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October 7, 2024

Florida Gun-Grabbing 'Journalist' AKA Liberal Activists Whines That FL. Governor Ron DeSantis Preemptively Protects Second Amendment Rights Ahead of Hurricane Milton

By Susan Duclos -  All News Pipeline

Anyone reading Independent Media already understands the war being waged on many of our constitutional rights, such as the Biden-Harris regime harassing and threatening big tech and social media giants into compliance with their censorship demands.

The latest is an attack on gun rights, using what many think are geoengineered storms/hurricanes, in red states, as an excuse to ban carrying guns, and we will get to that after showing other attacks against our constitutional rights.

Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg finally admitted to this in August, in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan.

Zuckerberg admitted in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan that senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Facebook teams to suppress COVID-19 content that the platform otherwise would not have restricted, and expressed frustration when Facebook disagreed. Zuckerberg told Jordan he now feels strongly that the platform should not compromise its standards “due to pressure from any Administration in either direction.”


Zuckerberg also conceded in the letter that the platform should not have censored the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story, noting the FBI had warned the platform “about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.”

“That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply,” he wrote. “It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.”

MRC already has documented more than 7,000 instances in their CensorTrack Database, which is searchable by name or organization, but without any ability to know how many of those instances were brought about by pressure or threats by the Biden-Harris regime.

Related: Hillary Clinton laments that government has lost total control of speech on social media, calls for more "moderation and monitoring"

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Despite a constitutional right to religious freedom, another part of the First Amendment, we see attacks against Christian Americans' religious rights in a series of news events.

• The constant use of lawfare against Christian baker Jack Phillips, who is yet again defending his right to not be forced to create cakes that symbolize an LGBT agenda due to his religious beliefs, despite having already winning a previous case at the United States Supreme Court.

The Christian baker, who has already spent around 11 years fighting for his business in court, could end up spending a few more dealing with lawyers before the current lawsuit is over.

• 436 acts of hostility against US churches documented in 2023: report

Hostility against churches in the United States appears to be on the rise, according to a recent Family Research Council report that identified 436 incidents against churches in 2023, more than double the amount reported by the group in 2022 and eight times the number identified in 2018.

• Acceptable Hate: Assaults on Christianity Go Overlooked 

In just that one article we the leftist website Atlantic published an article declaring that the Catholic rosary had become a "symbol" of religious radicalism. 

Far-left activist and actor Jane Fonda went on The View recently to suggest abortion-seeking women shouldn't abide by laws. They could even resort to "murder" to have "control of their bodies." 

More than 100 crisis pregnancy centers, pro-life organizations, and churches have been attacked, some more than once, since the Supreme Court draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization leaked.

Those are just a small sampling of the escalating attacks against Christianity and those of faith, but enough to make the point that it is happening, it is increasing in frequency, and the persecution is likely to continue.

It isn't only certain constitutional rights guaranteed to Americans that are under attack, but the U.S. constitution itself is under attack.

The far left website Vox, very popular with liberals, asks their readers "What if the greatest threat to the United States is our own Constitution?"

In that piece they go after the Electoral College, which protects Americans from tyranny of the majority, claim the "Constitution is inherently anti-democratic," insist the current U.S. Supreme Court "is itself a threat to democracy," and suggest the elimination of the two Senators per state, so that every state has equal representation in the U.S. Senate.

There are previous other attacks against the Constitution, and liberals will no doubt continue to try to delegitimize the founding document until they destroy the entire Republic.


In Florida the Chief of Police in Okeechobee, tried to suspend gun sales for over 24 hours when Hurricane Helene was bearing down on them, but the Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared that unconstitutional.

Now that Hurricane Milton is heading towards them, DeSantis has preemptively made sure there will be no replay of that attempt, and the Orlando Sentinel is whining about it.

The piece is headlined "Hurricane guns: DeSantis orders no suspensions, no limits on gun sales during storm," and within the article it states "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has issued an emergency declaration ahead of  Hurricane Milton that prohibits Emergency Management Director Kevin Guthrie from exercising his authority to suspend or limit gun sales."

The author, an obvious gun-grabbing, anti-2nd Amendment liberal, obviously doesn't notice the irony of his talking about Guthrie's "authority," while whining about the prevention of  stripping Floridians of their actual constitutional rights.

In the meantime, the Okeechobee PD had already admitted that issuing emergency order on guns "was mistakenly enacted."

“This is something that was mistakenly enacted. Once we learned that the emergency order was not the order that we intended to declare, we immediately terminated it,” Det. Jarret Romanello, Public Information Officer for the Okeechobee City Police Department, told CBS12 News on Monday.

According to that same report, no guns were seized, and no businesses were harassed about closing or selling guns.


Rahm Emmanuel, former White House Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama, said when he was still Obama's lackey "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Conservatives must never forget that this is the mindset of Democrats, to use any crisis to enact laws, or policy that violates out constitutional rights, just because they feel they can get away with it.

Do not comply.

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