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September 3, 2022

Whether It Is Fascism, Communism, Despotism Or Totalitarianism, Government Tyranny Is A Declaration Of War Upon Free People, Exactly What The 2nd Amendment Was Created To Prevent

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

As I seem to be of wont to do, a few words need to have their meanings or definitions to be covered first. Definitions can be a bit tricky because these words have multiple definitions that are or have been at some time in vogue, and many are direct opposites of each other so they really do need to be discussed before proceeding with this column. If perchance they do not match your understandings I shall beg forgiveness, but you must understand how I will be using them to follow the train of thought presented. Let us begin with seemingly easy ones like Fascism, Communism, Democracy, Republic and so forth. Perhaps we should take them in the sequence mentioned above, if not for any other reason than it keeps things somewhat in order.


This multiplexed term has good and evil attached and is perhaps the most misunderstood term and is widely used in so many variations of thought that it seems like the multiple personality of words champion. Most people point to Italys Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini as the poster boy because of the mass starvation, deaths, dictatorial sufferings and also because he founded the nationalistFasci di Combattimento. Commonly known as the Fascist Party, Mussolinis new right-wing organization advocated Italian nationalism, had black shirts for uniforms, and launched a program of terrorism and intimidation against its leftist opponents. In October 1922, Mussolini led the Fascists on a march on Rome, and King Emmanuel III, who had little faith in Italys parliamentary government, asked Mussolini to form a new government. Initially, Mussolini, who was appointed prime minister at the head of a three-member Fascist cabinet, cooperated with the Italian parliament, but aided by his brutal police organization he soon became the effective dictator of Italy. That quote is from History dot com and has many errors, as they claim Right-Wing and that is obviously not true. They were in fact socialists (even though they fought the socialists) which are left-wing just as Hitler was a communist and socialist and still they called him right-wing and he also fought the communists (socialists) as well as any good left-wing monster would do.

Mussolini was more of an authoritarian revolutionary than an orthodox Marxist, says Michael R. Ebner, an associate professor of history in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University said another story in History dot com which also notes he left the socialist party just as Hitler did the communist party and both ended up as dictators complete with black shirts, brown shirts and red caps as violent domestic attack squads. By the way, those red caps are Vladimir Lenins boys and perhaps we should note that he was also loved by American big industry and banking leaders just like Benito and Adolf were because they were forcing the agenda of putting the populations under super strict authoritarian controls. It is full control of all industry by the government, and while business may be privately owned, it is not privately operated.

Most popular definitions say that Fascism is generally defined as a political movement that embraces far-right nationalism and the forceful suppression of any opposition, all overseen by an authoritarian government. Fascists strongly oppose Marxism, liberalism and democracy, and believe the state takes precedence over individual interests. They favor centralized rule, often a single party or leader, and embrace the idea of a national rebirth, a new greatness for their country. This quote from CBS News also get the right/left paradigm backwards as dictatorship is far left while far right would be more anarchistic. Full control versus no control may be the better differential terminology. Merriam-Webster gives a much better definition saying a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of theFascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.

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In theory communism is the term for full communal living. All share and share alike as there is no private ownership of anything (que WEF statements) but all live in full fellowship with nothing lacking. Dreams are not reality. In reality the only real operational difference between fascism and communism is that at least the fascists allow for private industry. While there has never been a real, true communist state (but the communists will not acknowledge that truth) there have been many dictatorial horror nations that allow for stopping the inevitable anarchy that would prevail in a true communist nation by actually operating things just like in a fascist dictatorship. The State owns all industry in theory, but in operational communism it is actually the corporations that fund the government and they also control the politics of it all. Just as American (and others) industrial and banking giants bought and paid for the Russian (and other) Communist revolution, the Nazi revolution, and Benitos Fascist revolution, they are doing the same for the current American Revolution we are now witnessing first hand. Communism is just socialism with a totalitarian dictatorship thrown in for fun.

Merriam-Webster give a great definition with these statements; a system in which goods are owned incommonand are available to all as needed.a theory advocating elimination of private property a totalitarian system of government in which a singleauthoritarianparty controls state-owned means of production. There are variations on this theme, but his is the essence of what communism is.


