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October 10, 2024

Biden-Harris Hurricane Response, Or Lack Thereof For The 'Red' Portion Of Western North Carolina, Is Nothing Short Of Deliberate Election Interference

By Brian C. Joondeph -  All News Pipeline

Election 2024 is weeks away.

Donald Trump still holds a 2-point lead nationally over Kamala Harris according to the latest Rasmussen Reports polling.

J.D. Vance wiped the debate floor with Tim Walz, despite election interference by Vance’s pant-suited debate opponents from CBS News.

Trump tormentor Jack Smith offered up a superseding indictment against Donald Trump, a rehash of his earlier lawfare nonsense slapped down by SCOTUS.

CNN’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig explained:

“Jack Smith has failed in his quest to try Donald Trump before the 2024 election. So instead, the Special Counsel has bent ordinary procedure to get in one last shot, just weeks before voters go to the polls.”

In other words, election interference.

Big media is squarely part of the Harris campaign,

MSNBC Producer was just caught on camera admitting that MSNBC is "indistinguishable" from the Democrat party. He also admits the "news" network is doing "all they can" to help elect Kamala Harris.

What about the federal response to Hurricane Helene, which was under Harris and Biden’s control?

Apparently, there is no money for hurricane victims, especially those in the red portion of western North Carolina. Would government resources be more readily available if the flooding was in the Research Triangle of far bluer Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill? Or some other Democrat stronghold?

Rural western North Carolina is home to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables.” Why else would they be left to struggle and die with little government effort?

Is this the latest Democrat ploy at election interference, not stuffing the ballot box but changing the voter mix, increasing Democrat voters via illegal immigration, and decreasing Republican voters by letting them die?

New potential Democrat voters are arriving in America daily. Border apprehensions are way up according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, as noted below. These are only between ports of entry, not crossings elsewhere or via DHS-arranged flights from other countries, totally bypassing land border crossings.

What about reducing GOP voters via slow-walking rescue and relief efforts in the GOP strongholds most severely hit by the recent hurricane?

Am I peddling a far-fetched conspiracy theory? Let’s look at circumstantial evidence. If you want definitive proof, good luck finding it. The election system is too convoluted for that.

Scott Adams accurately tweeted, “Our election systems are designed to make it impossible to know who won. Our brainwashers tell us the opposite.”

Courts cannot resolve cheating claims. Who knows what postal workers do with discarded or filled-out mail-in ballots. Are registered voters legally allowed to vote? Are overseas ballots cast by actual Americans or even real people? Are fake ballots being counted? How many times?

These are not flaws but instead features of our electoral system. It is too convoluted for anyone to observe and understand, much like the tax code. This is by design, allowing the administrative/media/establishment state to choose our elected officials, including the president.

What is the circumstantial evidence of hurricane election interference?

It is beyond incompetence, instead a deliberate effort to hamper rescue efforts.

As ZeroHedge reported:

A shocking firsthand account from a SpaceX engineer in storm-battered North Carolina reveals that Biden-Harris' Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) blocked shipments of critical goods for relief efforts into the region. There have been numerous reports this week of FEMA actively hindering relief efforts in the western part of the state, including threatening private helicopter pilots with arrests for conducting rescue missions. We also learned that the Biden-Harris administration drained FEMA funds to support illegal aliens, prioritizing non-citizens (future voters) over American citizens.

Government neglect by design.

The largest voice on social media, Elon Musk, tweeted:

“@FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!”

His observations are rampant on social media. Corporate media is dutifully ignoring these stories to avoid making their preferred presidential candidate appear incompetent or malevolent.

The election is weeks away. The dead cannot vote (at least that holds true for Republican voters). Those without homes, electricity, and food are in survival mode, likely not prioritizing voting. Where will they vote? Towns have been washed away.

Not only is electricity necessary but also internet connectivity in this age of electronic voting. The Harris administration is thwarting that as well.

