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March 16, 2023

With The 'Illusion Of Freedom' Too Expensive To Maintain, The Globalists Established A 'Global Kill Grid' To Rush 'Depopulation' As We Head Toward 2025, The US Govt Making Bugs More Deadly

- Humanity Will Be Wiped Out By Our Own Biological Warfare Creations

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

How many people reading this have ever been bitten by a 'tic?' With estimates of 476,000 people treated for 'Lymedisease' every year according to this new story over at Mercola which arrived in my email inbox Wednesday morning indicating millions of people are getting bitten by the venomous little creatures every year, that new story by Dr. Joseph Mercola is utterly alarming as it goes over a book titled "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons" within which we learn the United States government has been making bugs much more deadly than they were originally 'created.'

Reporting within his story that in a February 28, 2023, Substack article, investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker interviewed the award-winning author of that book, Kris Newby, about the many decades worth of programs in which the U.S. government has been manipulating pathogens to make them deadlier, we learn that such secretive federal research being carried out on the American taxpayers dime may be responsible for the current ongoing epidemic of Lyme disease, with both Newby and her husband contracting Lyme disease while on vacation all the way back in 2002 and Newby telling Thacker:

"We were desperately ill and undiagnosed for a year. I thought that was the end of my life as I knew it. It took us four or five years to fully recover."

With Mercola reporting within his story that outbreaks of Lyme disease are happening all across the planet right now and even sneaking into many northern regions where temperatures are colder for longer periods of time during the year, he reports that the difficulties in treating Lyme disease have many reasons, with one of them being there are about two dozen species of the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi which tics transmit with their bites, and hundreds of strains worldwide, many resistant to antibiotics.

Reporting also that research suggests one of the reasons for that may be the B. burgdorferi bacteria form protective biofilms around themselves, which enhances antibiotic resistance, with the bacteria also taking on many different forms once inside the human body, allowing it to hide and survive in a wide variety of human body tissues, and causing widespread organ failure, as Paul Thacker reports in this substack entry,long before suspicions arose about a 'lab leak' causing the COVID fiasco, US govt scientists were fiddling around with bugs, turning them into tiny weapons they could use to kill people.

And with Bill Gates, Joe Biden and the globalists now pushing their 'depopulation' plan to the extreme as we move towards the year 2025 and the satanists long-warned 'end game' for humanity that looks an awful lot like a gigantic, satanic boot stomping upon our human faces forever, ANP reader and commenter 'Exmarine268' recently left an eye-opening comment on this ANP story titled "As The Business Model To Run America Breaks Down Before Our Eyes, Why SVB Will Be One Of Many More To Crumble: America Unhinged Means A Dream Come True Awaits Would-Be Tyrants" that really puts things into the proper perspective as we move forward into the great unknown.:

Good article! Rather than Jupiter though, I think the Fed chair is the Supreme Sorcerer, as like a sorcerer, he CONJURES dollars out of thin air, and those magic dollars are then believed to have value by the hoodwinked masses. It is not worth the paper its not printed on. How long can this Empire of Illusions carry on before (to paraphrase Zappa) the scenery is ripped down and a brick wall is revealed? Time will tell.

And with Frank Zappa's full quote being "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater,"more and more evidence keeps emerging every day we've now reached that point in time Zappa had warned of long ago as heard in the final video below, as the globalists unveil their 'global kill grid' as heard in the 2nd and 3rd videos at the bottom of this story, the 'illusion of freedom' now 'too expensive to maintain.'

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So before we continue, let's take a look at this Dr. Joseph Mercola story to see why the good Doctor is arguing it's way past time to completely ban gain-of-function research, particularly in the wake of COVID.

Arguing in the closing of his story that both the Lyme disease epidemic and COVID-19 appear to be the result of bioweapons development, and the real-world ramifications clearly demonstrate the risks involvedsince the satanists performing this biowarfare work can't guarantee containment of the created pathogens, and sometimes, they don't even try to contain them, as Dr. Mercola warns in his closing statement:

"While we don't know whether SARS-CoV-2 was intentionally released or simply escaped, the end result is the same. The virus spread worldwide. If the world doesn't wise up and realize just how suicidal these biological weapons programs are, humanity may eventually be wiped out by one of our own creations."

Yet with neocons and batcrap crazy democrats ruling over Washington DC and insanely pushing for endless wars that'll surely lead to the end of life upon our planet Earth as we know it at some point in the future, what are peaceful, sane people to do to combat this mad rush towards self-destruction by our 'leaders?' As I had responded to 'ExMarine268' in reference to his Frank Zappa comment about the unveiling of full-scale tyranny in America, "Thank GOD for the 2nd Amendment! Once it gets to that point, there should NEVER be any 'safe spaces' in America for tyranny!"From this absolutely alarming Dr. Mercola story before we continue.:

Is Lyme Disease a Biological Weapon Gone Rogue?

