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September 21, 2022

With Biden's Government Literally 'Sanctioning' Vaccine 'Death Squads,' Beware A Gigantic Govt-Sponsored False Flag In The Days Ahead As Tyrannical Govt Will Never 'Admit' To Genocide

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

All throughout history, corrupt, tyrannical governments have engaged in crimes against humanity with virtual impunity and many would argue what Biden, Democrats and the globalists are doing in 2022 is no different.

With corrupt and tyrannical governments just like abusive spouses or employers or serial killers or murderers, so embedded in their OWN corruption they'd never simply ADMIT to that corruption nor crimes against humanity, and we can be assured will continue to try to get away with them as long as they're able, the fact that America has already reached the point where nearly ALL of the public agencies which were supposed to uphold JUSTICE are CORRUPT means we're witnessing the completing acts of America being turned into a despotic BANANA REPUBLIC.

With America in 2020 having a Democratic party which had no problem what-so-ever blatantly stealing the US elections, take close note of the moves being made by the globalists and governments and the big pharma cabal and medical establishment here and all around the world carrying out genocide.

And that blatant and utter corruption in one US govt agency is seen perfectly in this new story over at Breitbarttitled "Whistleblower Alleges FBI Schemed to Distort January 6 Cases into Nationwide Domestic Violent Extremism Epidemic," anyone who is still supporting corrupt, banana-republic government in any way at all is also supporting all of their moves being made towards permanent, global tyranny.

So how far away can outright, in our faces and every-day 'government-sponsored terrorism upon the American people' be with Joe Biden insanely declaring war upon the 50%+ of the country that disagrees with Democrats political insanity? Simply put, throughout history, any government that blatantly sanctions genocide (via the COVID bioweapon release and the deadly vax) is a govt that can never be trusted. From this Breitbart story we see some of that blatant govt corruption directly in front of our faces.:

A whistleblower has accused the FBIs Washington Field Office of using cases related to the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot to overstate the threat of domestic violent extremism in America, according to Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

The whistleblower alleged the FBI office did not follow standard investigative practices for the January 6 cases when it moved the cases to various local field offices around the country based on where the case subjects were from, Jordan revealed in a letter addressed to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday.

January 6 cases should all be officially led by the WFO [Washington Field Office] and categorized as WFO cases, according to the letter, but instead, a task force dispatched instructions to open January 6 investigations to local field offices nationwide.

Those local offices received the cases, making it look as if they were conducting the investigations on the cases, when, in reality, the Washington Field Office continued to conduct the bulk of the work, according to the letter.

The whistleblower told Jordan:

The manipulative casefile practice creates false and misleading crime statistics. Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single, black swan incident at the Capitol, FBI and DOJ officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States.

Jordan noted in the letter, Such an artificial case categorization scheme allows FBI leadership to misleadingly point to significant increases in DVE [domestic violent extremism] threats nationwide, which supports a narrative being perpetuated by the Biden administration.

The whistleblower also alleged that January 6 cases were inappropriately taking priority over other cases, citing an instance of being told that child sexual abuse material investigations were no longer an FBI priority and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies, according to the letter.

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With the cartoon above perfectly describing the situation here in America under Joe Biden and Democrats, where Biden's declared war upon half the country for pointing out their total corruption and their moves being made towards blatant tyranny, who really thinks Biden's govt, Democrats and the globalists would be happy about their crimes upon America being pointed out to the rest of the world?

Certainly with the 'deep state' sure to use 'Biden's recent MAGA babbling' to plan and carry out another huge false flag attack upon America by the 'MK-Ultra-cated,' that they'd be sure to blame upon President Trump supporters to further demonize Conservatives in the eyes of the rest of America, anyone who thinks Biden and Democrats will just ADMIT to STEALING THE ELECTION in 2020, or tocarrying out genocidal crimes upon Americans, is gravely mistaken. That'd be like a serial killer admitting to mass murder.

So with the opportunity that Biden's 'Justice Administration' will uphold REAL Justice (Upon THEM!) slim to none, with 'slim' also leaving the building long ago, beware a major event in the coming days with the globalists NEEDING an event to take the American people's eyes off of them and their genocidal crimes against humanity, and an 'event' that can be blamed upon their 'political enemies'would go a very long way towards accomplishing that.

As this January 26th of 2021 story over at the Mises Institute reported, when it comes to 'cornering the market on power' by any means necessary, 'the STATE' IS A False Flag Operation. Starting that story out with the description of a 'false flag' while then asking 'what are the rules,' let's take it from there.:

But what are these rules, and whither does the state derive the authority to make and enforce them? The rules, simply put, are whatever the state says they are, and it is precisely the states monopoly on violence that allows the state to get away with this tyranny. Now matter how lopsided the arrangement and no matter how preposterous the rules, only the state and its agents get to inflict harm. Everyone else must remain docile or risk incurring the wrath of a very heavily armed government.

Here we see the paradox of all the recent talk about false-flag operations. For the real false-flag operation is the state itself. The state has always monopolized violence. And over time that monopoly, which is rightly called tyranny, has come to be carried out as though for the sake of the very people being tyrannized.

In recent centuries, the state has claimed to exercise the monopoly on violence in the name of the people at whose forbearance the state is said to exist. The United States is held out as a democracy of, by, and for the people. So, when the state commits violence in the peoples name, it does it, by definition, on their behalf.

