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October 4, 2022

With The Globalists 'Full Spectrum Warfare' Upon Humanity Cranked Up To The Nuclear Level, They Have The Perfect Weapon To Continue Wreaking Havoc And Deadly Carnage Undetected

- Taking A Look At The History Of Weather Warfare That Dates Back Many Decades

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

While to most Americans, talking about 'weather warfare' in their vicinity will draw looks of bewilderment and responses, if any, such as 'you crazy conspiracy theorist,' we'll prove within this story that not only does 'weather warfare' exist but it's being used upon the American people now.

Reported upon hesitatingly by wikipedia whose editors made sure to slap an 'opinion' note on the 'weather warfare' entry, as the entry nevertheless correctly pointed out, "Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes."

With that same group of 'weather warfare deniers' also sure to claim that 'weather modification techniques' and 'cloud seeding' are 'crazy conspiracy theories,' because surely, in their minds, there is no way that 'man' can 'control the weather,' the wikipedia entry for 'weather warfare' then dished out truths we'll never learn from the mainstream media, proving such programs have been ongoing for over 50 years! From that entry.:

American History of Weather Warfare

Prior to the Environmental Modification Convention signed in Geneva in 1977, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam War. Operation Popeye saw the use of cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail, increasing rainfall by an estimated thirty percent during 1967 and 1968. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.

A research paper produced for the United States Air Force written in 1996 speculates about the future use of nanotechnology to produce "artificial weather", clouds of microscopic computer particles all communicating with each other to form an "intelligent fog" that could be used for various purposes. "Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist. But as they are developed, the importance of their potential applications rises rapidly."

The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (Geneva: May 18, 1977, Entered into force: October 5, 1978) prohibits "widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury". In 1972 an ENMOD convention on weather warfare presented that this permits "local, non-permanent changes". The "Consultative Committee of Experts" established in Article VIII of the Convention stated in their "Understanding relating to Article II" that any use of environmental modification where this is done "as a means of destruction, damage or injury to another State Party, would be prohibited.".

It also suggests all signatories are expected to abstain from using weather modification to cause harm at any scale, stating "military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, would result, or could reasonably be expected to result, in widespread, long-lasting or severe destruction, damage or injury." However, the treaty does not directly condemn military use of weather modification when it does not directly cause harm, such as the United States' use of weather modification in the siege of Khe Sanh, discussed above. The limitations of the treaty, and its application only to signatory states, allow weather warfare to continue to play a role in warfare throughout the twenty-first century. The United States prohibits weather modification without permission of the United States Secretary of Commerce.

So directly from US government documents we get absolute proof that 'weather warfare' and 'weather modification' exist, with even the proof that 'weather modification' MUST BE APPROVED by the US Secretary of Commerce. How much more proof do we need that such technologies exists than that?

Well as we'll explore within the next section of this story below, according to Dane Wigington, who has been running his GeoEngineering Watch website for years and is one of the world's foremost experts on weather modification and weather warfare, the globalists were most definitely 'controlling' Hurricane Ian as it 'waged war' upon Florida, just as Dane points out in the 1st video at the bottom of this story.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With that previously mentioned wikipedia entry referencing a 1996 report presented to the US Air Force titled "Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025" while this December of 2011 story at Smithsonian Magazine titled "Weather Control as a Cold War Weapon" give us even more proof just how long 'weather control' has been ongoing, just think, we're less than 3 years away from the year 2025, the year the globalists had predicted the US Air Force would 'own' the weather.

So if you're reading this story and are still NOT convinced 'weather modification' and 'weather warfare' technologies exist in 2022, we invite you to visit the 'Weather Modification Patents' section of Wigington's website which prove that, at least here in the USA, people/corporations/govts have been 'officially' attempting to modify the weather dating all the way back to 1891.

Listing quite literally hundreds of patents for things such as 'cloud seeding', 'controlling tropical cyclones' and 'methods and systems for controlling hurricanes and tornadoes,' if you missed what the nation of China vowed to do back in December of 2020, this Reuters story from back then was titled "China vows to beef up 'weather modification' capabilities" and as that story reported, "China wants to boost its ability to modify the weather and will extend an artificial rain and snow program to cover at least 5.5 million square kilometres of land by 2025, the countrys cabinet said late on Wednesday."

Some 'crazy conspiracy theory' weather modification is, huh? From that Reuters story.:

The State Council said in policy guidelines that it would ensure that its weather modification capabilities would reach an advanced level by 2035, and would focus on revitalizing rural regions, restoring ecosystems and minimizing losses from natural disasters.

China has frequently made use of cloud seeding technologies to relieve droughts or clear the air ahead of major international events.

It has also been building a weather modification system in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Asias biggest freshwater reserve, with the aim of pumping large quantities of silver iodide into the clouds in a bid to increase rainfall.

The cabinet plan said China would continue its artificial weather operations in key areas like the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, as well as the major ecological protection zones of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.

China will also build up its scientific capabilities and establish an experimental base and laboratory to improve its ability to induce or prevent rain, eliminate fog and improve air quality, it said.

So as Dane Wigington asks within this story as also heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, "Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? The 3+ minute report below reveals critically important puzzle pieces. Please view and share."

So with the American people able to get more truth about 'weather modification programs' from China than from our own mainstream media or government, and anyone who really believed such programs were 'crazy conspiracy theories' sure to either be deeply disappointed upon learning the truth or remain forever dumbed down, what do YOU think are the odds that Hurricane Ian was 'controlled' to inflict maximum damage at a time when Florida had been standing up strongly against Joe Biden and the globalists?

As we see and hear in the 2nd video below that Steve Quayle had linked to on his websitethis past Sundaytitled "PROJECT CIRRUS: GOV'T ADMITS to MANIPULATING HURRICANES," we've got absolute proof government has manipulated hurricanes before, so why not this one? With this July of 2022 story over at Helena's Tales titled "Geoengineering Warfare is Linked to Agenda 21,"we why there is still such secrecy surrounding the subject matter from the mainstream media and government.

So with the globalists able to use technologies such as 'weather modification' programs to inflict maximum damage upon a region without that region even knowing they're being intentionally 'hit,' and then get away with carrying out such warfare because no one will ever hold them accountable, nor even directly blame them, the globalists have the perfect weapon to continue wreaking carnage.

And that's why it's so important as Dane Wigington tells us in this 1st video below to let others know what's really going on out there, to spread the word, because as long as these devils believe they'll be able to get away with this kind of warfare, they'll continue to do so, simply laughing as they walk away while mumbling barely intelligibly under their breaths, "Crazy conspiracy theories."

ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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