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August 11, 2024

Replacing Biden With Kamala, Who Received Not One Primary Vote, Reminds Us That  'In Politics, Nothing Happens By Accident. If It Happens, You Can Bet It Was Planned That Way.'

By Alan Barton -  All News Pipeline

Some things seem to happen very rapidly. Perhaps too rapidly for circumstantial relevance proving the adage that NOTHING happens in politics by happenstance. If it happens, it was planned that way. Of course the old quote by FDR is brought up when that idea is in focus, and the full quote is “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” And also “of course”, the left seems to want to play with any truthfulness of things and so they wrote that this quote is not real, that the actual words were “Yes, we are on our way back— not just by pure chance, my friends, not just by a turn of the wheel, of the cycle. We are coming back more soundly than ever before because we are planning it that way. Don't let anybody tell you differently.” I do not care enough to figure out what is real with these, they both say close enough to the point I wish to make.

Whatever, the intent is still the same. Although I agree with that adage, I also realize that no matter how careful and thorough the planning may be, things happen to thwart or modify those plans. One incidence of that may be illustrated by some recent events that leave me puzzled. Please, allow me to briefly try to explain.

After the disastrous Trump versus Biden performance that just about everyone with any brains called prior to that so called “debate” which was actually a proof of performance test for the American public to witness and agree that he should be removed from the campaign, things went from interesting to astounding in no time at all it seemed. All are indicative of a planned operation being in effect.
That debate was on June 27, 2024. Less than three weeks later, Biden was in Las Vegas at a rally trying to garner support and to speak at a UnidosUS convention touting how much the “Latinos” contribute to our nation. He did not get to that event.
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department originally said that Biden was sick and they started shutting down roads leading to the UMC hospital in Las Vegas, but the Secret Service told them he would be going immediately to the airport to be flown or “Medivac” to John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland. Please note that Air Force One has a permanent doctor on board and full emergency medical facilities for just such possibilities including an operating table and is sometimes referred to as the Air Force One Medical Annex.

The official word is that Biden left Las Vegas after suffering from symptoms of Covid. In other words, just those of a common cold or mild flu, but that is evidently not the truth as the rapidity and intensity of the reactions defies such an odd problem even for someone in their eighty first year of life. No, something else is at work here.

The options that seem to have the greatest traction are that he had a mild stroke or at least a TIA.  Those things I understand first hand, and can be lethal if not treated quickly and the indications can vary widely so it may be difficult to determine without seeing the actual medical records; which I doubt are available for anyone at all to see except his immediate doctors.  The first clue is the Las Vegas video showing him walk up the short stairs into Air Force One where he is going so much slower than his usual, not even trying to look spry and seeming to have a lot of difficulty doing so.  The fact that he was not accompanied up those stairs is concerning as well. 

Comparing that video to the next days where a much taller Biden all but sprinted up the stairs is a remarkable feat, even a true miracle.  Amazing how an overnight stay in a medical facility can make one grow by about 6 inches or so; yet more proof of a true miracle in his health.

A Sky News video report I can only find in an MSN posting exemplifies that concern, and still other sources like Snopes and FactCheck claim the expected and obvious retort that of course he only had symptoms of Covid, with mild symptoms that have been treated.  With so many online doctors assuming that he has Parkinson’s based on his obvious symptoms, the idea that he has neurological problems is most evident and likely in addition to his dementia like mental degenerative symptoms.  That there is something very wrong with that mans health is an understatement. 

The Western Journal stated the question nicely when they headlined “Explosive Report: Biden Suffered Major Medical Emergency Just Before He Disappeared from Public” and as reported in The Dossier, Charlie Kirk said he got a call close to LV Metro that the Secret Service told them there was an “emergency situation” that needed immediate action.  That is not what a mild cold would have triggered.  Red State news also said they confirmed the same thing with their own sources within LV Metro. Jennifer Van Laar wrote  Van Laa“Reporters at @RedState have also confirmed this story with [Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department] sources,"van Laar wrote. "An additional source (not a medical person) in a position to know tells me that Biden had stroke-like symptoms (but did not elaborate as to what those were), but when the doc traveling w/Biden determined it wasn't a 'full stroke' they could treat on AF1 en route to Andrews, the motorcade diverted to the airport.

"According to this source, it's believed Biden had a transient ischemic attack (TIA).” 

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Having been through TIA’s and a full on stoke, I can testify that is far more believable and better fits the pattern shown in the actual events.  As those severely irritating TV sales ads say, “WAIT!  There is more”.  

Police audio from that day also suggest Biden had a major medical emergency and not just a mild cold symptom.  Townhall reported that “Las Vegas police were dispatched to close roads so the president could seek treatment at the University Medical Center. Biden never went to the hospital; his motorcade abruptly changed to divert to the airport where he hightailed out of the state. The allegation is that the president suffered a ‘transient ischemic attack,’ or mini-stroke. When it was determined that he could be treated on the airplane, the plans for departure changed.”