And yet, who among us has agreed to any of it?

For more than thirty years, for example, the federal government has been waging wareconomic, proxy, air, full-scale, or some combination thereofagainst Iraq. For more than a decade before that the same federal government was egging on a pitiless war of attrition between Iraq and its neighbor, Iran. There was never a plebiscite on any of it. I did not sign off on it, and neither did you. It is not clear what percentage of Americans could locate Iraq or Iranlet alone Kuwait, which Iraq invaded in 1991 and which we were told it was our solemn duty to defendon an unmarked world map. But the federal government emblazoned on the tanks and planes and ships and uniforms used in that forty-year war, against a country the vast majority of us know nothing about, the same flag that flies outside many of our homes in America. We were led to believe that the victories in that wars campaigns was a great glory for the United States, for all Americans.

This was, in truth, a false-flag operation of massive proportions. The American flag outside my home does not signal consent to the carpet-bombing of cities using incendiary devices on which is painted the same flag design. But the federal government pretends that it does. It is like the mole inside the milling crowd, lashing out and then making it seem as though it was everyone who committed the violent act. It was not, though. It was one bad actor, ruining the reputations of the entire group.

Covert operations by the federal government are even more nakedly false-flag operations. When the Central Intelligence Agency wages dirty wars in Latin America or plans the assassination of African leaders, or when a Federal Bureau of Investigation sniper guns down a lady holding a baby at Ruby Ridge, do they do that for the same reasons that you or I fly our American flags? Most of us have no idea what is happening, do not learn often until years later that anything happened at all. So it is fair to ask: Do the people who do those things do them for us, or for themselves?

False-flag operations are a reality of political warfare, and especially of the violent street theater which has come to typify so much of our public life in recent years. But let that not distract us from the bigger reality. The real false-flag operation is not carried out by the people accused of trying to overthrow their government, but by that government itself.

You can read these related stories from the Epoch Times in full for free via these links.:

Spike Protein From Infection and Vaccines Contributing to Autoimmune Diseases, Studies Suggest

Long COVID-Induced Neuropsychiatric Risks Can Last Beyond 2 Years; 1 Remedy to Protect From or Reverse the Situation

EXCLUSIVE: Hospital With 1st COVID Vaccine Mandate Has Major Update

JAN 6: Whistleblowers Allege Intelligence, Command-and-Control Failures at US Capitol Police

And with Biden and the genocidal globalists now pushing for a war with Russia that could quickly turn nuclear and lead to the deaths of quite literally hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people around the world, those who've been paying attention to the mainstream media for their news STILL might ask, "What corruption? What crimes against humanity has the US government been carrying out?" The answers, once again for emphasis, from Dr. Francis Boyle, who was the author of the US Bioweapons Act of 1989, and who bluntly told All News Pipeline all the way back in 2020 that COVID is an offensive biological weapon.

As we'd pointed out in this linked ANP story, according to Boyle, the United States government has long been waging in war crimes and crimes against humanity. Does anyone really think a government carrying out war crimes will just ADMIT TO THEIR CRIMES UPON HUMANITY?

In October 1992, Boyle participated in the International Tribunal of Indigenous Peoples and Oppressed Nationalities in the United States of America that convened in San Francisco. Boyle, acting as a "special prosecutor", petitioned the tribunal to issue the following:

"An Order proscribing the Federal Government of the United States of America as an International Criminal Conspiracy and a Criminal organization under the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and Principles;" and "an Order dissolving the Federal Government of the United States of America as a legal and political entity."

In the conclusion of a 37-point legal brief, Boyle wrote that the Federal Government of the United States: is hostis humani generis: The enemy of all humankind!

For the good of all humanity, this Tribunal must condemn and repudiate the Federal Government of the United States of America and its grotesque vision of a New World Order that is constructed upon warfare, bloodshed, violence, criminality, genocide, racism, colonialism, apartheid, massive violations of fundamental human rights.....

And if any REAL JUSTICE in 2022 America is to be carried out, the 'globalist enemies of America within' certainly deserve fair trials, convictions and the executions that come along with guilty findings for war crimes and genocide, though we can all agree, UNTIL that happens, they'll continue to get away with mass murder, profiting while doing so, as reported in that linked new story titled "Genocide Alert: Hospitals Profit From Massive Spike In COVID Vaccine-Induced Heart Damage In Children."

So with Biden and the globalists now in grave need of some kind of 'event' or 'events' to take the minds of the American people and the world off of their horrific failures and outright genocide, we feel that they're probably brewing something huge up right now that they'll use to blame upon the anti-globalists, hoping it'll allow them to get out of this mess they've created, for us. And while they may not be JUDGED properly here upon Earth, we can rest assured they will be when they're gone.

Each of the videos below examine the various different topics discussed within this story, with the first video taking a look at how hospitals are now profiting from skyrocketing injuries to children's hearts since the rollout of the vax while in the 2nd video below, we hear an interview with a nurse who warns us more about all of these injuries. And in the 3rd video, we're warned that the globalists are scrambling to cover their @sses following all of these health revelations going viral while the final video takes a look at the 'false flag actors' involved in January 6th as tyrannical govt seeks to cement its power.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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