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March 14, 2025

Globalist Games: They Play, We Pay - Once A Bank Is Big Enough, It Gambles With The Futures Of Entire Nations As If They Were Mere Poker Chips

By J.B. Shurk (American Thinker) -All News Pipeline

Canadas Liberal Party selected central banker Mark Carney to lead the country as prime minister.He only recently became a politician, but already hes sitting at the head of the class!No worries, though.He has the kind of rsum all globalists in good standing with Klaus Schwabs World Economic Forum would envy.He ran not only the Bank of Canada, but also the Bank of England.Hes a central banker extraordinaire!He loves printing funny money and manipulating markets.Artificially created inflation is his jam, man!

Carney is the most recent iteration of the World Economic Forums standard operating procedure for captured governments (and Canada is most definitely WEF-captured): Whenever possible, put bankers in charge of those pesky territorial designations nostalgically known asnation-states.Francespetit fromage, Emmanuel Macron, was a Rothschild & Co. investment banker.Former U.K. prime minister Rishi Sunak was a Goldman Sachs and hedge fund guy.Dont be surprised when more transnational bankers seemingly come out of nowhere and immediately dominate the politics of other pseudo-sovereign countries.Investment banking and more specifically,central banking is the lifeblood of globalism.Why?Because once a bank is big enough, it gambles with the futures of entire nations (and the millions of individual lives therein) as if they were mere poker chips.

So the globalist cabal claims another section of the world map!Orretains its claimover Canada, I should say.Everyone knows that soy-boy Justin Castreau (hecriedduring his farewell press conference, for Petes sake!) and his former deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, call Herr Schwab Daddy.Germanys Dr. Evil makes a natural father figure for both Canucks.

Kooky Chrystia is that crazy-eyed woke-tard whopromisedto use nuclear weapons against the United States if President Trump imposes reciprocal tariffs and turns off the American money spigots that have long subsidized Canadas socialist system.She is a Canadian Karen not likely to go away.Im sure Daddy Klaus will give her another chance to scream, I amwomyn, hear me roar! after central banker Mark Carney completes Canadas transition to a green energyreliant vassal state of the international money-printing guild.When the draft dodgers, hippies, and Chinadians up north have gorged on enough of Carneys WEF-style globalism for Reichsfhrer Schwab to deem the peasants sufficiently subjugated, he can install Chrystia as prime minister without any resistance.Once in place and empowered to finish off whats left of Trudeau and Carneys castrated Canada, she will probably rename her censorship-loving slave state Not-so-Freeland-ia in honor of her favorite grandpas fascist proclivities.

No wonder President Trump remains worried about the U.S.-Canada border.King Charles IIIs North American refuge has become a hornets nest of globalists, communists, and woke Nazis.Perhaps after the southern wall is finished, the builders should hightail it up to the 49th parallel and get busy.Forget the global warming malarkey.A WEF-engineered winter is most definitely coming.

Of course, Canada is but one territory being pursued in the globalists board game of central bankRisk.The WEF-ers are rolling the dice and capturing lands all over the planet.

For three years, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Americas very own CIA have all been yelling, Ukraine!Ukraine!Ukraine!Hoity-toity Davos dandies demand in unison that non-Ukrainians die for the sacred honor of a country known for its vicious gangsters.Given the Western euphoria for the place that spawned the noxious Tweedle-Vindmans, a nave observer would erroneously assume that Ukraine must be a bastion of civic virtue and human rights and not a nation that has outlawed opposition parties, free speech, dissent, religious freedom, and democratic elections.How jolting it must be for the uninitiated to discover that Volodymyr Zelenskys fiefdom is not renowned for its democratic norms, but is instead considered one of the most irredeemably corrupt crime dens in all of Europe.If youve ever found yourself near any of Europes other troubled conflict zones, you know that a reputation for being the continents premier destination for depravity is not an easy distinction to claim.Ukraine had to work hard for its deserved notoriety.

No matter.Klaus Schwabs globalists are good at rebranding.When money-printing central bankers fund USAID, and USAIDpays Western journaliststo run stories about the glorious nobility of Ukraines system of government, then the less informed among us eventually start spouting the same thing:Ukraine good.Russia bad.We make nuclear war now?Its not our fault that we humans can be programmed so easily.We are biologically wired to trust people in positions of authority.

Heres the problem: When all the people in positions of authority are either money-printing central bankers or propaganda-spewing espionage chiefs, then the people who die in wars (both soldiers and civilians) do so at the behest of thieves and liars.Families should not sacrifice their children based on the promises of money-launderers and spies.

For the jet-set crowd of Davos elites, preserving other peoples freedom is of no concern.Creating debt slaves is good for their respective family businesses; liberating serfs so that the riffraff can express their low-class opinions is not.Does anybody believe that the same European countries that regularlycensor their own citizensandprevent unapproved political partiesfrom holding power would have any interest in safeguarding the liberties of poor Ukrainians?European elites (and American warmongers) see Ukrainians as cannon-fodder which is why they say nothing as Zelenskys goons abduct men off the street,press-gangthem into service, and condemn them to be ripped to shreds.

War is first and foremost about making money and expanding power.Elites treat it like a game because they risk nothing.Regular people pray for it to end because they risk everything.

If the WEF-ers cant prolong the War in Ukraine long enough to win back some valuable Black Sea coastline, theyll just stir up trouble in one of the neighboring nations.Take a look at the board gamesmap.Besides Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey, the region includes Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, and Georgia.Thats strange.Every country either on or near the Black Sea has recently experienced a spate of domestic conflicts, political rebellions, or outright civil wars.In Romania, globalists not onlyannulledlast years presidential election when the wrong candidate won, but also threw the winning candidate off this years ballot to prevent his repeat victory all in the name of protecting democracy!

Is there something toxic in the rivers draining into the Black Sea?Or could it be that the Wests one-world-government zealots and intelligence agents/saboteurs are desperate to maintain influence over territories that could limit Russias strategic control of Black Sea trade routes and close off Russias access to the wider Mediterranean Sea?

Perhaps disassembling Russia into a dozen separate WEF-conducive nations first requires WEF-enthusiasts to isolate Russia from half the world.If they can avoid paying for the mess themselves by tricking the United States into sacrificing Americans in an unnecessary third world war, then all the better.As they like to ask in Klaus Schwabs neck of the woods, why fight the Russians or the Americans when you can get them to fight each other?Cannon fodder does not discriminate by nationality.

If Western-style democracy means that central bankers control domestic policy, stifle dissent, and decide when war is profitable, then perhaps citizens should start asking who the hell put them in charge.It certainly wasnt the people.

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