT the correct interpretation.

It may be well to state at this time that fundamentally, 2 Esdras 11 is the actual vision of the Eagle and 2 Esdras 12 is the interpretation given for that vision. The next couple chapters cover things that will be going on after that, and the last two chapters cover the times of the Eagle Heads and the anti-Christ in America. Outside of America is covered by Isaiah, Daniel, Joel, Mathew, John (think Revelation) and more very well and they speak of the same things, but use differing terminology for the same things, an example would be the anti-Christ being called the Stout Horn, the Short Horn, the Mouth, the False Prophet, the leader of the 4th Beast Kingdom and more.

The current trend of assigning the recent American presidents to the Eagle wings (or feathers, the terms are swapped back and forth in the prophecy) is difficult to follow to find the originator of the idea. A number of Evangelicals claim to be the originator, a Baptist preacher (I believe he is one anyway) and yet others claim a Mormon originated the idea. One preacher later said that maybe a guy named Michael Rush came up with the idea dropping his claim to have originated it, but still claimed he indeed come up with the idea original to him, but just let go of the claim that he was first to publish it. If I remember right, Father Jim Harmon also later said that although he thought his ideas were first and original, he later figured out Michael Rush published before had. My own research cannot quell the questions, but it seems that Rush may be the first to publish but also we must remember that the ideas were forming long before that as discussion groups were making many discoveries that would lead to the US Presidents as fulfillment of those prophecies of Ezra, and much was also based in Daniels paralleling accounts.

Without trying to go over it all as there are plenty of books, online videos, and discussion groups and more, we will just briefly cover what is of the highest concern for the immediate and present time. There is an Eagle with two wings and three heads. On the left wing are twelve wings (or feathers) of various lengths. The big breakthrough was determining that these feathers of long, normal and short lengths directly correlated with American presidents and their terms of office centering on a specific point in that succession. Not based on the number of months, years or whatever but whether or not they completed their terms and how many terms they may have had, from Herbert Hoover onward. It seems to me that is a great place to start as he is often assumed to be the first full dictator installed by the secret societies (think of the then fairly new CFR) to administer to their wishes and dictates. The twelfth is Billy Clinton fulfilling the left wings assemblages of the various secret societies goons as presidents.

The right wing starts off with the contrarians Dubya Bush and then the Kenyan communist revolutionary. Dubyas daddy was head of the CIA for a long time and preceded him as a Presidential wing/feather so I am not sure why the change of wings was induced at that time some ideas come to mind, but nothing that sticks out too strong. Next we find Trump and Biden. Considering the Kenyan and then these two, I think they may represent those that break away from the existing forms and as their reigns as kings (as the prophecy calls them) were quite different, and that may be part of the explanation. Also, those on the Right wing are all after the change of the new millennium, and that seems to be of prime importance as it indicates beginning of the seventh thousand years since Adam left the Garden of Eden and the time period that would constitute the Millennium. No, I am not saying we are in the Millennium as such yet, but the count of years seems to indicate the season is upon us.

As a side note, some guy named Prout pushed kings around a bit ending up with 14 on the left wing and many more distortions, so I reject his missed explanations, and there are a lot of those. Fundamentally, I like to follow the supposed or somewhat accepted originator of the idea, Michael Rush, and his simple reasoning to understand with a few differences here and there to fit what I see as happening. With that, lets proceed to the current staging of affairs.

When I started writing this column, Biden was still listed as President and had not abdicated as of then. My original intent was to state that we may be able to prove the validity of the vision of the Eagle by the prophet Ezra if Biden would be removed from office prior to the 20th of January 2025 when the new president would be sworn in. That should still stand as Joeys resignation (or coup against him by the powers behind him seem to indicate) still has not fulfilled his part of the prophecy because he has not yet actually left office, only as a candidate in the race for the next president. That means if Ezras Eagle is true, then Joey will leave the office itself prior to the next president being sworn in. That would leave Camela err, Kamala (damned spell check) as temporary president for a few days, weeks or even a few months. But it would only be temporary.

Donald Trumps wing/feather is governed by the statement that there was one set up, but shortly it appeared no more. This is fulfilled by Trump actually winning a second term, but being forced out of it by those conspiracy actions by the satanic left secret societies. Amazing how an about 2,500 year old prophecy knew that the election would be faked, eh? And it continues And the second was sooner away than the first meaning Biden will not fill a full term as Trump did in his turn as president. This is the crux of why I am holding that he will not serve his full term or the prophecy is not valid or there is something I am overlooking that I cannot see because I am NOT a prophet. Hindsight is far superior to foresight.

Ezra then continues regarding the next two elected (or selected) presidents when he says and the two that remained thought also in themselves to reign: And when they so thought, behold, there awaked one of the heads that were at rest, and then notes the middle Eagle head, the strongest one is waking up.

This sequence elicits massive considerations to me. Whoever is next elected to be President will NOT actually take office, but will be supplanted by someone or something else, and the same thing goes for the next one. The ideas swarm like angry hornets around my head as I envision possible scenarios that would fill this portion of the prophecy. Total disruption in the nation such as massive false flag events, internal war, world war, total economic collapse, or a total coup so that the need in order to NOT have those elected serve? My mind immediately turns to the phrase I have so many times repeated, that they absolutely WILL NOT allow Trump to take office ever again no matter what it takes to do so. What form this event takes it will not be good for this nation, this people, our very lives and especially our Liberty including our God given Right to worship Him in our own way without any government telling us how or how not to do so.

And here on ANP there are so many of us at the beginning of this year had such feelings of dread for what is about to happen in this once great nation. The Holy Spirit indeed speaks to us.

After whatever actually happens to the two feathers following Biden will happen in very rapid succession and then the first of the Eagle heads (think power brokers, too complicated to cover in this column, Ill try to get to it on the next installment) takes over. I really hope you have prepared your best for the unknown results of whatever is going to happen in the immediate future. Our only way out of this is to NEVER forget the God that created us, always keep him in your heart and in your mind as you navigate this period of time that has been spoken of since time began, that all of Gods Prophets have looked forward to with great yearning to witness firsthand. We live in those times that so many wished they could, so do not be afraid, but have peace in our Lord Jesus Christ; his return is not that far off now, maybe a couple handfuls of years plus it may seem. Amazing.

God Bless until next time.

Note: Forgive me for seeming to be somewhat cryptic, but there is so much to cover and I need to keep it short enough that you will actually read it and get some idea of what is happening in this world as we, or at least as I see it. For more information please research on your own as I have done, I find it well worth the time and effort.

KJV 2 Esdras 11 - full text also leads to chapter 12 and other books to read online

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