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November 17, 2022

The Globalists Great Reset Is Happening Now Before Our Eyes At COP27, Where The Radical Environmentalists Are Waging War On Fossil Fuels And Christianity

By 'The Last Days Watchmen' for All News Pipeline

The image above is the logo for COP 27. The large round figure on the top is a combination of two sun gods. One is the Egyptian sun god and the other is an African sun god. Visually, this is huge.

In contrast, the picture of the earth is quite small. That is the letter O in COP27.

If the green crescent between the two sun gods represents the horizon of the earth, that is larger than the small figure inside the letter O. But its still quite small compared to the sun.

COP 27 is supposed to be about saving the earth. Therefore it seems strange that the sun god (represented by two different sun gods) should be so much more visible than the earth is.

Do you remember how Israel kept abandoning the God of the Bible and going after Baal? Well, Baal was the sun god of the Caananites. He was also the god of rain. He had a female consort (a goddess). But Baal was primary. If you think of the sun god in this picture as being Baal, then having the Earth goddess appear smaller (and therefore less important) fits with that approach.

Baal worship involved killing babies. That fits well with the promotion of abortion, including post-birth abortion, which is killing babies after they have been born. Since Baal worship involves human sacrifice, it also fits with the depopulation agenda of Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, and other influential elites.

Baal worship also involved temple prostitutes. These prostitutes were men as well as women, and they were children as well as adults. Therefore, Baal worship fits well with the LGBT agenda. It also fits well with the agenda to normalize and legalize pedophilia.

In addition to involving Baal worship, COP 27 also involves some occult numerology that is related to the Antichrist.

My source for this information about numerology is an article titled Understanding illuminati Numerology. I printed it out back in 2017, and thats good because it was removed from the website that carried it. I think thats probably because they had photos of logos of famous corporations and showed how they incorporated occult numerology (especially the number 13). The article is still available, but only on SCRIBD, and without those pictures.

Fortunately, their introduction includes a discussion of the number eleven, and you can see that part for free. Here is what that article says about the number 11.

The number 11 is the number of destruction and judgment and the death of man. Any event or thing assigned with the number 11 aids in the raising of the anti-Christ.

In Latin, the Devils name is LVX which translates as (50 + 5 + 10 = 65 = 6+5 = 11).

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There are two major things here, both of which apply to COP 27. One is their depopulation agenda, which is about the destruction and death of man. That agenda has been openly stated by the World Economic Forum and others. The other is preparing the way for the Antichrist to come to power. That is shown primarily through the symbols and numerology of their logo.

The illuminati numerology probably applies to satanists and witches, because they have overlapping members. For example, the illuminati are Luciferians (which is a form of satanism, without admitting that Lucifer is satan). And high level Wiccans are also satanists. They have to be in order to get above a certain level. (Wicca is a religion that is based on witchcraft and goddess worship. Some Wiccans openly call themselves witches.)

The illuminati believe that doubling and tripling things increases their power. Again, that probably applies to satanists and witches as well.

Here is some occult numerology involving that logo.

If you look at the rays at the top of the sun, there are 13 of them. And 13 is an important number for occultists. For example, there are 13 members in covens and satanic cults (a high priest or priestess and 12 regular members). If a satanist coven gets above 13 members, then it splits into two covens, and both of them try to grow to 13 members.

If you look at the rays at the bottom of the sun, there are nine of them. They are long straight rays that split into two at the end. Therefore, they can be looked at from two perspectives: the nine straight lines, and the 18 small lines at the ends of those straight lines.

If you look at the 9 straight lines, add them to the 13 straight lines above them, then you get 22. Well, 22 is 11 + 11. In other words a double 11. A doubling of the number of destruction and judgment and the death of man. A doubling of the number which is assigned to things that are intended to help raise the Antichrist.

If you look at the split ends of those lines, there are 18 of them. The number 18 is 6+6+6. In other words, 666.

So looking at it one way gives a number that leads to the raising of the Antichrist (11). And looking at it the other way leads to the number of the Antichrist (666).

Its interesting that they are using this logo for the 27th COP meeting, where the number 27 is a prominent part of their logo. Because 27 is 9+9+9 (i.e., 999). Here is what the article Understanding illuminati Numerology says about that number.

999 is a hidden and inverted 666 and symbolizes hidden evil.

If the 27 was by itself, I wouldnt think anything about it. But when you combine it with the double 11 and the 666, then I think it is significant.

The dates of the conference also involve occult numerology. I would not have noticed that if it werent for the occult numerology involved in their logo.

