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August 23, 2019

This Could Trigger Civil War In America! The 'Party Of Death And Destruction's' Hatred Of Whites, Christians, Conservatives And Trump Supporters Could Lead To Their Own Annihilation


By Don Boys, Ph.D. - All News Pipeline

The Reverend Not-so-Sharpton stood with his hands extended high and wide saying, I hate white people this much. But Sharpton is not considered a hater. He was much sought after by 12 of the Democrat presidential candidates who made the pilgrimage to his humble abode to kiss his ring.

When it was time to renew his television show, his credentials were examined (but the ratings were ignored) and yes, he was qualified because he is still black. That seems to be the reason Al is a television star. Al is paid $500,000 annually by MSNBC for his television work and he pays himself over $200,000 from his civil rights non-profit organization.

You might think that a television star with a net worth of up to $5 million and annual income of over $700,000 could pay his bills but Al still owes $4.5 million in state and federal taxes and he often forgets to pay travel agencies, hotels, and landlords, according to the records. In 2015, Al paid almost $2 million on his back taxes.

In 2004, Al bought himself a Rolls Royce Phantom for his 50th birthday. That is the most expensive production car in the world, with a base price of $475,000.

That is one Baptist who was not held under water long enough!

Just kidding, but he is not my kind of Baptist.

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A black killer in Dallas who killed five police officers and injured 14 other innocent people said, I want to kill white people, especially white cops. When asked if the shooting should be considered a hate crime, President Obama said, Its hard to know what his motives are. Cant Obama understand clear English? The killer was a hater and his race or political position did not matter. By being a defender of hate, does that make Obama a hater?

It seems hate is identified depending on the hater and the hatee.

A French rapper named Nick Conrad has a song titled Hang Whites! that declares, I enter day care centres, I kill white babies, Grab them quickly and hang their parents, Take them apart to pass the time. In one scene, the rapper and an associate drag a white person along a street and kick him in the head. The lyrics include calls to kill white people and their children.

Thats hate by a self-described black artist, Parisian, proud sophisticated or more precisely, a French jerk who shot to fame with his hate-filled song.

Thaddeus Matthews, Memphis disc jockey, interviewing Charlotte Bergmann, a black, female conservative Republican candidate for Congress a token negro and curly-haired nigga. He added, Im so sick of your sh**, yourself, and Im about to put youre a** up outta here, he said. You are a token negro that white folk have control over. As she got up to leave, she tried to shake his hand, and he refused saying, I dont need to shake your hand. Im scared because some of that whiteness might rub off on me.

Thad, the black hater of Whites, is still a disc jockey in Memphis. Charlotte won her primary but lost in the 2018 general election. If I say niggereven in an innocent and nonracist way (as I do here), Im called a racist but if an actor or rapper does so, he is an artist. I suppose thats artistic license.

No, it is nonsense. And, for sure, no race or group owns some choice words.

(ANP: In the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, Mike Adams warns 'deranged Democrats' are planning to roll out nationwide DEATH SQUADS to mass murder all conservatives. Would that lead to Civil War? We don't know of a single Christian, Conservative or POTUS supporter who'd go along with that INSANE plan!)


The mother of Michael Brown (the teen thug who was killed by a police officer in Ferguson after Brown tried to take the officers gun) is running for city council! But mommas comments will haunt her. She wrote on social media after two police officers were shot, If my FAM woulda got JUSTICE in August maybe those two comps wouldnt have got shot LAST NIGHT Also, F*** THEM 2 COPS...DONT GOT NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM OR THEY FAMILIESAint no FUN when the Rabbit got the GUN.

That too is undisguised, unreasonable, and uncontrolled hate and indicates a problem in public education.

Maggie Gallagher cited a book that expresses extreme hatred toward Conservative Christians in America who tend to hold relatively high levels of social power. So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States? was authored by George Yancey and David A. Williamson who said asked people about conservative Christians. I want them [conservative Christians] all to die in a fire, said one man with a doctorate.The only good Christian is a dead Christian, said another man with a doctorate. I abhor them and I wish we could do away with them, said a woman with a masters degree. A tortuous death would be too good for them, said a college-educated man. They should be eradicated without hesitation or remorse, said an elderly woman with a masters degree.

Hate is not defined by education, race (and yes, of course Blacks can be racists), religion, national origin, politics, or financial status. "Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes." This was so eloquently spoken by white Georgetown University professor Christine Fair. Chrisy is no longer teaching at Georgetown; she is on leave.

No sane person will defend hate but many haters use hate as a weapon and often go into battle with Christian Conservatives. Since the progressive cannot defend his castle in ruins (Liberalism), he fires the only bullet in his possessionYoure a hater. That is supposed to settle the argument in favor of progressives!

Pseudo-intellectuals like Georgetown's Michael Eric Dyson said after George Zimmerman was acquitted in the killing of Trayvon Martin that it would be a good thing for more white children to be murdered so Americans could better understand racism. Mike is also a Baptist preacher but not a historical or biblical Baptist, for sure.


Sarah Jeong is a member of The New York Times Editorial Board and wrote: Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on a fire hydrant. Also, Are white people predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically only being fit to live underground like groveling goblins. Finally Sarahs White men are bull; #CancelWhitePeople; oh man its kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men and f white women lol. Sarah is still with the Times!

According to a report from Newsweek, Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams is making waves again. Breitbart News reported in June 2017 that Williams had argued that first responders should have let Representative Steve Scalise die after he was shot during a practice for the congressional baseball game. Williams also shared a blog post by an anonymous author that asked black people to withhold life-saving help from white people in need.

In a recent social media post, Williams wrote that whiteness is terrorism.If you see them [Whites] drowning. If you see them in a burning building. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: do nothing, the post read.

Of course, hatred is hatred whether from the left or right or in the middle; however all the haters quoted today have been from far out in left field.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. ; and visit his blog. Send request to [email protected] for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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