Christians are under attack globally and while this brutal piece of news where 21 Coptic Christians were marched to a beach in Tripoli, Libya, then summarily executed, then beheaded by ISIS, is ugly, we are reminded that it isn't only other countries we are seeing Christianity attacked, but with Barack Obama's recent eqating of the "crusades," that happened in the high and late middle ages, with the bruatlity we have seen in recent months by terrorist groups across the globe.
According the assessment of persecution in the Open Doors USA's World Watch List (WWL) 2015 and population information published by the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, we find out that 9 of the 10 worst countries for persecution of Christians have a 50 percent or greater Muslim population.
According to Sharia Law in America, the US has reached "Spread of Islam, Phase 3," where examples are given showing that over the last decade Sharia Law has been advancing at an alarming rate throughout American institutions.
An increasing number of public American schools with Muslim students are holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca while public American universities continue to build Muslim-only washing facilities. In 2013, Skokie School District 68 in Illinois became the first US school district to celebrate Eid al-Adha, a Muslim high day, as a school holiday, in lieu of Veterans Day. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah."
In 1996, Bill Clinton became the first US president to hold an Eid al-Fitr dinner at the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month-long dawn-to-dusk fast. Eid al-Fitr includes six "Takbirs," the raising of hands and shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" to declare thatAllah, the moon god, is the "Greatest."
In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer toAllah, the moon god.
In 2007,Quranfor the first time was used to swear into office a new US Congressman, Keith Ellison (above).
In 2009, Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. ruled in S.D. v. M.J.R. that the Muslim ex-husband repeatedly had sexually assaulted his Muslim ex-wife, both before and after their divorce. Following testimony from the Muslim man's imam, however, the judge denied the ex-wife's request for a permanent restraining order against her ex-husband, citing the Muslim man's "belief" and "practices":"The court believes that [defendant] was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices."
In 2009, a Christian US soldier at Baghram Air Force Base in Afghanistan received Bibles in two local languages sent by his American church as planned. The US military confiscated those Bibles and instead of at least returning them to the church, burned them. By contrast, when Terry Jones, a pastor in Florida, announced his plan to burn a copy of theQuranin 2010, General David Petraeus, the commander of the US military in Afghanistan, publicly objected to his plan, while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced his plan as "disgraceful."
To attract and manage (Middle Eastern) Muslim wealth, an increasing number of American financial institutions are becoming Sharia-compliant. This requires donating a percentage of their annual profits to Islamic organizations designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors, many of whom are members of theMuslim Brotherhoodand funnel money to even terrorist groups (donations must go to one or more of eight recipient categories, one of which is Jihad).
Muslim taxi drivers are challenging local authorities for the right to refuse to pick up blind passengers with seeing-eye dogs, while Muslim supermarket cashiers are challenging their employers for the right to refuse to sell products from pigs. Both are considered unclean in Islam.
According toWalid Shoebat, ISIS declared in its magazine that every Muslim must kill Coptic Christians wherever they are found:
And thus, the Islamic State strikes terror in the hearts of the Copts after it strikes terror in the hearts of their Catholic allies before Finally it is important for Muslims everywhere to know that in the great reward to be found on Judgment Day for those who spill the blood of these Coptic Crusaders wherever they may be found.
Christians are being persecuted everywhere and have systematically been demonized here in the US... the escalation has begun.
Which brings us to the excellent breakdown of Obama and Islam from Thursday, February 12, 2015's show.