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April 17, 2022
Yes, It IS 'Grooming' By Definition - While Liberals And Their Media Sycophants Fight Against Parental Rights, Americans Must Stand Up Against The Sexual Grooming Of Our Nation's Children
The Media, the LGBT community, and liberally radical democrats treat the term "grooming" in relation to the bills being passed by an increasing amount of states to protect children from having adults who are not their family members discussing or "teaching" children up the third grade about gender and/or sexual topics or lifestyles, as the most offensive term ever, yet, by definition, grooming is exactly what democrats are fighting for.
They just have temper tantrums over the term "grooming" because it accurately describes what they are fighting for, and it isn't good optics.
Much like calling abortion "pro-choice," or "reproductive rights," rather than killing an unborn child. The terminology is critically important, and liberals, the media (same!) and the entire LGBT community, understands this. Which is why they fight so hard against the "grooming" label.
As a quick aside: Children are not allowed to drink until they come of age. Cannot drive until they hit a certain age. Are not allowed to make major life decisions such as where to live, whether or not to go to school and receive and education, etc....
As they grow older, but are still minors, they are allowed to start making small decisions, what to wear, what to eat, how long to wear their hair... those types of decisions that parents feel will prepare the children to start taking responsibility for said decisions.
The reason, as anyone with common sense understands is that children are not mentally mature enough to understand the consequences of certain decisions.
The same concept should apply to making life or body altering decisions that cannot be changed until they are old enough to understand the ramifications of those decisions.
Groomingis the act of deliberately establishing an emotional connection with a child to prepare the child for sexual abuse.
The act of grooming includes:
Identifying and targeting the victim
Gaining trust and access (online, this can include adopting a false identity)
Playing a role in the childs life
Isolating the child
Creating secrecy around the relationship
Initiating sexual contact to test the waters
Controlling the relationship through fear and guilt
Please keep those acts of grooming in mind as we go over some reports, showing those acts clearly being utilized by the LGBT community and/or supporters.
Many of the new laws being enacted innearly two dozen states, are focused on a parents' rights to be the decision-makers for what type of gender/sexual topics their children are exposed to up until the third grade.
(My opinion: It should be at least sixth grade because elementary school-aged children simply do not have the ability to protect themselves from sexual predators.)
Teachers are in a unique position to "identify and target the victim", "gain their trust" as an authority figure, which is their "role in the child's life", "isolating the child" by "creating secrecy," and "controlling the relation through fear and guilt.
Every one of those aforementioned acts of grooming are things we are seeing liberals and media personalities blatantly advocating for.
School staff reportedly changed the students name and pronouns and called Child Protective Services when the parents objected to the gender transition, according to a Twitter thread by LibsofTikTok posted early Thursday morning. The thread included video of the girls parents addressing the school board of Spreckels Union School District on Wednesday.
School administrators in Coeur dAlene manipulated an 11-year-old girl into believing she was a boy and should undergo gender transition surgery, Miller writes in a study overview in The American Mind. The elementary school counselor had coached the young girl into believing she was transsexual and instructed her how to tell her parents about her new identity. According to a recorded phone call between the counselor and parent, the principal and other school officials had known about this and began calling the girl by a boys name while purposefully choosing not to inform the childs parents.
A policy in Washington state requires teachers to conceal students gender transitions from their parents unless the student gives the green light for their parents to know.
A Wisconsin school district has been caught ordering teachers to help children "transition" into the opposite gender and keep the child's "transgender identity" hidden from parents.
Teachers in Eau Claire Area School District in western Wisconsin were given the directive during a February 25 professional training session for staff.
"Parents are not entitled to know their kids identities, a slide from the presentation reads.
"That knowledge must be earned.
The latest example, reported on April 16, 2022, via NY Post:
A Massachusetts school district secretly promoted the gender transitions of a pair of siblings against their parents wishes, the outraged adults claim in a lawsuit.
Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri Ludlow said Ludlow Public Schools in middle-class Ludlow, Mass., impermissibly inserted themselves into the private realm of their family, superseding their rights to make decisions regarding their childrens upbringing, mental health, and well being, in a suit filed April 12 in Massachusetts federal court.
They had asked Paul L. Baird Middle School staff not to have private conversations with their kids about gender issues but claim in court papers that the superintendent, principal, guidance counselor and teachers ignored the request, even referring to their biological daughter and son by other pronouns without the parents knowledge.
There are so many examples in the news, avoided by Mainstream" media, unless it is an attempt to spin, excuse or justify the actions on the part of the schools and/or teachers, I simply cannot list them all in just one article.
The examples above show exactly why state officials in mostly conservatively run states, are taking steps to pass laws to protect children from this type of grooming.
And yes.... it IS sexually grooming children, by definition.
When an adult encourages a child to keep secrets from their own parents, it is not for an innocent reason.
I am not talking about the "don't tell your mom I gave you three pieces of candy instead of one," type secret, but life changing, altering, or gender/sexual related issues.
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As more and more red states pass laws to protect children from institutional and systematic grooming and affirming parental rights of minor children, the Biden regime is publicly coming out against parental rights.
On April 8, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed two bills into law that caught the attention of the Biden White House.
The first bill she signed requires students to use bathrooms appropriate for their biological sex, and the second bill makes it a felony for doctors to perform gender reassignment therapy or surgery on minors.
Two bills, one that protects parental rights on surgical, and in many cases permanent bodily changes, whether surgically, or chemically with puberty blockers, and the other protecting the rights of male and female children to have privacy from the opposite gender in their bathrooms.
Neither of these bills should be controversial, yet they are because one political party, and their media sycophants, want rights over our nation's children that are undoubtedly rights that belong to the parents and parents alone.
More from Breitbart:
So how has the Biden administration responded? One might think that the president has enough to worry aboutUkraine, inflation, Huntersuch that he would ignore Alabamas action. After all, Democrats are facing a challenging political environmentsample headline in Politico on April 9, A sour and angry America poised to punish Dems this falland so maybe, for their own sake, Democrats should pull in their horns a little bit.
But, no! The White House went the exact opposite way, charging at Alabama head on. On April 7, press secretary Jen Psaki declared from her podium, Todays vote in Alabama will only serve to harm kids. And then she went further, from volunteering condemnation to threatening litigation:
Alabamas lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that healthcare professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law.
Maybe the U.S. government will sue to overturn Alabamas laws, and the laws of any other American state that dares to challenge the avant-garde vision of trans-triumphalism. If so, thats a fight that will play well in liberal precincts, but not in most of the country. According to the left-wing Transgender Law Center, some 23 states have enacted new laws that trans advocates regard as low, or negativeand that number is growing; late last month, Utah banned transgender athletes from competing against girls (overriding a Republican governors veto, but thats a tale for another time).
Indeed, in an exclusive to Breitbart News on the day she signed those bills, Gov. Ivey fired back at the Bidenites: Alabama will continue protecting our kids and not letting out-of-state liberals like Jen Psaki and the Biden White House tell us what to do.
Read the entire piece, it will enrage you, but one must know what the Biden regime, along with the media are trying to do, and how it affects the children.
While this is an uncomfortable and stomach turning to see how many in this nation supports the grooming of children, one must know the enemy in order to help fight said enemy.
What people decide to do and the decisions they make as adults, is their own business, but as minors, it is a parent's right, responsibility and honor to be the ultimate decision-maker as what their children are taught in regards to gender/sexual issues.
Any politician, corporate entity, or media pundit that argues otherwise, should be shunned, boycotted, and voted out of office.
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