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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023! May Everyone Have A Happy And Prosperous Year Ahead

By All News PipeLine

First and foremost, we at ANP would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

2022 is gone, and it went by so fast it makes our heads spin, but we are still here, on the right side of the ground, so we have to thank God for our blessings.

As we head into 2023, we know that we are fighting for the fate of our nation against socialism, communism and tyranny. It is an ongoing battle and one we are glad to have ANP "Pipeliner's" fighting beside us.

We at ANP would like to thank everyone that reads ANP, comments in the comment section below, offers links to keep constant news flowing, and those that contribute to the Breaking News page each and every day.

We would also like to thank those that have donated to us through the years, and other Independent Media websites like Steve Quayle, for his guidance, mentorship and for linking to our articles which brings traffic and revenue.

Others like Mike Adams, who added us to websites he felt were important, so has listed us as beneficiaries for contributions.

There are others, but without permission, we will not name them.

Now for some bad news..... since the loss of Google ads, we have tried eight different ad services in an attempt to make up for the loss of revenue. We have three now, the others were abject failures, or annoyed readers, so we got rid of them.

The three we ended up replacing Google with brings us in half of what Google used to.

Our savings are gone, and we are striving to find other ad services that will not ruin the user experience, and actually generates revenue, so we will ask for your patience as we test different ad services and affiliate programs.

So we are now looking for a donor(s) who appreciates ANP's daily articles and open forum and has the means to help us out financially for 3 to 6 months until we're able to replace that lost revenue with an ad service(s) that pay enough to keep a roof over our heads. While ANP's expenses are very little, the Democrats/RINO's 'war upon truthful information,' as they try to keep their 'dirty deeds' secret, has left ANP in an extremely difficult spot and in a hole that we're trying our best to dig out of.

As long as we're able to keep a roof over our heads and our electricity and cable paid, we'll be able to keep ANP online and running. But the other option, which we're less than two months away from now, isn't pretty. So while we only need to make up $1,000 in lost revenue monthly, the globalists have definitely made sure real news doesn't pay.

So if you are in the financial position to help out truth warriors in need, or you know somebody who is able to do so for a few months, we promise you we'll keep on fighting to expose the truth and working to take down these devils who've hijacked America. You can make donations via Paypal here or:

Donate via snail mail:

Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

Stefan Stanford and/or Susan Duclos

P.O. Box 575

McHenry, MD. 21541

We thank ANP readers so much for the years that have turned this website into a online home for so many. Not just those who comment, but those that email their comments because they prefer to only "lurk" online, but want us to know they follow along the comments and enjoy the banter.

God bless you all and may you have a happy and prosperous New Year.

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