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September 4, 2023
As The Pentagon Unveils A Website With 'Declassified' Info And Photos On UFO's & UAP's, We're Being Set Up For The Final Great Deception - False Gods, Secret Space Programs And 'Alien Civilizations'
(ANP: We find it quite interesting that at this very time in history, the Pentagon has just unveiled a website with alleged 'declassified photographs and information' on UFO's & UAP's as reported in this linked story. Are they setting the world up for the 'final great deception?' A very interesting discussion on these topics and much more from Alan Barton in this ANP story.)
This can be a very difficult topic to present because there are so many opinions, so many proofs, so many conjectural and official stances to take; so to me it seems the only way to go is to say outright that this is my opinion and yours may uh, no, yours WILL differ. So be it. To help make things easier to understand, we will try togive reasons for our thoughts and not just mandate that you believe as I do as so many other opinion writers demand. With that in mind, let us proceed.
Lets start with the seeming fact that UFOs, or if you are on top of the latest mandates about how you must speak UAPs, are real and all over the place. I used the term seeming to allow for the massive influx of false reports, misidentified natural, unnatural or other manmade phenomena, and just plain bull-crap stories by frenzied minds and those who feel they must fabricate a fantastical story as their reason to be noticed. It is the sifting process of these reports where so much can be gained and yet the final analysis is still far out of reach. Yes, many theories will be formed, but the final proofs are still out of reach. Remember that at least in the public domain, it is ALL conjecture. True, there are possibly a few who may have knowledge of some portion or another of the real truth, but if so it is also a given that they will not be allowed to speak or will be ignored, assassinated or even confined in one institution or another. So whether termed Unidentified Flying Objects or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, they are the same with the idea in the term UDP that things may not be actual flying objects as it allows for many other concepts and forms. But then, I still use the forms Kiev, Peking and Turkey not opting for the virtue signaling modern liberal accepted alternatives.
All in all, the reality is that there is something out there. Exactly what is out there is the big question that hinders the most in the identification of the phenomena and thus its origins and thence what to do about it, if anything. We will look at a variety of ideas and although there may be some overlap and will leave open the idea that not all may be explained under one category or another, allow that perhaps many categories are involved. The more common theory is that they are indeed visitors from space that are looking over this Earth for one reason or another. I reject this idea on a number of baseis, with the more compelling being that with the hundreds, thousands, millions or more light years distance between inhabitable planets, why can they fly safely here and get captured or crash when they arrive? One might think an advanced technology such as that would know how to handle the craft. True, when the first visitors to this continent arrived in their sailing ships, many vessels crashed into rocks, sunk or caught fire, but the idea is still valid. Thus it follows that I scoff at the idea that there are actual aliens living among us, be they the so-called greens, the grays, the lizard people or what have you. Some vain seeking profiteers suggest that dozens or even many dozens of differing specie of non-native life roam the planet. I reject that concept outright even though I allow for the possible abilities of some forms of life to make technological advancements allowing for such to happen. The fact that there has been much said in our history concerning these things, with cave paintings suggesting them and reports in ancient texts as well. The translations indicating that aliens have operated in our midst I believe are false translations, but I do not neglect to consider that something has been involved, and am most inclined to believe that they are more akin to generic ghost stories or the like.
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The more realistic idea is that those craft or visages of some sort of craft (allowing for applied fakery) is that they are perhaps types of secret systems that the US or China or others may operate and are used primarily as intelligence system platforms. The idea of them doing impossible stunts does not negate that probability. The other idea that makes some sense is that they are from another dimension. I use that term loosely as it can cover not only some shift in time or space, but also allows forthe very real ideas that Heaven and hell along with the Paradise that spirits go to when they leave this existence is located within this same sphere occupied by the known mortal earth. Heaven above, hell beneath may be very real terms and even maybe indicating the relative sizes of those other globes of existence. And that idea also brings to mind just what happened when Enoch, Elijah and maybe others that were taken directly to heaven without dying; is there another society of those folks that may be visiting us? I leave that theory as is because there is no proof one way or another, but do allow for something along those lines possibly being the case. At least to me, it makes far more sense than visitors from some far, far away star system. We do know that the cast out spirits of Satan and his angels lives here and that they have an immense affect on our planets happenings. They do not have complete control as all they do must be within that which God alone allows in order to test us, but many things fall within those bounds and as he and his minions are the masters of deception, that is a very important clue to keep in mind.