The conference is 13 days long. Its from November 6 through November 18. If you subtract 6 from 18 you get 12. However this isnt a matter of subtraction because the first day is also included. If you count the days out on your fingers, you will see that it includes 13 days.

The ending date is November 18. And 18 is 6+6+6 (i.e., 666). I might have thought that was just a coincidence if it wasnt for the fact that the split rays on the bottom of the sun of their logo is also 18 (i.e., 6+6+6, or 666).

The conference is being held in November, which is the eleventh month. Again, I would have thought that was just a coincidence if it wasnt for the fact that their logo contains that double 11 (the 22 total rays from the combination of the two sun gods).

This conference is in November 2022. Therefore, every day of the conference has the numeric date of 11/22, plus the day. That is 11, plus 22 (a double 11), which makes a triple 11.

In America, the last day of the conference is written as November 18, 2022, which is 11/18/22. However, in Europe, it is written as 18 November 2022, which is 18/11/22. That puts the 11s all together.

Occultists take numerology very seriously. For example, Bill Schnoebelen used to be a high level satanist before he became a Christian. The people in his coven used phony names because they didnt want their real identity to be public. In his book about this, Bill Schnoebelen said that when considering names to use, he paid close attention to the numerology of each name.

Because of the numerology significance of the number 11, I suspect that elites who want to bring in the reign of the Antichrist have been doing a lot of rituals about that throughout the year 2022, because 22 is a double 11. And that they are doubling down on those rituals in the month of November.

COP 27 is attempting to create a one-world religion based on Earth Worship. They are trying to get everybody to add Earth Worship to their existing religion.

Leo Hohmann has an article about that. It is titled The One-World Religion on Full Display asFake Faith Leaders Join Globalist Predators to Push Earth Worship at U.N. COP 27Conference.Here is a long quotation from his article. (I put some things in bold for emphasis. And I also underlined some things.)

Climate hysteria, i.e. Earth worship, is a key component of the coming one-world religion and were seeing it on full display in Egypt this week at the United Nations COP 27 climate conference.

The COP 27 logo says it all.

The logo depicts the African sun (above) and embracing the ancient Egyptian Atens sun (below), which implies giving rise to a new horizon (new world order).

All of the global crises unleashed upon the earth since March 2020 have been aimed at one thing depopulation. For more on this, see my Oct. 25 article in which climate activist Dennis Meadows clearly explains in a video that the climate crisis can never be solved without drastic population reduction.

The globalists plan calls for riding the wave of fear created by various global crises all the way to a new world order, or as they now call it, a Great Reset. They wish to restructure and re-order all human activity on earth, from the way we socialize and work to the way we worship and who/what we worship.

You can continue to have your Christianity, your Islam, your Judaism or Hinduism, but you must agree to add Earth worship into the mix and place it above the principles of your original religion of choice.

We see at the COP 27 conference that the hierarchy of the worlds major religions are all willing to sacrifice their religious principles for the higher religion of Earth worship. More than 100 faith leaders have traveled to the COP 27 conference to join with business and political leaders and give the conference an air of spirituality.

Globalists know they cannot get the majority of people to accept this newly ordered sustainable lifestyle, the new normal as they often call it, without a type of religious fervor.

COP 27 is being held in Egypt, in the Sinai Peninsula. And it includes having some religious leaders go up Mount Sinai to participate in a ritual of repentance. Ive heard that they repented to the Earth rather than to God. I havent been able to verify that, but it fits with their logo.

About 40,000 people went to the Sinai Desert in order to participate in COP 27. That includes more than 100 world leaders, as well as leaders in business. It also includes religious leaders. Some of these religious leaders are people who claim to be Christians. Others are Muslims, Jews, and Hindus. On Sunday, November 13, these religious leaders ascended Mount Sinai in order to hold a repentance ceremony.

The article I cited above calls it Jabal Mus but its an Israeli article, and Jabal Mus (or Musa) is the Hebrew name for Mount Sinai.

This mountain in the Sinai Desert in Egypt has traditionally been considered to be Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. However, some modern scholars believe thatMount Sinai is really in Saudi Arabia or Petra.

Whether or not those religious leaders climbed the correct mountain, they thought that it was the real Mount Sinai. And so does most of the world.

In addition to the thousands of people who went to the Sinai Peninsula, there were also gatherings in many other locations. Thanks to modern technology, they are probably able to see and hear what is going on in Sinai. Those locations include the following:


New York City

Salt Lake City

Mt. Abu India (another mountain)

Rishikesh in the Himalayas (another mountain)




Mount St. Francis in Indiana (another mountain)


One of them is Salt lake City. Ill bet that after this conference, the Mormons will be willing to go door to door in order to promote this Green Religion.

