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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

April 24, 2024

Independent Media Under Attack As We Move Towards The 2024 Election And The Globalists Propaganda Media Works To Control Everything You Hear While They Burn The House Down

- 'Critical Thinkers' Being 'Debanked' And Run Out Of Business

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

According to this April 20th story over at CNBC, to live 'comfortably' in the state of Massachusetts, the 'average' family of four, including two adults and two children, needs to make $301,184 annually, the highest in the USA, while in the state of Mississippi that amount is only $177,798 yearly for a family of four, the least in the US, but still an amount of $14,816.50 every month is needed to cover such things as housing and utility costs, food, childcare, and medical care according to statistics from the MIT Living Wage Calculator, still a staggering amount considering the average annual income in Mississippi is only $37,500 per person.

With that CNBC story also reporting that the median annual wage per a family in the US as a whole is $213,782, a good $40,000 over the average family of four in Mississippi but still over $87,000 less than the average family of four in Massachusetts, a separate CNBC story reports to 'live comfortably,' a single person living in 99 of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States needs to make a median income of $93,933 yearly, which comes out to an average of $7,827.75 every month, to cover such expenses as housing and utility costs, 'discretionary spending' while being able to set aside approximately 20% of their income for savings, being able to put aside a chunk 'for a rainy day'.

Reporting that the '50/30/20 budget' recommends that for 'sustainable (there's that word 'sustainable' again) comfort,' 50% of a person's salary should be allocated to needs such as housing, utilities, groceries and transportation; while 30% should go towards 'wants' such as entertainment and hobbies while the remaining 20% goes toward paying off debt, savings or investing,they use those statistics to come up with a pre-tax salary needed by people in 2024 to 'live comfortably,' although those kinds of numbers completely boggle our minds.

With ANP 'pre-COVID' bringing in about $5,000 in an average month and being able to live 'comfortably' bringing in that amount, certainly not making us 'rich' but we've never had the desire to make a whole ton of money but being able to make our rent payment, pay all of our utilities, buy food and even being able to get our precious pup 'Hootie' the medical care that he needs and fix up our truck so that we had working brakes, we can't do ANY of that now since 'big tech' and 'big pharma' began quite literally 'waging war' upon us because we bring to you the kinds of stories that we do.

And as Armstrong Economics reported in this new story that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website on Tuesday, this is happening to Christians all across the board in 2024 with banks now having the ability to financially ruin individuals and organizations without just cause, bypassing every protection awarded to us in the Constitution. It is not only legal but encouraged .,.....!

Simply put, being in the independent media and reporting to you the kinds of stories that we do, even if we've had to put in 60 hours a week researching and writing those stories to being you the kinds of 'truths' that 'big pharma' and 'big government' definitely DO NOT want YOU to hear, definitely DOES NOT pay. And in fact, as we've pointed out in our fundraising note below that we have unfortunately had to change, we're now on the verge of being homeless and ANP just another website that fades into dust because it definitely doesn't pay to research and report 'the truth' in 2024.

And we're definitely not the only independent media website that is constantly under full scale attack as the excellent anti-vax website The Expose is also going through full-scale attacks clearly designed to knock them offline as well. As they state in the note on the top of their website, "IS THIS THE END OF THE EXPOSE?: JUST 7 DAYS REMAIN TO SAVE THE EXPOSE & HELP US EXPAND - We rely solely on your support but less than 0.1% of readers currently support us & The Establishment keeps freezing our funds. So if you like what we do please support us today so we can win our fight against them and remove this annoying banner."

Well ANP is now in the exact same boat The Expose is in.

But this story is not about us, even though we have a story line that fits right in, but about what's happening to people now ALL across America. As Ethan Huff had reported in this recent story over at Natural News, a GIGANTIC financial collapse is coming that will destroy EVERYBODY'S assets, and while it hasn't yet been fully unveiled,the United States has been robbed blind by the powers that be, which have underwritten Americans' financial assets as collateral for the coming pop of the derivative and financial bubble. So yes, according to Paul Craig Roberts, it's just a matter of time now.

(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, we are only days away from going out of business and being homeless. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated. We will no longer be online or have a home without some hefty donations in the next few days)

And with those previously mentioned numbers from those stories over at CNBC clearly not telling us the entire story because they talk them all up in 'sustainable jargon' at a time when Fox News Business just put out this story reporting'2024 will be 'toughest' labor market 'in our lifetime,' how many more Americans are also suffering like us while CNBC and Washington DC try to make things look like all is a bed of roses?

As that Fox News story reports, an "alarming" new study on the future of the labor market puts a spotlight on the lack of employees and a rise in workplace litigation this year.

"The report talks about how 2024, we believe, is going to be one of the most challenging years in the labor market in our lifetime," RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes said in a Fox News Digital exclusive.

"There's a lot of different factors that are driving that. We see population decline. We see baby boomers retiring. We see a Gen Z workforce that is coming in and not doing productive things in the workplace The thing that I think is the most alarming fact, though, in the entire report, and one of our big findings was the amount of litigation that's happening in the American workplace today."

Reporting also that there's a massive explosion of those Gen Z and millennials suffering from 'mental health crises', thus leaving countless employers walking on eggshells due to all of the mental illnesses they bring with them to the workplace, take note that one of the greatest mental health calamities they report are going on in 2024 has to do with the toxicity and division these employees bring with them into the workplace, largely due to their distorted view of reality, due largely to their 'sexual identities'.

A massive problem that definitely WAS NOT around in the workplace back when I was moving through the labor market as back then, MEN KNEW THEY WERE MEN and WOMEN KNEW THEY WERE WOMEN! And of course, that problem that comes along with 'employees' nowadays is leading to an explosion in lawsuits and litigation and chaos because insanely, men nowadays think they're women and women think they're men.

And their report also questions the workplace impact of diversity, equity and inclusion policies. ThatRedBalloon report on DEI found that "the rise of DEI has also coincided with increased disaffection among American workers"because employees were NOT encouraged to "shortcut the hiring process."

I still remember a time when people were hired for a job based on whether or not they could DO that job, and on whether or not they were hard workers, not on whether or not they had the 'right' color of skin or what 'sexual identity' they might be or what brand of 'politics' they followed.

So with the 'reporters' of the 'news' nowadays being largely 'paid' by whether or not they'll report what their employers want them to report, with no importance being given to whether or not they'll report what's 'true,' just imagine an 'America' with NO independent media leading up to the 2024 election.

With the mainstream media clearly wanting to go back to a time where they control everything that Americans hear about and think, because such a thing will surely allow them to control who gets voted into office in November, there has never been a more important time than now.

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ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

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are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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