Like Fascism, this one is also highly controversial, or more properly stated, misunderstood and misused in present day speech. Lets start with Merriam-Webster this time around and quote their definition of Democracy. Government by the peopleespeciallyrule of the majority the supreme power isvestedin the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held freeelections. That does seem to be the definition used by most people, but again the actual meaning is a bit different. In a system that is led by the popular vote of the People it inevitably turns very rapidly into total chaos and war among those who would, according to the common associated parable, have the two wolfs vote the one lamb as their dinner. There is neither safety nor order in a true democracy and there can never be any liberty in one. As in the theoretical world of the communist system it ends in a totalitarian dictatorship after a very violent revolution and war. They make one mistake that is the cause of the misunderstanding of the real definition and why so many refer to the United States as a Democracy. That is the or indirectly through a system of representation which they infer is what we operate under. A representational government is a method or process of enabling the citizenry, or some of them, to participate in the shaping of legislation and governmental policy through deputies chosen by them. That is closer to what we are supposed to be operating under but it is still not quite right.

A bit more accurate is this definition, historically denoted a system in which people elect their lawmakers (representatives), who are then held accountable to them for their activity within government. Representative government, or the "republican form," as it is also known, has been widely accepted as the only practicable form of democracy. The only practical form of democracy, really? Ok, I suppose we have mutton for dinner tonight so lets look at the fourth term to get closer to what we really are, or are supposed to be.


Merriam-Webster again; a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law. Legal Dictionary defines it a bit more clearly when they said A republic is a system of government wherein the people elect representatives to make their decisions for them, such as Congress in the United States. This type of government does not have a king or queen, or any inheritedmonarchy. Rather, the leader of a republic is elected, as is the U.S. President. This is the different from a democracy, which is a system of government wherein people make their own decisions on important issues by voting for or against them. The difference is primarily in the term Representatives and we are not a strict Republic either. We are neither a Democracy nor a Republic because there is one major function missing from those definitions that must be added to describe what our nation was built on and what makes us different than any other government that has ever existed.

And that difference is the LAW. We have a foundational law that governs not only the activities of the People but the allowable actions of the government itself. The term that covers that method of government is a Constitutional Republic. This includes the primary law as well as the representational form of a democracy, or rather, a Republic. A Reprehensive form of a Constitutional Republic one might say, but phrase has a built in redundancy because a Republic includes the representative form. Our constitution is built on the back of our Declaration of Independence which distances and divorces us from the monarchical dictatorship of the old Crown of England. The Declaration gives the promise of a form of Liberty and the Constitution is the means to accomplish that end.

I bring up these definitions of terms to bring to a sharp point of focus the actions taken to forcefully remove us from our Liberties and God given Constitution. We are in the midst of a revolution. Call it a Communist revolution if you want (and I do call it that) but in reality it is closer to a Fascist revolution and since there is so little difference between those terms, I will rely on the fact that our industry is privately owned (just like in the actual implementation of communism) but completely under the thumbs of the dictatorial government. Well, maybe I missed the truth on that one because although it appears that is the case, in reality it is the strongest corporations running the government. Remember that Money Rules. Power is function of wealth. Military might is a function of wealth. And where does that wealth originate? From the control of the money supply that allows farmers to farm, industry to be developed, government to operate. From those that control the military might of nations, the power that controls the worlds governments and who they operate and how they allow the People to feed, clothe and shelter themselves. Just as in the various revolutions mentioned earlier that put in place the worlds worst dictatorships whether communist, fascist, democratic or otherwise, remember ultimately that It is the central bankers exemplified by the infamous de Rothschilds that determine whether or not one nation succeeds as a nation or not.

While listening to and reading through some speeches by some of the worlds worst dictators one thing has become most prominent in my mind; that we are witnessing exactly what has been done before. There is nothing new under the sun is still a trite phrase, but rings true today in the aftermath of the worst speech ever given by what is called an American President. FJB, also known as Lets Go Brandon and as I refer to him as, ScheierKopf (s***head), the degenerate pedophile and head of the Biden Crime Family infesting our nations capitol rendered his evil diatribe so full of lies, accusations against the nations people, outrageous and outlandish claims and accusations that I can hardly find the will to bring much of it up. I wonder who wrote it for him as we all full well know that his demented and dementia ravaged brain cannot do so on its own. Susan Rice? Barry Obama? Some conglomerate of radical anti-American misfits or college campus communist revolutionaries? It is patterned after those same speeches given by tyrannical dictators of history, almost line for line and with the same psychological attributers of raised clenched fists, hard brow furrowing, tight throat muscles showing strained speech, severe anger in his inflamed eyes just like those of Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mussolini, Obama, and on and on.

Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden really has crossed over into a dangerous place

we need F-15s he said -

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