Below is a long quotation from an article titled COP 27 Events Showcase Green Spirituality, New Ten Commandments. Ive put some things in bold for emphasis.

For many, climate change is all about the science. But for others, its about something a little more. Call it a spiritual awakening, baptized Green.

Included among the global warming faithful gathered at UNs COP 27 in Egypt are numerous true believers who feel Saving the Earth from climate change is a means to free ones soul from grips of devilish capitalism.

CFACT had occasion to meet up with some of these Green parishioners during a pair of side events in the main convention area. The first one contained representatives of various religions who all spoke about how faith-based groups are important to the UN climate change orthodoxy and biodiversity process. They preached about the importance of maintaining a personal connectedness to a purported planetary consciousness.

The reason the Earth is in ruin, chimed a spokesman for the World Wildlife Fund (who was somehow on the panel), is because we are disconnected from our own self. The heart of our message, he continued, is that we need to recognize the interconnectedness of all creation.

To help proselytize those who are yet unbelievers, he noted the WWF is now mobilizing 30 different religious organizations from around the world to put forward a multi-faith response to the global biodiversity crisis in the hopes of capturing peoples hearts as well as their minds. They plan to unveil a plan of action at the upcoming COP 15 meeting in Montreal, Canada in December.

This mentions a COP 15 meeting in Canada. That is confusing because we are talking about the COP 27 meeting in Egypt. However, it is correct. On December 7 through 19, 2022 there will be a U.N. Conference on Biodiversity. That conference is 13 days long.

One of the speakers at COP 27 was a Buddhist teacher. This confirms that the religions involved include more than Christians and Jews and Muslims. In addition, I read elsewhere that Hindus were involved, and so were leaders of some other Indian religions. However, I havent been able to find that article again.

They smashed some stones on Mount Sinai, in imitation of how Moses smashed the stone Ten Commandments in the Bible, when he saw the Israelites worshipping the golden calf. In addition, they came up with Ten Commandments of their own. Here is what they are:

1. We are stewards of this world

2. Creation manifests divinity

3. Everything in life is interconnected

4. Do no harm

5. Look after tomorrow

6. Rise above ego for our world

7. Change our inner climate

8. Repent and return

9. Every action matters

10. Use mind, open heart

They dont call these Ten Commandments. Instead they call them Ten Principles for Climate Repentance. However, by doing this on Mount Sinai (or what they think is the real Mount Sinai), they demonstrate that they are imitating what God did with Moses. Therefore, people who refer to these as being Ten Commandments are correct when it comes to the spirit in which this was done. Even if technically the wording isnt exactly the same.

In addition, the words commandment and principle are synonyms. They mean similar things, and sometimes they can be used interchangeably.

Here is how the article COP 27 Events Showcase Green Spirituality, New Ten Commandments ends. A participant at the conference did call these new Ten Commandments.

CFACT did try to attend this event, but information was scant at the conference as to how precisely to do so. All we do know is when CFACTs Peter Murphy asked for details at the first side event (mentioned above), he was simply told we dont know any details... but we think a new Ten Commandments is a great idea!

One would have to think Moses would beg to differ on that.

God told Moses to climb Mount Sinai, and then God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. In other words, God took the initiative, and He wrote the commandments. All that Moses did was to obey orders.

In contrast, at COP 27, men took the initiative. They decided to climb the mountain. They smashed stones, to symbolize destroying the Ten Commandments which God wrote on stone. And then they replaced those Ten Commandments with rules of their own.

That reminds me of the Tower of Babel. Building that was an attempt to have men go high up and become their own gods.

In addition, it was in the spirit of globalism. Why? Because God had told men to scatter all over the earth and fill it. Instead of doing that, they rebelled and decided to be one global population under one leader (Nimrod).

There is a lot more blasphemy involved in the November 13 inter-faith event on Mount Sinai than I realized. Plus a lot more involved in the practical side of promoting the globalist agenda. Pastor Brandon Holthaus did an excellent prophecy update about that on November 4, 2022.

This video is nearly an hour long, but its worth watching. He has screen shots of some important documents that I wasnt able to find online. He also has a video clip of a Lutheran bishop who is promoting the event with a woke prayer that is not in the name of Jesus, and could be praying to any pagan god, rather than the God of the Bible.

Pastor Holthaus also gives some interesting information about our founding fathers. For example, I didnt realize that they took so many of their ideas from the book of Deuteronomy. They deliberately used Gods principles in founding Israel as their example for how to found our nation. Therefore, by mocking Moses and the laws that God gave him, COP 27 is also mocking the foundation of America.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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