According to Newby, there's good reason to suspect that Lyme disease might be a biological weapon. There's no smoking gun; just circumstantial evidence. But when taken together, it forms a highly suspect picture.

She describes being at a party where a former CIA agent bragged about a Cold War operation that involved dropping infected ticks on Cuba. "At that point, I knew I wasn't done with the story," she told Thacker. Her book, "Bitten," is the result of her investigation into the military's use of infectious bioweapons.

"When we started the film, Lyme disease was already too controversial to go down the bioweapons rabbit hole, so we focused on the human toll and the corruption in the medical system that allowed this epidemic to get so out of control," Newby told Thacker.

"This CIA guy was a little bit in his cups, but what he said rang true. I started doing some research, interviewed him several times, and found that it was a verifiable story."

Newby also got tipped off by Willy Burgdorfer during the filming of "Under Our Skin." Burgdorfer, a Swiss medical zoologist, is credited with discovering Lyme disease. He worked at Rocky Mountain Labs a National Institutes of Health-run biosafety level 4 (BSL4) facility in Montana his whole career, and had contracts with Fort Detrick, which oversees the U.S. chemical and biological weapons programs.

While he made some important admissions during that interview, at the very end, he broke into an "evil little smile" and said, "I didn't tell you everything." Was he hinting that Lyme disease was a bioweapon?

"He started hinting at the unnatural origin of the outbreak to several people," Newby told Thacker. "When I interviewed him for the book, he said, 'Yes, I was in the biological weapons program. I was tasked with trying to mass produce ticks and mosquitoes.'

That's also when he told me that he was called to investigate the outbreak of what was called 'Lyme disease,' but which could've been caused by one or more organisms. In Army documents, they said they were conducting early gain-of-function experiments by mixing pathogens bacteria and viruses inside ticks to create more effective bioweapons."

So with, of course, the American taxpayer funding this 'gain of function research' that is leading to innocent people dying both here in America and all across the planet being just the latest proof the globalists are working hard on 'depopulation,' attempting to get the planet Earth's population down to the 'magic number' of 500 million seen on the Georgia Guidestones for decades before they were blown up back in July of 2022, remember that to 'maintain the global population at 500 million or below' as was written on the Guidestones in eight different languages requires roughly 7.5 billion people to be 'killed off.'

And if that's the case, we'll once again suggest the globalists start off this process of 'depopulation' with themselves, showing the rest of us how it's done, while the American people keep arming themselves up for TEOTWAWKI, 450 million+ guns owned by the American people our 'remedy' to such a mad dash towards global government tyranny.

And while many might think that America could never fall victim to such a diabolical scheme, we've reported time and again for many years on the forecast by the Deagel Report of a greatly 'depopulated' America by the year 2025. Also 'forecasting' America to be a 3rd world nation economically by the year 2025 as we'd reported in this December 28th of 2018 ANP story titled "If These Numbers From A Deep State Sourced Website Are Correct, America Will Be A 3rd World Nation By 2025."

With Deagel also forecasting back then that America's population would drop from well over 330 million to less than 100 million people by the year 2025, keep in mind who the sources for Deagel's forecast information had been over the years, nobody but 'the deep state,' including the United States government, the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the World Bank and the European Union.

Also forecasting that America's 'Gross Domestic Product' by the year would be a stunning $2.4 trillion, down a whopping $16.5 trillion from what it was in 2017 as seen in the graphic from their website above, as we'd asked on that graphic, "What does Deagel know that we don't know?"With Deagel's sources for that info also being all of America's military services along with the Department of Defense, take note that they also forecast our military budget by the year 2025 to be only $32 billion, down a stunning $605 billion from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion.

Now with the globalists on a mad rush towards all-out war in 2023, just how do they think they'd manage that? From that December of 2018 ANP storyabout the graphic above before our conclusion.:

So let's take a look at the bizarre numbers for America being forecast by Deagel as seen in the screenshot above. Besides the most startling numbers that jump out for the US population, being forecast to 'shed' 226 million people in less than 7 years, the stunning economic numbers include a forecast of the US's gross domestic product to drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to ONLY $2.4 trillion in 2025. With the GDP per capita expected to drop from $59,274 in 2017 to only $24,561 in 2025 and our 'purchase power parity' (PPP) expected to drop from $59,500 in 2017 to only $16,374 in 2025, America will be a broken nation by then if Deagel is correct. In comparison, the PPP of Venezuela is forecast to be $12,400 in 2025, a jump up from their PPP of only $9,132 in 2017, when the Venezuelan people were starving, eating cats, dogs and zoo animals for their next meals.