PJ Media went a bit further showing how the police radio reports (links to those audios available) indicated that “UMC’s CEO Mason Van Houweling told KSNV that the hospital set up an incident command center in anticipation of Biden's arrival. 
"We knew we were dealing with more of a medical issue—definitely trauma and any accidents were off the table.”  And that is also not done for the symptoms of a mild cold they claim were “MILD Covid symptoms”.  You do not put an entire hospital on standby for a mild cold, not even for the President.
Red State reported that “Audio from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department's protective detail for President Joe Biden on July 17 …. confirm RedState's reporting that Biden was first headed to University Medical Center, a trauma center, after he suddenly canceled a speaking engagement due to illness, then suddenly diverted directly to Harry Reid International Airport.” and “officers are requested to respond Code 3, meaning in an emergency response posture.” Something smells foul in the old fish chum bucket.

Four days after July 17 when Biden suddenly left Las Vegas, on July 21st Kamala Harris announces her campaign for the presidency, a wee bit later within the same day when Biden announces at 11:46 AM he is quitting his campaign for re-election.  That timing proves that things were already well setup prior to them happening.  One does not suddenly announce such a thing as a presidential campaign and have everything already in place over a lunch break.  The obvious conclusion is that this is a well planned and expertly executed coup within the democrat party.  Especially when we are speaking about a woman who has limited intelligence and cannot even keep a conversation or interview consistent on one topic without giggling and making such inept remarks that people are astonished at her lack of knowledge and low IQ.  

This would also answer the question as to why Biden was slurring his speech when speaking to Kamala’s campaign staff a couple of days later.  Townhall stated that “he called into Kamala Harris’ campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, where the president sounded like death. It goes beyond COVID; the slurred speech was evident on speakerphone.”  And with may reports that Biden did not actually speak on the phone live, but that it was a recording of him. 

“A credible source in a position to know, but who is not a medical professional, tells RedState that Biden displayed stroke-type symptoms leading to that decision to rush him to UMC,” added Laar. It was determined that the president could be treated aboard Air Force One since it wasn't a full stroke. 
Reporters from The New York Times and the BBC, while not reporting on the alleged TIA attack, did note the physical and mental changes. At the same time, Biden reportedly appeared energetic on this trip on July 16, but everything changed the following day.” 
The arguments over whether it was Nancy Pelosi or her boss Berri Obama that was in the lead on this are not that important as it is certain that it was the democrat party working in unison to accomplish the changes.  From being known as a flat backing tool and a complete bimbo to overnight becoming one of the smartest and brightest stars of the democrat party is truly remarkable.  The total about face in how she is treated even leaves behind in the dust how the tables turned against Biden after his catastrophic failure in the debates with Trump.  It seems she deserves that old “Fickle Finger of Fate” award for this performance as well as the media because of how perfectly they followed their predetermined lines and queues to make it seem as though it were choreographed on a much higher plane than just mere politics.  Yes, it is all well planned and in advance so everyone can play his role without fault. 

Couple this with his remarks that he would leave office if he had some medical issue, and the stage is set to have him removed not just from the campaign but from the office as well in the very near future; thus fulfilling the 2 Esdras 11-12 prophecies concerning him.  With his medical problems so well known and the fact he is just an Obama puppet, his removal from office is just around the corner.  

In an excellent article by the American Thinker titled “Assassination Politics and the Abrupt Advent of Kamala Harris, a Query” we read that “yes, a “they” behind the shots that almost killed Trump; a hostile CIA/FBI/DOJ knows it is the Deep State that Trump promises to eliminate….. There’s been an obvious breakdown of Biden’s coalition, with no reason given from Biden on why he’s out. Biden’s very presidency was in immediate peril before July 16, for there were legitimate concerns over his mental state even in his own circles, and now he’s suddenly become a no-candidate, and is essentially a no-president—and we’re now in an unprecedented situation. An un-primaried, un-democratically-nominated, unqualified Kamala, heavily donor-financed via the retreating fiscal backside of Joe Biden is apparently going to be on the Democrat ticket.
Is any of this legal? We’re not clear on that, either. Why Kamala, why now?”  (Please refer to my last column regarding the anti-democratically assigned position of Kamala/Camela as a candidate, and even office holder as such – she is appointed to this position having NOTHING to do with any Democratic Process we know in this once great nation)

This article comes up with interesting reasoning on why Kamala is assigned as the democrat offering; “with Trump still here, “they” forced a Biden resignation and schemed Kamala onto the ticket; we didn’t expect a genius resolution though right? A few months to bury the July 13 stuff and distract the populace with an onslaught of Kamala….. there is nothing fantastical in the hypothesis that the attempted assassination of former and putative President Trump was in fact a poorly executed political operation, if a very reactionary one, within the pressure of unfolding  pre-election events….. This failed attempt on Trump’s life may actually have been the specific breaking point for Biden’s presidency/candidacy: with Trump still alive, Biden has to go. O’Biden’s handlers, and he clearly has them, said enough is enough, we need a new guy; now, there is a man who thinks himself president but has effectively been put to pasture by his own VP.  In Kamala (for now) “they” have their new guy.”

