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February 5, 2015

Forced Vaccinations, RFID Bracelets & FEMA Camps - All The Predictions Are Coming True!

By Susan Duclos


Highly interesting reminder from MakaElectric in the second video below, where he encourages everyone to watch a 2009 video, titled "Forced Vaccination Checkpoints, RFID Bracelets and FEMA Camps," (first video below) as he proceeds to provide current news links and articles which provide a persuasive argument that the 2009 red flag warnings are coming true now!

Those links will be shown below the videos, but browsing current news websites we see more and more talk of forcing parents to vaccinate children, despite their reservations of the safety of some of those vaccinations or their religious beliefs.

For example, LA Times on February 4, 2015, titled "Bill would abolish vaccination exemption for parents' personal beliefs," or Bloomberg Politics headline "California's Democratic Senators Want to End Most Vaccine Exemptions," as just two examples from this week alone.

Remember also that back in September 2014, Barack Obama signed an executive order which some believe would give the US government the power to force vaccinations and RFID chips upon the general populace.

In 2009 when the original warnings came out, people called it "fear porn," but as we can see from actions taken since then, and still being discussed and proposed today, this agenda was orchestrated and has insidiously been implemented as to not drop the bombshells on the populace all at once.

Watch the 2009 video below, it is only 4 minutes long, then listen to MakaElectric to understand why that was so important and the behind-the-scenes manipulations that are bringing us into a future where personal choice is nonexistent and where the government controls us all, from forcing vaccinations, to making RFID Chips mandatory to leading us like sheep to the slaughter right into FEMA Camps.

Source Links Via The Video Details:


Jail Anti-Vax Parents?!?

White House Says Vaccinate

$35B Obamacare Drug Industry

Big Pharma Politicians Influence

$3.5B In Kickbacks For Doctors

Big Pharma Business Not Health

Big Pharma Ads Not Going Away

70 Percent Of Americans On Meds

Big Pharma Banking On Diseases

Big Pharma Experiment On Elderly

Supreme Court Shields Big Pharma

US Government Tests Over St Louis

Fluoridating Water Keeps Us Docile

Joseph Moshe You Are Not Forgotten

Joseph Moshe Warning 2009 (Video)


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