The links above are issues ANP has already covered, so we won't go into a lot of detail regarding the "incidents" at food processing plants, nor how China is destroying us without even firing a shot, because we have a lot more to cover with other recent reports.
Such as:Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah asserting that the next global food crisis (Next?) could begin within the "next six months."
Note: One has to wonder what rock he has been hiding under as we have been documenting, with reader images and firsthand accounts, the food shortages, and they have been getting worse, not better, indicating we are still seeing the same food crisis, not waiting for the next.
He also warned there was a "massive, immediate food crisis is on the horizon, as reported by We Are Change, ZeroHedge and Bloomberg.
The World Bank president David Malpass is also issuing dire warnings, with claims that we are looking at a "human catastrophe" as the World Bank calculates there will be approximately as 37% spike in food prices.
Remember we saw multiple price increases before the war in Ukraine, and now it is expected to intensify the already growing crisis.
Its a human catastrophe, meaning nutrition goes down. But then it also becomes a political challenge for governments who cant do anything about it, they didnt cause it and they see the prices going up, Malpass said.
I appreciate Mr. Malpass trying to give individual governments a pass by claiming they "can't do anything about it," but as the next bit of news shows they are absolutely fine with making things worse, rather than even attempting to make them better.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced torun an emergency fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
The Biden administration is reportedly considering clamping down on a widely-used herbicide that farmers and industry groups have argued is key for maintaining low prices.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering tighter restrictions on the use of atrazine, a key herbicide often applied to corn, soybeans and sorghum, according to a March letter from the Triazine Network. The Triazine Network is a coalition of more than 20 industry groups including members of the National Corn Growers Association, the National Grain Sorghum Producers Association and the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association.
Perhaps now is not the time to be issuing, or even considering issuing new regulations, that will further exacerbate the food crisis. Yet the Biden regime is too busy pushing the left's "climate" agenda to bother trying to help Americans by encouraging more, and cheaper, food production right here in the states.
The attacks against our food supply are coming from all directions, and yes, while the war in Ukraine is causing additional problems, world leaders are also trying to conflate the previous food shortages with those additional problems, perhaps hoping that historians will blame Russia for it all.
From food shortages, to massive prices increasesof paper goods, electronics and appliances, we are seeing a series of events unfolding that indicates the worse is yet to come and we all need to be prepared.
Reader Image: NC, Dollar General
Generally I do not start with paper products, because it makes no sense to die of starvation while surrounded by toilet paper, but since the most recent images sent to ANP are of the paper goods section, we will make an exception.
An email sent to ANP to warn of other shortages being seen, tells us that as of their last order from their favored, local emergency supply company, white and whole grain flours were out of stock, beans were getting low, and rice was also in short supply.
The email stated: "Few days ago i ordered some #10 cans of flour to supplement our self vac packed 5# bags - just got off fone from (emergency essentials) and they said they are way out of stock both white and whole grain - and they do not know if or when they will even get any back in stock ( I like the longer shelf life of the canned ones, so thought it might make good backups)
Still some corn meal, so I'll get some of that instead, and likely more beans as he said they are getting low on that as well, and maybe some more rice too as that is in short supply - maybe get some more oatmeal too -"
We already know from pictures sent in from coast to coast that pasta shelves are also becoming more and more bare, so those are items to either stock up on from your local stores if they still have them, or order online in amounts sufficient for your household.
We have also documented the rising cost of meat, and the actual shortages of other meats, such as certain cuts of chicken, so the standard: Stock up on freeze dried meats warning still applies. It used to be more expensive than fresh products, but these days it is sometimes more cost efficient to be able to just take a handful and toss it in fresh vegetable, soups, stews or casseroles.
Another issue we are seeing much chatter about online and in the media is the issue with fertilizer, and while we have gone over this previously, it is time for Americans to go back to the basics on learning to make their own by composting.
Quick, easy to shove left over foods, paper and other garbage, fill up a compost bin, toss it all into a compost tumbler, and make your own to grow your vegetable and fruit gardens with.
The issue with the China ports being shut down, and factories suspending operations for weeks at a time, is that on top of previous electronics, computer chips and appliance shortages, where at some points it took months to have something delivered or restocked at local stores, these types of shortages will be compounded the longer Shanghai is partially closed for business.
If your appliances are old and any of them are on their last legs, might be a good idea to get them now at your local stores. If those stores are out of stock, or have months of waiting times, Amazon sellers have a surplus until their supply runs low, as evidenced by the reasonable delivery estimates listed on many appliances.
Note: The links for both appliances, computers and electronics are all to the search pages because people have their preferred brands and types. We would highly recommend looking at the delivery dates before ordering because a few products previously stated "in stock," but also showed a month or two waiting time for delivery.
If there is one things we, as a nation, should have learned from the past few years, it is that we should never have become so dependent on China for parts, cheap labor and exports, to the point where without their products we have issues with appliances, electrons, computers and other types of products that used to fill the shelves of places like Walmart.
With China-Joe occupying the White House that lesson means nothings, but eventually Americans are going to have to understand that being dependent on China, Russia, Ukraine, and other countries for our nation's supply products, whether wheat, oil, or electronics, clothing and more, is to commit national suicide.
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