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April 8, 2023

With America And Christianity Under All Out Attack, Enemies Of America Within And Without Are Accelerating End Time Events Which Are Now Underway

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

While growing up in the 1950’s (assuming I actual ever “grew up”, I have some sisters that would argue that point) the prevalent TV shows seemed to me to have been Cowboy shows.  And cowboy movies abounded as well; it seems that so many of the movies from the 1930’s through the 1960’s or thereabouts were cowboy movies, it is difficult to find the monster movies that were also running.   Cowboys and Indians, cowboys and other cowboys, cowboys and sheriffs, cowboys and battling the harsh western environs including battling Mexican gangs, cowboys and armed robberies of stage coaches and banks.  Many others were just on cowboys singing to their cowgirls.  About seventy years ago my hero was Hopalong Cassidy and I still have my ancient Howdy Doody marionette and the strings are still messed up in a knotted pile just as they were for as long as I can remember.

Then there were the musicians.  True, I still love the old Big Bands and early Rock and Roll, but it is the cowboy music my parents played so much that I remember more.  My mother used to play on the radio classical music and operas, and with her beautiful voice she sang at least as well as any operatic star; but when we were all together it is country music that was played so often in the home.  As an aside, my mother also sang a lot of them around the house and later on I found out she also sang for a western band way back when I was just a sparkle in her eye.  Ah, the good old days when life was simple, when society was more or less sane, when we had a stable foundation to base our lives on.

One image that is burned into my memory forever is the one with the wagon train being attacked by those ever present Indians and the wagons being circled around to present a better defensive posture that sometimes worked and sometimes did not work to stave off the impending doom of slaughter.  When we would go camping with larger groups, such as with visiting family and friends or neighbors, there would be one central campfire with the tents and the cars and trucks circled around them which always made me feel safer as that encircled group seemed a mighty fortress to me, reminiscent of the cowboy wagon train circles.  No matter what kinds of Indians or outsiders or even marauding beasts from the surrounding wilds could penetrate our defensive position.  By the time I was in early elementary school those days ended as all of the parents seemed to require other duties looked after.  One of the greater pains of maturity I suppose.  But those days are never forgotten.  Deer hunting or fishing with my dad and his buddies or my uncles never seemed to come up to the visions of earlier times.

Whether or not the old timers actually circled the wagons when attacked is an open debate online, though they do agree that the purpose was to hedge in the animal stock to help keep them from straying.

“Circle the Wagons” as defined by Cambridge Dictionary is to “join together in order to protect yourselves against attack, criticism, or danger”. That is clear enough and also fits what I have always believed as well. The Free Dictionary has a few other points that may better or further explain the usage of that phrase “To become defensiveTo confer only with people within a trusted group … If a group of people who are in difficulty or danger circle the wagons, they unite in order to protect themselves and fight whoever is attacking them”. Note the line about a trusted group and consider what that may entail. Used as a metaphor for circles is also covered by Ralph Waldo Emerson when he said “the life of man is a self-evolving circle, which, from a ring imperceptibly small, rushes on all sides outwards to new and larger circles, and that without end. The extent to which this generation of circles, wheel without wheel, will go, depends on the force or truth of the individual soul." When we are born we enter the world views of our parents, and as we grow we become familiar with other often opposing viewpoints. This led Emerson to say “The new statement is always hated by the old, and, to those dwelling in the old, come like an abyss of skepticism.”

Emerson argued that truths are all about perspective, and to a large degree I agree.  What I strongly disagree with him on is his statement that “No facts are to me sacred; none are profane” and “No truth so sublime but it may be trivial tomorrow in the light of new thoughts.”  No Ralph, there are indeed some absolute truths that cannot be subverted.  Those based on the laws of our Creator such as the immutable laws of physics (of which there are actually very few) such as the Laws of Entropy and those of heat energy are actual laws which means they cannot be changed.  What the word “science” means is to come up with a theory, find a way to test that theory, and if it ALWAYS remains true with no variation allowed (other than variances in testing procedures and measurement allowance) then it becomes a law of science.  Most of what is advertised as a law of nature or physics or science or whatever is not a “law” but an opinion or a declaration that someone knows or is attempting to make you believe that they know more than you do.  Laws are immutable, opinions are not.  The law of gravity is immutable but that does not mean there are ways to temporarily circumvent it, such as the flight of an aircraft demonstrates well.  Stop the power infusion that gives it enough speed to allow the airflow over its wings to keep it aloft and it succumbs to the law of gravity and ends its flight, usually disastrously.   