And how in the world is Deagel forecasting our 2025 military budget to be only $32 billion in 2025 when it was a whopping $637 billion in 2017? As we see in the chart above, if Deagel is correct, America will be a 3rd world nation by 2025.

And as we'll see in the next grouping of numbers below, America isn't the only country being forecast to take a major hit with many other Western nations also being forecast by Deagel to be suffering by 2025. Do all of these Deagel numbers help to prove that the globalists have a sinister agenda, an agenda that doesn't end well for freedom and America?

With us then pointing out in that story that Deagel was also forecasting rather large 'depopulation' numbers for most Western nations for the year 2025, including Italy, France, Germany, Australia, Spain,Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, Finland and the UK among others, it'd be easy to argue we're now witnessing that mad gallop towards Deagel's 'end game forecast' here in 2023, with a 'global kill grid' created, countless young and healthy Americans and people all across the planet 'dying suddenly' and now, the final moves being made to 'reset' the economy to usher in full-scale global tyranny.

So while we here at ANP will continue to work towards peace and a return to sanity here in America and across the planet, with the globalists showing us long ago they have other plans that don't have anything at all to do with 'peace' and 'sanity' while having everything to do with 'global depopulation' and 'world domination' as warned in this recent story, as long as the United States government keeps funding 'gain of function research,' paid for by the American people, with them now using it to kill off Americans, its well past time to once and for all end such murderous research.

And so with Lyme disease being largely resistant to anti-biotics, we'll take a look in our closing here at a number of all-natural anti-biotics that we can stock up on now that can be used to combat infections in a SHTF scenario when the very last place people want to go is to a hospital or they're all closed down.

As the website NetMeds reports in this linked story,Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician, once said, Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. And even after these many centuries, this statement still holds a lot of truth. Recommending Honey, Garlic, Cloves, Capsaicin in hot peppers and Oregano oil among other products, this story over at Research Gate also points out additional all-natural products that can be used to fight Lyme disease include Reishi mushrooms, chlorella, Aloe vera, Goldenseal, Echinacea, Nettle, Sage, Comfrey, Mugwort, cats claw, colloidal silver, astragalus and hypericum among other all-natural products, including Apple Cider vinegar.

Some books on all-natural antibiotics for a SHTF scenario include all of the following.:

Homemade Antibiotics: TOP 30 Effective Natural Remedies And Best Organic Recipes For Healing Without Pills: (Natural Antibiotics, Herbal Remedies, Natural Remedies, Healthy Healing)

Herbal Antibiotics, 2nd Edition: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria

The Herbal Remedies & Natural Medicine Bible: [5 in 1] The Ultimate Collection of Healing Herbs and Plants to Grow and Use for Tinctures, Essential Oils, Infusions, and Antibiotic

Natural Antibiotics And Antivirals: The Complete Guide To Homemade Natural Herbal Remedies To Prevent And Cure Infections and Allergies

And while we here at ANP are NOT medical doctors, nor are we offering 'medical advice' but 'survival advice' for a SHTF scenario when the world as we know it has ended and we need to treat ourselves rather than relying upon a completely broken medical system that quite literally wants us dead anyways, we can confirm that both Susan and I have used my all-time favorite all-natural antibiotic to cure tooth infections and more, that being garlic, used as an anti-biotic by people for thousands of years.

So with Lyme disease as a gain of function bioweapon created most likely by the 'deep state' and the US DOD, as Kris Newby pointed out in her interview with Thacker, it is often debilitating with a typical case starting out with an expanding, often bullseye shape rash, fever, fatigue, chills, a massive headache and leading to widespread muscle spasms, loss of motor coordination, debilitating fatigue, heart problems, psychiatric symptoms, cognitive difficulties, and problems with vision and hearing.

Newby describes her personal experience as such: "It's sort of like having multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue joint pain, all at the same time. It's primarily a neurological disease that creates hyper-inflammation in your body. And the symptoms commonly move around your body. You can be very debilitated, unable to perform the tasks of a normal adult There is a growing body of scientific evidence that shows that the Lyme disease bacterium is a trickster that is good at dodging your immune system. It comes out of the tick in a very mobile spirochetal form and, when it senses an antibiotic or killer cells, it goes into a dormant cyst form, hiding out for months to years. And when your immune system is stressed, it can start causing disease again."

And with more evidence having emerged that all such symptoms and illnesses are likely courtesy of the US govt and their alarming and never-ending 'gain of function research', you can hear from Kris Newby and her argument that Lyme disease is a direct result of US biological weapons research in the 1st video below, an alarming essay on why it's time to ban such research now, once and forever, rather than using countries like Ukraine and China and places like Fort Detrick to carry out such murderous 'science.'

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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