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February 19, 2023

Groomers Turning Boys Into Emasculated Men Pretending to Be Women - With All The Sexual Butchery, Perversion And Unrelenting Insanity, If Parents Don't Start Fighting Back, There Will Be No Next Generation


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

For decades we have seen feminists denigrate men, simply to make themselves feel superior, claiming they are oppressed by men. The media has contributed to this skewed sense of reality by categorizing masculinity as "toxic," without ever delving into the actual toxicity of modern day feminism.

Feminism used be about equality, but modern day feminists don't want to be equal, they want to dominate the males of our species. 

In the process, out of fear of being accused of enabling "patriarchy," certain segments of society, specifically feminists, the liberal media and liberals all across the internet, have taken to supporting the emasculation of men.

We see this in a variety of ways.

The #MeToo movement, where all it took was a woman saying/typing that a man acted inappropriately, without any proof whatsoever, to have that man castigated, fired from his employment, and treated as a pariah for the rest of their lives.

The image below, a screenshot found on social media is yet another example of how women enjoy the emasculation of men, and frankly sent me on a rant that resulted in this article.

Each of those men need to be given a good swift kick in those asses.

That image right there is what feminists want, and what beta boys do, not real men. Just as real men would never ask a woman to bow to them, so they would never bow to woman or anyone else.

No decent human being should want to humiliate another, whether male or female.

While the denigration of men may have started with modern day feminism, over the course of the past couple of decades, many other factors have contributed to turning many men into beta boys, causing gender confusion, creating a generation of "transgenders," despite the fact that in doing so, they are adding to the suicide statistics that are so much higher for transgenders, and homosexuals.

The left would have you believe those suicide rates come from non-acceptance, but that excuse no longer holds any weight as the media, liberals, and feminists, have normalized aberrant behaviors.

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship, 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, and outside groups spending millions to blacklist conservative news, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like articles like this, please consider donating to ANP.


In July of 2021, the New York Times published a piece titled "The Boys in Their Summer Dresses," with the sub-header stating, "Gender fluidity enters its next phase as men increasingly step out in skirts and frocks.."

Sure enough the images provided in this attempt to normalize men wearing skirts and dresses, are of men in women's clothing, such as the image below.

Note the people surrounding him, completely ignoring the fact that a man is walking around in a skirt.

So, the excuse of non-acceptance being the reason for the much higher rates of suicide for men that pretend to be women, and women that pretend to be men, is utter BS.

The more disturbing aspect, in my mind, isn't the encouragement by the media, and liberals, for boys to wear dresses and are told they can "choose" to be girls, or vice versa, but rather the normalization of behaviors which are statistically proven to cause more suicides and suicides attempts.

It seems like the "culture" war means more than the lives of the human beings who are being groomed to abnormal behaviors.

Let provide an example of "grooming," a word the media/liberals despise because it is so accurately shows them to be supportive of groomers.

The video is three years old, but it is once again making the rounds.

A grandfather confronting a teacher for making his grandson wear a dress.

They put a preschooler in a dress. The only reason anyone, parent or teacher, would put a child in a dress is to groom them into their gender fluidity (whatever that means!) perversions. 

This ladies and gentlemen is what grooming is.

This is also the reason Republican governors, like Ron DeSantis, are passing laws to prevent children too young to know any better from being groomed by the LGBT agenda in their public educational systems. More conservative governors are following suit.

Men's makeup, mends skirts, men's dresses, all part of the campaign to emasculate men to create a nation controlled by bitter, nasty, obnoxious, feminists.


Republican governors are fighting back, but regular, non-LGBT programmed Americans, are also fighting back.

Schoolboard meetings are now full of parents that learned quite a bit of how teachers are more activists that educators, despite the Biden regime trying to label them as "domestic terrorists" for standing up, speaking out and saying NO MORE.

Homeschooling has grown leaps and bounds since the pandemic lockdowns, even after schools were reopened. This prevents teachers from grooming children rather than teaching them.

COVID-19 was not the only factor that drove families away from public schools. Parents were especially delighted to have their children escape the far-left political indoctrination that dominates today’s K-12 public education classrooms (the daily promotion of the LGBT agenda, critical race theory divisiveness, and woke academics). Their children have been freed from the political agenda of teachers’ unions and school personnel using them as pawns in their power plays.

One example of this indoctrination is the increasing use of the Gender Unicorn as a tool to encourage students as young as age 5 to select their gender identity, their gender expression, the gender they are physically attracted to, and the gender they are emotionally attracted to, whether women/men, feminine/masculine, or other.

For those unable to homeschool, constantly check up on your child at school, watch their homework assignments, ask them questions about what they are being taught. Ask outright if they talk about "gender" issues, and make sure to confront the school teachers and the schoolboards if they child answers in the affirmative.


The only way to stop the emasculation of men going forward, is to stop them from being groomed when they are young.

Modern day feminism may have started this attack on men and masculinity, but the LGBT community took the ball and ran with it.

The "men" that are already wearing make up, pretending to be women, and buying dresses and skirts, are already lost, but our children and grandchildren do not have to be groomed to grow up into bowing beta boys or men pretending to be woman.

Below is a 15 minute video titled "groomers being groomers," and while it is infuriating to watch, it is also very important to know the different ways our nation's children are being groomed into gender confused, suicidal teenagers and adults.

EMERGENCY ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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