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July 26, 2021
Hundreds Of Internet Outages, Hack Attacks Against The Power Grid And Internet - What The Media Doesn't Tell You About Hackers Ability To Send America Back To The Dark Ages
When these outages occur, from January 2021 to July 2021, they make the news, sometimes local, sometimes national, but always as separate news items.
Seeing them all together, the sheer numbers in just the first half of the year, we see either an Internet that is old and failing on a critical level, or a more ominous and systematic hit on our infrastructure as if testing the ability to just switch it all off at the same time, leaving America basically in the dark ages, since everything is now controlled by computers and the internet.
Those are just the "notable" ones causing widespread outages, but according to the company Total Uptime, we see "There are hundreds of cloud and network provider outages every week, more than anyone ever realizes."
We're talking tens of millions of people effected for every "notable" outage, millions more with each ransomware attack, and hundreds or even thousands for the ones not listed under the "notable" label.
Then we have the assertion by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, that cybersecurity attacks are "happening all the time." When asked is foreign actors had the ability to shut it all down, her answer was "Yeah, they do."
Yeah, they do, Granholm told host Jake Tapper when asked if foreign actors have the ability to make the power grid go dark.
There are very malign actors who are trying, even as we speak, she explained. There are thousands of attacks on all aspects of the energy sector and the private sector generally.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER:Due to renewed censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'll be running an emergency fundraising drive over the next month or so until we catch up on upcoming expenses. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
The media is always focusing more on "who" is behind the attacks or outages, rather than the effects to the audience they are supposed to be informing, or the ramifications of so many hack attacks, and Internet outages.
It is important to know the "who" for the government, but the more important aspect should be "how to prevent" it from happening again, then worry about the who.
If you wake up with no Internet, or worse, no power at all, with no way to know when, or if, it was coming back, the last thing that you will be worried about is "who did this," in favor of preparing to utilize your preps in the best manner.
Losing your Internet could cause everything from phone systems to go down, to possibly losing the electric just because everything is dependent on the Internet these days.
The two are most definitely intertwined, the power and the Internet, which is yet another thing the media downplays to the point where when Americans think of outages, they almost never think that "this attack" might also take out the power.
This leaves million unprepared for the possibility and is one reason more Americans are not preppers.
I am not even going to describe the nightmare for those that thought getting "smart homes" would be a good idea.
As always, I want to point out that once prepared for as much as you can prepare for, there is never a need to worry, or fear, because you are as ready as can be for whatever comes.
Prepare, live your life, and know that if something happens, you are capable of surviving it because you had the forethought to be ready.
Power outage, especially a long term one, would be the hardest to deal with, so we'll start with the need for generators, whether solar, or gas powered, having even a small one that is just big enough for the refrigerator and freezer and maybe a couple of lamps.
These days we see companies that offer Internet, cable, and phone services, all in one package. Yet, should that service suffer an outage, whether long term or short term, the customer loses it all, their phone, cell, Internet and no TV!
Those getting all their services through just one service, could be left without any method of communication until the service gets fixed, if it can be fixed.
Having a means of communication could be the difference between life or death.
Example: Without knowing the cause of the Internet and/or power outage, one has no idea when or if their services will be restored, so having a means of getting the news, could literally be lifesaving, whether it is whether warnings, gang warnings, or a terror attack against America.
Ham radios for those prepared to offer that information to those left without the capability of getting news, and shortwave radios for those that just want to tune in and listen to what is going on across the country.
When dealing with power outages, or a grid down scenario, a generator is only one item to utilize, but flashlights, maybe to read but nothing you want to waste your gas for your generator on, batteries, and lets not forget a fully stocked first aid kit.
Beginner preppers should always know that the last thing they want to do if there is a nationwide internet outage or grid down scenario, is to hop in the car and head to the store, or hospital, because chaos starts fast when the amenities Americans are so dependent on, are just gone in a blink of an eye.
I dread the thought of how Millennials or teenagers will act when they can't have their thumbs moving a mile a minute on their smartphones and tablets.
Looking at all the cyber attacks, internet outages, warnings about foreign actors abilities to shut down our power grids, which would send us back to the dark agents as dependent as we are all on modern amenities, at least those prepared for life without either the Internet, or power, or both, have a far better chance of survival than those not prepared.
Prepping is more than just food, water and medicines.
While the video below is from May, the chart showing the overwhelming amount of attacks against the U.S. in comparison to other countries, is shocking.
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