(Is it just our imagination or do the Texas tornadoes below look quite evil?)
Susan reminded us back in May that technology was available to leaders of major western nations that enabled them to wage secretive warfare upon the unsuspecting masses using a force believed to be off-limits to the human race: the weather.
"Technology will make available, to the leaders of the major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised... Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." Zbigniew Brzezinski, via-"Weather Wars & Un-Natural Disasters" by Steve Quayle - 2007
By 1996, a research paper was being submitted to the Air Force titled "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025," detailing further research into the use of weather modification. (Source - 52 page PDF presented to the Air Force)
The weather in Texas at this very moment is being called 'extreme' and with parts of Texas and New Mexico forecast to receive snow totals between 18" and 24" while the East coast basks in record warmth, we certainly understand the question being asked: Is Texas once again under a globalist 'weather modification technology' attack with a 'jet stream' that appears to have been modified as seen in the photograph at the top of this story.
In the 1st video below, a must-see for those who may have missed it featuring Dane Wigington of the Geoengineering Watch website, he takes a look at 'Jet Stream modification' and gives us much more proof that weather modification is very real in a must-see video called "Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare and the Collapse of Civilization."
Are we now witnessing weather modification and weather warfare upon Texas for its standing against a 'new world order'? The remaining videos below Wigington's take a look at the absolutely bizarre weather in Texas from several different angles including incredible footage from an airplane showing a Texas tornado supercell cloud as well as new videos from Spiro and the BBC looking at the Texas carnage. We also take a look below videos at Steve Quayle's book "Weather Wars & Un-Natural Disasters," a book that was clearly way ahead of its time.
Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or friendly nations without their knowledge, used to destabilize economies, ecosystems and agriculture. It can also trigger havoc in financial and commodity markets. The disruption in agriculture creates a greater dependency on food aid and imported grain staples from the US and other Western countries. Michel Chossudovsky Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and editor at the Centre for Research on Globalization
Journey through new worlds of ideas and discovery with Steve Quayle.
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"Technology will make available, to the leaders of the major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of security forces need be appraised... Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." From Steve Quayle's "Weather Wars & Un-Natural Disasters"
This next photograph was left on another ANP story from reader Grateful415 showing a scene in El Paso, Texas. Thanks so much for sharing this as Texas gets their own 'winter wonderland' in time for 2016 to be ushered in.