Keep in mind that most sightings seem to be involving some military system such as nuclear sites whether research, weapons or power generation. This includes following our nuke powered aircraft carriers, nuke submarines carrying ICBMs, our launch silos etcetera, but we are not alone. Russia, China, and other nations with nuclear systems also report visitations of those observational craft. That is why one suspected source is our own military or others military and intelligence agencies. Many sightings have been determined to be misidentified military spy craft, satellites and even super high flying balloons that are always floating overhead of us. The fact that the massive increase of those sightings started right after WWII seems also to indicate that is the more realistic option to consider. At the same time, the somewhat popular and interesting TV series about the Skinwalker Ranch in Northeastern Utah has some links with the military but also is strongly linked to Ute and Navajo nations mythology and religious stories involving dark medicine men; in other words, the black arts. A very interesting series that incorporates many belief features of those nations and is a great follow-up to the book Hunt for the Skinwalker from 2005. In those, the idea of other dimensions is strong and the supernatural aspects thrive. There is also a strong military connection with them being monitored a lot and the chief physicist the top dog in a federal agency looking into those things.
That we are under constant surveillance by our own government by those balloons at all times and by aircraft flying around and around over us spying on everything that we do and say is already a well known reality. Telephone intercepts, internet scanning, tracking movements of certain people, battlefield mapping of our cities and surrounding areas has been well documented for a while now, and with super computers and AI evaluating these things in real time, we are under far more surveillance than anybody would guess without knowing more than the constant cameras spying on us from just about everywhere including from our computers cameras, cellfone cameras, traffic, security, doorbell and on and on. Do you really think with all of that that they would not have far more sophisticated systems for tracking our worst enemies? Stories abound supposedly showing captured German systems of flying saucers using not just lift fans but some sort of gravitationalpropulsion system and following magnetic flux lines of the Earth that allow for the strange flight patterns and movements that have been observed. That they are supposedly based on captured alien technology is not reasonable to assume with the knowledge that the powers that be have far more powerful systems than they admit as proven by those systems that do escape secrecy here and there, such as our advance stealth tech and hypersonic aircraft and reusable space craft like the old Space Shuttle and X37 orbital spy birds and the Chinese and Russian equivalents. That scenario is my favored one at present, but there are others that need at least some mention.
Linked to the idea that the so-called Powers that Be are behind it all is also very strong. That concept includes the military by default and preys upon the ideas of alien beings watching over us and may at some time in the future pay us an outright visit to stop us from destroying ourselves. Hollywood has done many movies and TV shows following this idea, from the anti-nuke and anti-war movie The Day the Earth Stood Still (the original one, the second is a stupid global warming farce) to the various alien invasion movies and The Man Who Fell to Earth. The one thing to keep in mind is that the idea has been forced into our minds as something that is not only realistic, but inevitable. The combination of the various secret societies that rule this planet under the guidance of Satan for brevity and to foster understanding, lets just use the general term Illuminati in this article for them all even though that is not really the correct one follow the teachings in our Bible in the aspect of contriving their agenda to fit what has already been made known by the Lords prophets. From the book of Mark 13 when he quotes the Savior saying that many will be deceived before the second coming of our Lord and that many false Christs will appear as also found in many other places like in Matthew 24 where it is also said that they will show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, ifit werepossible, they shall deceive the very elect. I am not here to preach any gospel but to show that the evil ones of this world know full well of those prophecies and will, as stated in Revelation 13:14, And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,14And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
We are in the middle of those great deceptions as almost nothing that we are told by the ones that are expected to tell the truth do so. The Illuminati are planning something huge; some deception that will grab hold of most people on this planet and convince that that some person or another is the returned Christ. It is rumored to be in the form of an alien craft giving us the false prophet in the form of one emerging from a spacecraft not of this world, thereby deceiving so many into believing that he is the Christ. It is my assertion that all of these many claims of UFO/UAP and such are being taken as the groundwork to produce such an appearance. I suspect it will be after the Great War that will eliminate most of the population of this planet, but that is not certain. What is certain is the with all of the super technology we have and with all of the unrest and disorder in the world, people will be looking for such an appearance and they will be given that final mass deception to steal them away from out Creator and His blessings.
False Gods that fulfill the promises of the science fiction writers and story tellers of a beneficial and magnanimous creature pretending to be the Christ is in the offing, and we are being setup for just that presentation and the deception is massive. The hows, whys, wheres, and whens I am not getting into today, only that you must keep your eyes open and your communications with our Creator (prayer) in top shape in order to not be one of the majority that will be deceived. As I said at the outset, I doubt if anyone follows the same logic lines I do, but the end result will be the same regardless. The fact is we are being setup for just that deception with all of the many mysterious craft flying about. Whether real, illusions or just propaganda, that will be increasingly more common. Take care and be very skeptical while keeping tabs on the progress and thrust of those demonic claims of super intelligent space people out to save us from ourselves; think aliens and the anti-Christ. That is just an old sci-fi story line reused as modern religion of the consummate evil running this mortal world. As for me, I will stand with Christ Jesus.
God Bless
A couple videos from the History Channels UFO series as they cover some of what I mention above.
I may disagree with some of his ideas, but this video has some great views on what we talked about above.
ALIENS: THE END TIMES & What Hollywood Doesn't Want You To Know
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