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January 29, 2017

'Devastating, Alarming, Dire' Situation Continues To 'Mystify And Stump' Scientists - Conditions Along West Coast Continue To Deteriorate With No Answers In Sight


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Even though it's been quite some time since we've published a story about the devastation that the radiation from Fukushima power plant has caused the Pacific Ocean and parts of the West Coast, we felt it time to revisit what's happening there. Especially considering the recent news stories outlined below about Fukushima and the fact that nearly 6 years later, the radiation from the destroyed power plant continues to endlessly flow into our atmosphere and into our oceans.

Back on January 18th, outgoing US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker declared a 'fisheries disaster' for nine West Coast species, claiming 'commercial fisheries failures' in Alaska, California and the state of Washington.

While the NOAA statement made DID NOT put the blame for the failures upon radiation from Fukushima, they did claim 'unusual ocean and climate conditions' for the huge losses. And as we learn more below from several new stories, what's happening there is really only the 'tip of the iceberg'. As Zero Hedge reported back in October of 2016, "Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It's Going To Get Worse)". As we learn below from NOAA, it has.:

In recent years, each of these fisheries experienced sudden and unexpected large decreases in fish stock biomass or loss of access due to unusual ocean and climate conditions. This decision enables fishing communities to seek disaster relief assistance from Congress.

In Alaska:

Gulf of Alaska pink salmon fisheries (2016)

In California:

California Dungeness and rock crab fishery (2015-2016)
Yurok Tribe Klamath River Chinook salmon fishery (2016)

In Washington:

Fraser River Makah Tribe and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe sockeye salmon fisheries (2014)
Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay non-treaty coho salmon fishery (2015)
Nisqually Indian Tribe, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, and Squaxin Island Tribe South Puget Sound salmon fisheries (2015) Quinault Indian Nation Grays Harbor and Queets River coho salmon fishery (2015)
Quileute Tribe Dungeness crab fishery (2015-2016)
Ocean salmon troll fishery (2016)


The new story from ENENews reports on the government's 'declaration of disaster' over diseased and dying fish on the US West Coast as well as why most scientists remain 'mystified' and 'stumped' over this 'devastating...alarming...dire' situation that only seems to be continuing to deteriorate with no answers in sight.

However, we can see by looking at the conversation recently held between Washington governor Gov. Jay Inslee and the US Department of Commerce that they are both very well aware of very poor conditions in the Pacific Ocean. Why won't they mention radiation as the cause?

Gov Jay Inslee Request: I respectfully request that you declare a commercial fishery failure due to a fishery resource disaster in Washington State. This request is based upon the failure of coho salmon runs returning to Washington State in 2016 Coho salmon returns to Washington watersheds in 2015 were unexpectedly low due to poor survival during the time these fish spent in marine waters of coastal Washington and the Pacific Ocean Expectations for coho returns in 2016 are very poor due to persisting poor conditions in the Pacific

US Dept. of Commerce, Jan 18, 2017: Dear Governor Inslee Your request relates to the impacts to the 2016 ocean salmon troll fishery as a result of the failure of coho salmon runs returning to Washington State due to unusual environmental conditions in the Pacific Ocean that have led to the poor survival and growth of coho salmon


Just days ago on January 23rd, ENENews reported that according to experts, the US had been hit with sudden spikes of rare radioactive material with a half-life of 15.7 million years and astonishingly the claim is made that this equals an 'orders of magnitude rise' in radiation levels on the west coast with this blockbuster: "Much higher amounts than were detected near Fukushima plant just after 3/11." From the ENENews story:

Samples collected [by Fukushima Daiichi, Jun 2011] at a distance of about 40 km away from the coast [had] a maximum concentration value of [620 million] atoms per L for 129I in the surface water of the ocean. Taking into account this value as a reference value, the maximum 129-iodine concentration reaching the USA West Coast was 2.5 times stronger than in the contaminated ocean water offshore of Fukushima after the accident. If we compare it to the equilibrium value of 129I concentration in the ocean water [near San Diego], then during the impact its concentration was about 100 times higher

AMS measurements of 129I were performed on ocean water offshore of Cove La Jolla, San Diego, USA, and definitely have shown an increase of the radioactivity more than two orders of magnitude over the natural level of the Pacific Ocean before the accident


For several years now, the End Times Prophecy Blog has been keeping track of huge numbers of mass animal deaths both here in America and all around the world. Beginning in 2011, they share with us 7 years of extensively well documented cases of fish, birds and animals dying and as we begin 2017, we see they already have documented 42 mass animal death events across 25 different countries in only the first 24 days of this month.

The native Americans have long warned that "man does not weave this web we call life, we are merely a strand in it...and whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves." If we think that radiation from Fukushima will 'never come home to us', we will be greatly disappointed. Knowing that 9 fisheries along the West Coast are suffering greatly should prove to us it already has.

In the 3 videos below we get 3 different looks at what is happening now because of Fukushima including the final video below in which our videographer breaks down for us the previously mentioned ENENews stories and her own feelings about them: people should probably move away from California and the West Coast if possible. In the 2nd video below we get a documentary straight from Japan that looks at the Fukushima travesty while in the first video we get a ton of information that helps prove to us just how devastatingly our Pacific Ocean and the fish and animal life within it have been hammered over the last 6 years. Mild language warning on videos.

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