The laws of society change often and rapidly at times.  What is legal today may not be tomorrow and social morays are also in constant flux.  The history of this planet abounds in excellent examples of that rule.  NOT a law, but a rule.  The mores of people have developed in a way seemingly not as we might suppose but as circumstance may dictate.  In that Emerson was on track, but his suggestion that we must be able to accept those changes in incorrect.  I will admit that often it is wise to allow some changes, but history tells us that to do so without very good reason is not only dangerous but lethal to not only our person but the whole society.  Religious, political, philosophical and moral changes are the more obvious ones, but many others are involved on the changing world around us.  They all differ within various groups around the world and within any specific ones there are often strict systems in place to negate or regulate much of that change.  One example might be derived from the definition of a Republic.

A quick look at a couple of entries for the definition of a Republic shows some very obvious recent changes in that definition.  The definition I used in an article just over a year ago stated “a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law and while it still has that phrase in it, that it is NOT in the primary definition of the word.  Perhaps the primary problem is that I am referencing our Republic, which is more correctly termed a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.  The very name implies that a LAW is involved, not just some representatives voting on what to do with those pesky Citizens, but that they must follow a LAW. Perhaps not one as immutable as are the laws of Nature, but it should be close enough that it takes some massive changes to modify that law.  Please note that the phrase in our Declaration of Independence is that we are basing our laws on “the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them” implying that our fundamental laws are indeed based on our Creators laws.  Again, our Constitution is not just opinions but based on actual immutable Laws of Nature and its Creator, our God. 


The enemies of God, the enemies of our law, the enemies of our Liberty and even our very lives are rampaging around our wagon train.  They are doing all they can to murder us, to engage in a mass slaughter that may end up in comparison so monstrous as to make all of this planets history seem as weak as Bud Light beer.  The attacks on our medical systems, even by those same medical systems; the attacks on our God Given rights of freedom of speech, of religion and even our very thoughts is so atrocious that it is reminiscent of history’s worst atrocities as it comes together.  On the destruction of the nuclear family, of the very moral and natural aspects of the bodies that our Creator has given us.  On the future where we are looking at possible nuclear annihilation if the other weapons of mass destruction don’t get us first (yes, I am implying the bio-weapons employed to wipe out the Earths inhabitants).  On the PLANNED destruction of this, perhaps arguably the greatest nation that has ever existed on this Earth.  On the deliberate destruction of our biosphere with weather modifications, DNA modifications, radical social changes that boggle the mind. 

As things progress, may I suggest that we find ways to circle our wagons up to provide a defense.  The most obvious one is to employ that God who gave us our lives and to go into and change those churches that are now linking up with the Lucifarians to annihilate the peace and love that our Creator has developed for us.  Reading so many stories on how out of whack so many churches have decayed is most disturbing.  Never allow the schools to teach our precious children that they can change their sex, and want to mutilate them beyond repair both physically and emotionally and force pornography and sin upon them.  That is absolutely evil beyond compare.  And I did not mention harvesting their organs for the elite’s organ transplants, for harvesting their blood for their adrenachrome and satanic rites.  It is all going on right in front of our faces and they lie directly to our faces about it.  The very political leaders that are supposed to protect us are enslaving us, are murdering us in massive numbers, they are protected by their ability to twist the laws so that only the real humans are prosecuted and not the actual vile creatures, which they are.  All to fulfill Satan’s call that only he can save them and that he does not even exist, which is perhaps the greatest lie of all.   They KNOW he does and that is why they now openly worship him.

It is all around us; it permeates the very fabric of our mutated society.  We MUST circle our wagons to protect ourselves even under their threat of obliterating us if we do so.  There are more of us that of them, so do not give up the fight.  NO, I am NOT suggesting we war upon them physically, but that we arm ourselves with knowledge, with the strength of our God and with mighty prayer and true repentance meaning we change our own ways to match those that God has given us to live under, that we can obtain strength we never knew we had because our Creator is on our side.  We cannot survive without that change in us as the Satanists, the Lucifarians are too strong.  The end times are very near so prepare accordingly.

God Bless –

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