Acting President Kamala Harris tweeted her support, not of Lebanon Township, North Carolina, but of Lebanon the country, thousands of miles away in the Middle East, the same Lebanon hosting Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

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By comparison, as of Oct. 4, Harris’s FEMA provided $45 million toward hurricane relief, about a quarter of what Harris gave to Lebanon, and a fraction of what was sent to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan.

Her minions are all on board. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is doing his part, as reported by the Manhattan Press:

Now Buttigieg has attempted to ground drones in North Carolina. The army of drones, operated by concerned citizens, have located persons in need of rescue, and delivered lifesaving insulin and other supplies.

Is this punishment of red county deplorables in western North Carolina for voting for Trump in 2020, or a way of preventing them from doing the same in 2024? The media demands evidence that this is happening. Let them provide evidence that it is NOT happening. Look at the North Carolina electoral map for 2020.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk on Wednesday said that the Federal Communications Commission's decision to not move forward with an award for SpaceX's Starlink to provide rural broadband may have cost lives in North Carolina when it was hit by Hurricane Helene.

How will voting machines work without electricity? Will the Post Office be able to deliver paper ballots to voters, receive completed ballots, and then deliver them to voting centers? Will voting centers even be open and functional?

Then there is the missing money. The Harris/Biden administration claims they are broke. Since when has the U.S. government ever been broke? They are never broke for illegal aliens or foreign countries.

The cupboard is bare for Americans but for other countries, the cupboard is overflowing. Here’s where the money went over the past few weeks.

$8 billion to Ukraine.

$8.7 billion to Israel.

$567 million to Taiwan.

As with most things Biden and Harris, Americans last, everyone else first.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas, “Warns FEMA doesn’t have enough funding to last through hurricane season.” Of course not. DHS is tapped out providing food, hotel rooms, debit cards, and sex change surgery for illegal aliens.

This certainly smells like election interference, as ABC News begrudgingly acknowledges, carefully sidestepping motive.

Election officials in North Carolina, Florida and Georgia are scrambling to ensure voters will be able to cast their ballots in the November election amid catastrophic damage and flooding from Hurricane Helene.

With almost one month until the election, officials tell ABC News that damage to polling places and disruptions to the U.S. Postal Service could make it challenging for voters -- and they are working to find solutions.

Politico was giddy, realizing the same, “Helene hit Trump strongholds in Georgia and North Carolina. It could swing the election.” Politico’s fantasy.

Barack Obama’s campaign strategist and mouthpiece David Axelrod agreed:

Axelrod said Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina are mainly Trump voters who will find it hard to vote in the 2024 election.

Even former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy concurred:

“The floods caused by Hurricane Helene could hinder the mailing and counting of ballots from Republican voters ahead of the November election.”

How about that?

Was this simply good luck for Democrats or something more?

Let’s go down one more rabbit hole, weather control or modification. Is this tin foil hat stuff or does such technology exist?

Here is a list of numerous patents granted for cloud seedingweather modificationrain cloud productionrainfall inductionhurricane direction, and a method for controlling hurricanes.  

CBS News reported 11 years ago that the militaries of the U.S., Russia, and China allegedly used lasers to control the weather, suggesting that we did this during the Vietnam War to create monsoons.

I say “allegedly” as such technology will be kept under tight wraps. Watch this CBS interview with Michio Kaku, a physics professor from the City College of New York explaining the technology.

Do these devices work? Who knows, but patents were granted. And these are private patents. They are not government programs or research, like aliens and UFOs, subjects that Congress has held hearings about recently. How open is the government about these subjects?

If the government had such technology, would they advertise it? Think MK-Ultra or Project Mockingbird, real CIA programs said to have not existed or long ago ended.

You can take off your tin foil hat now. Hurricane Helene will almost certainly affect the election, as ABC News, Politico, David Axelrod, and Kevin McCarthy noted above.

Will it suppress Trump voters? Or will Harris/Biden incompetence sway marginal voters toward Trump? What will the net effect be? Another potential hurricane (Milton) is heading to Florida at the time of this writing. How will that strain already tapped out resources?

Are these storms one of the anticipated October surprises designed to influence the upcoming presidential election? It sure looks that way.

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