I will note the term “(for now)” and add my voice to that – I doubt she is what they really want, but the upcoming convention will tell the answer to that tale.

This election disaster has been called a real coup by the democrat party against their standing president and Trump agrees stating that he thinks they stole the presidency when he said “I’m no Biden fan, but I’ll tell you what, from a constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint, they took the presidency away.  He already had the delegates to hold the candidacy and they needed something else to remove him from office.  I am wondering if the CIA used any of their known injections or gases to put Biden on the ropes with his TIA mini-stroke in order to remove him from the race and failed to get him out of the office itself.  Keep watching, there is still time for that.  

And then we have the problem that Biden has not been seen in public except for very rare cases when it is far more obvious than normal that it is indeed a puppet and not old Joey himself.  From the far too tall one to the one that looks 30 years younger and leaps and bounds with the youthful energy that is so lacking in the real object of our derision.  So unlike someone that has just had a recent stroke like incident and was barely able to even walk or talk just a few days ago.  They don’t even try to allow a “normal” for old Joe schedule like they used to, being so abbreviated anyway from what is expected of a president.  The Western Journal put it this way;  “the president’s laughable weekly schedule went viral thanks to RealClearPolitics Co-Founder and President Tom Bevan, who called the schedule “truly absurd”” on X wondering if he even works 10 hours per week.   

On the First of August our column was on how Harris had not been elected to anything proving that she is an appointed stand-in or at the very least just a placeholder waiting for whatever they have planned for the Dems convention to see who they will appoint as their newest puppet.  And a recent America First Report evidently agrees with me when they said  “First and foremost, the need for a virtual roll call has already been made obsolete. The three states that had deadlines ahead of the Democrat National Convention have all made pathways for the party to put their nominee on the ballot. Second, it’s noteworthy that Kamala Harris has not received a single vote from a Democrat during a primary. Considering her lack of popularity before Joe Biden abandoned the nomination, it seems nearly impossible for her to have earned the nomination from Democrat voters if a fair and open primary process was observed.”  Not only is Biden never available for an interview or to even be seen in public helping to sway our opinion that he may not even be able to do much at all but that Harris is also being kept under wraps as an incompetent brick in their wall.  Breitbart wondered about her lack of any but completely scripted remarks, not allowing her to be seen for what she really is just as they do with Biden.  

They ended the article with the great question “the entire spectacle makes a mockery of Americans’ claim to self-government. After all, if the person they allegedly elected to serve as president does not actually function as president, then who does?

Although I would say that this whole thing is being orchestrated by Berri H Obama under orders from those in the secret societies actually operating this nation (think things like the CFR and Central Banks) we can look toward the We Love Trump WLT Report story that said “It’s not the Kamala Harris campaign: it’s Obama’s 4th term” and mentioned that several former Obama campaign staffers have joined and are running the Harris campaign pushing out the Biden people” calling it a Bloodbath in Wilmington.  

Breitbart story on the failures of media to engage in any serious interviews with Kamala smacks of incompetence, but the reality is it is by design of the Marxist revolutionaries running those campaigns.  They said “The rarity of the tepid reporting spotlights the media’s failure to secure an interview with Harris. Media outlets typically rush to interview newly nominated presidential candidates, but Kamala Harris appears to be an exception to the rule.
The media has not interviewed Harris on television since June 24, 2024. The last time the press reportedly questioned Harris at a solo news conference was eight months ago on December 2, 2023. 

 “Harris appears to have at least two reasons to avoid unscripted interviews for as long as she can. First, she has a habit of delivering silly word salads. Harris is infamous for spouting odd phrases and explanations for simple ideas….. Second, Harris appears to be trying to navigate policy debates within her own party, Anonymous campaign aides reportedly flipped-flopped on five of her radical-left policies”.  They do not trust either one of them to say something intelligent on their own accord and so they muffle them. 
So, I say that this coup has been in planning for awhile now, and the strange timing of events appears to prove that point.  We are witnessing yet another coup against this nation by those powerful secret societies that run this world, and we the voters have nothing to do with things.  I sincerely wonder if they will even allow the elections to happen or if they will just annul them after the fact as they appear not to be able to accept that we know more about our wants and needs than they do.

This will get more and more interesting, so stay tuned.

God Bless

Biden slurring speech and sounding like he is in very bad health speaking to the Harris campaign staff.

Note: Audio clears up and gets louder when Biden starts talking in the video below.

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